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Everything posted by crookedspire

  1. 14 pounds its the entrance fee to ' Boilerhouse' sauna former ' Bronx' what do you get for your money? Well a bit changed sauna not placed in the best part of town hard to get too 14 pounds buys quite a bit of food or part pays a bill. Sheffield is a poor city no doubt someone will dismiss that as rubbish . I say goodluck to them the last owner sold the sauna for a reason.
  2. Just another day in Sheffield its all getting too common place.
  3. You can take figures bend and twist them as much as you like to suit your political ideology its all about winning votes.
  4. Theresa May will be the next Prime Minster the other lady has dropped out.
  5. Has the Wordsworth Tavern closed, might be the wrong pub but I heard a car went into the closed pub?
  6. The ' Big Gun' on the Wicker has Stones ale on . Its been a while since Iv been though , ' Hen and Chicken's' used to have it.
  7. Iv not decided what political ideology I believe in! I don't think its black or white with this anymore I might agree with an idea but don't support the party its all fun and games when I vote .☺
  8. During the Second World War the Soviet Army had female soldiers due to the shortage of men they proved they were as capable as men and just has brave. I remember when the ban was lifted on gays serving in UK forces the same arguments were made the voice's of doom were out in force all turned out to be incorrect.
  9. The ban on women fighting on the front line has been lifted. Women already play an important role in the Armed Forces mostly in the medical corps the only area left was front Iine operations personally if they are prepared to have a go why not though I suspected the ' old school 'will not like it.
  10. Has that University got a thing for demolishing old buildings?
  11. Never went in the New Inn or the Labour Club only the Link and the Parkway Tavern. The New Inn must have been shut at least four years now.
  12. I don't like digital scales they never give the reading I want ! Instead of scales you could try measuring yourself around the stomach and keep a record to see if any weight loss has happened. Remembered men put on weight around the stomach just an idea.
  13. Thanks Brain, About mid 2011 I was in the area with my camera taking a few photos of Park Hill flats after doing this had a walk up Duke Street then passed the now closed New Inn . Then I noticed further up an outline of a flat roofed building with overgrown foliage been a Urban Explorer had to have a look. Their was pole that clearly once held a pub sign then looked at the building itself you could see the outlines of a name - ' Earl Francis' it was clear the pub had been closed some years. At that time their was a window missing ( glass wall blocks ) you could see the inside the walls were dark wooden panelling very 1960s but the bar was missing along with any seating.
  14. Iv heard of Mitchell and Butler they still are in business mostly as a pubco. Most brewery's were merged in the end making it hard to understand who owns what. So far it seems Ansells didn't make it this far up North. I went to Ilkeston yesterday noticed a couple of derelict pubs with the Ansells signs so wounded if they had any pubs in Sheffield. For what Iv read Ansell's mild was very popular with the customers.
  15. About a couple of months ago I went up to the site of the now demolished Hyde Park flats main block , on a slope with a walkway in front I found two signs for a buried toilet block. In the same style of writing that still can be seen in the derelict section of Park Hill flats complex in red and made of metal were ' Gentleman' and ' Ladies' on a white tiled background. Also noted some remains of concrete railings above the site of the toilets and a few concrete ramps here and their.
  16. Other localish breweries were Shipptons of Nottinghamshire , Mansfield brewery ( Pike a Heron , Tinsley was one of their houses ) Hammond' s don't know anything about their history but have seen it advertised in old photos. Robinson's of Manchester but seen it's rival Boddington's in and around Sheffield over the years.
  17. What about the derelict section of Park Hill flats lifeless and barren of life. East end of the city has a few barren spots if dereliction comes into it try a few Urbex sites.
  18. Is their a market for drag queen acts in Sheffield like it or not it boils down to money?
  19. The brewery was based in Birmingham they did have a few pubs in south Derbyshire non in Chesterfield but were their any pubs in Sheffield?
  20. Is it April fools day already ? The SNP must scraping the bottom of the barrel.
  21. Your living in the past no one wants drag queens anymore , why should gay people be only restricted to gay pubs who over charge on drinks and give nothing in return? . The Cossack in the end was a dead duck Attercliffe had its day by the late 1990s time to move mate.
  22. This is where I got off this forum. The people decided they wanted ' out' it was a fair vote both sides had they say did their best to show their side of the story. Leave won now let's move on as a untied people not as a divided people together we are strong .
  23. If they want to go it alone let them I couldn't care less.
  24. Any progress on this pub yet, on Sheffield History site their is a photo of the inside of pub as it now complete with abandoned Land Rover ?
  25. What if the vote ends up with a 50/50 half remain the other half out. Any ideas?
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