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Everything posted by crookedspire

  1. Sheffield used to have a great scene the cold truth is no one can afford to go out like they used to . I really feel for the younger generation only have the Internet for company crap if you ask me .
  2. I like watching YouTube especially Urban Exploration video's their is a very good about Sheffield's industrial past done by some guys from one of the universities. I often wounded what it is like to have a channel myself is it hard to upload videos how much helpful is YouTube things like that?
  3. Off topic a bit , On this thread someone said that the ' City Ambassadors' had been finished I remember them with their red jacket's patroling the city centre not sure if they patrolled the affected area or not but they did make the city centre a bit safer and plus the tourists find them helpful shame. People need to aware of what's happening if they read this thread then they know what expect and find other ways to their destination . I used to visit Sheffield often and had to go though this square to get the tram been disabled I'm as easy target . I would notice a group sat on the old post office steps watching everyone go by plus some like to sit on that road island with its seats not really welcoming is it? Could you contact a local MP about these issues it really does need looking at?
  4. Iv seen this myself it doesn't look good for the city another problem is the bus station just down the road unless you going the other way towards the market you can't really avoid them. In my deleted post I posted if they started on people like me I wouldn't stand a chance . Its time something is done its simply not fair on people .
  5. The last I heard about this pub it had been on fire while someone was turning into a shop.
  6. Timbertop pub to me is a odd looking pub built in the 1960s (?) an era that produced similar pub's like the Horse and Lion on Norfolk Park with its futuristic roofline. Been told that Timbertop had a fountain in one of it's rooms when it first opened . Is the Timbertop still open I know theirs been problems in the past ?
  7. If they had built a underground railway would it improve Sheffield' s public transport , would they have built the 'Supertram' ?
  8. Iv meet the ' Beast of Bolsover' as the locals nickname him a pleasant man straight to the point wish we had more of the Dennis Skinner type on the block.
  9. Another bit of Sheffield' s cultural history bites the dust love or hate it Niche did have an impact on the music scene.
  10. Is the Arbourthorne Hotel still up or been flattened yet I know its been closed for a while now?
  11. I have a friend who is looking for a dentist who can straighten teeth. For what Iv been told their will be a few problems involved so will need someone who has a lot of experience also need a wheelchair access so no upstairs practices only on one level ones. Not sure how ture this is does Sheffield have a dental / training hospital ?
  12. Something to looked forward another petrol station no doubt the same boring design seen elsewhere. Unlike the familiar Elm Tree façade.
  13. I think it was called ' Bar Latino' didn't last that long. Its now ' Rocking Chair' .
  14. Really more shops sell alcohol now than ever before so easy to get hold of unlike in the past. ---------- Post added 14-05-2016 at 16:21 ---------- I wish
  15. The problem with alcohol is too easy to get hold of its everywhere unlike in the past where only pubs and off licenses were allowed to sell it . Its easy to get hooked on it too perhaps its time to prune back on shops selling alcohol easy said than done as shops want to sell it has it brings in a nice profit.
  16. With regardeds to Dempsey's what are the plans for the site , I'm going back here when plans were first draw up for the Moor redevelopment the araa where the pub is was to be leveled and replaced with a square and a skyscraper and for many years Dempsey's future hung in the balance? If Dempsey's is going to be only open at night it will need take in serious money to stay in business .
  17. Unfortunately came down in January for a petrol station well that's the rumor.
  18. Well I miss Elm Tree pub it made things lively up their.
  19. I think will build my Anderson shelter and sing ' Rule Britannia' and God bless the Queen.
  20. Why not go up their and visit at different times to get a feel for the place . People will tell you its this and that nothing better than to getting talking to the locals who will tell you how it is.
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