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Everything posted by crookedspire

  1. I seem to recall their was a nightclub or pub on Charles Street briefly a gay venue . The name Charles Street Club I seem to think it may have called been closed for years?
  2. The drift from the article was one lady and her daughter nothing mentioned about a husband. For the sake of argument we say three people . Husband, wife and child.
  3. A lady claims she can live on £25 a week on food and freezes most what she buys which is already reduced. So their £25 on the table thats your allowance for the week could you do it and how would you do it?
  4. From the 16th April until 8th May various sites will be holding events around the digital arts. Moore Street Substation ,Link pub, Dina , and more .
  5. Go to the Police the next girl might not be so lucky.
  6. Iv been to Park Hill flats many times to record the changing face of the complex. In all that time Iv never seen a opening date stone or anything else if I had I would have photoed it as part of its history. My feeling is its been demolished which is a real shame .
  7. On a website called ' Urban Timewrap ' theirs a few photos showing a flat been used as a set for ' This Is England 90' at Park Hill . I think that were Iv got this idea from about a restored flat from in fact its a film set ! Iv been to Weston Park Museum a while back will go again for the Reimaged exhibition.
  8. Is their a flat in the Park Hill flats complex that has been restored to what it looked like when it was first lived in and furnished with 1960s items . How do you get access to this flat when Iv been up to Park Hill everything is sealed off now ?
  9. Attercliffe has had new pavements and street lighting done a few years ago yes some buildings could do with a little TLC but its not that bad . Some of the other stone built buildings down their are very nice indeed they give the area its indenity if it was completely cleated cleared away and replaced by any where buildings Sheffield would have lost some of its history . Attercliffe could easily become a out of town shopping area use some of the scrap land for car parks even a small market could be found a home. The tram stop is close by a few buses still run though Attercliffe .
  10. Both the former Burton building and the Adelphi were up for sale a while back both were sold. So somebody out their thought they were worth buying. As for Attercliffe wasn't their some grand plans to build housing and other projects?
  11. Its not just Sheffield that's changed every where has it reflects the times we live in. When I visit Sheffield I don't feel unsafe as I mostly stick to the city centre anyway . I would say Derby or Manchester are worse .
  12. Attercliffe had the demo treatment thirty odd years ago I really don't think it needs yet more of what's all ready been done. The Adelphi is a gem of a building and could easily be reused along with the Burton building because its old doesn't mean it should be written off with that train of thought we should have demolished the Tower of London many years ago. ---------- Post added 17-04-2016 at 07:45 ---------- Do get your point about modern buildings but so many are really bland and characterless and the same design .
  13. Iv got piles of photos of demolished buildings not just Sheffield but also Chesterfield. I know change happens but we have lost far too much . Sheffield buildings they should have retained : Grand Hotel, Hole in the Wall pub to name a few.Buildings that are under threat like the old citadel on Cross Burgess Street , Record Ridgeway tool works and Queens Hotel could be all reused but instead left to fall down they all tell a story.
  14. Last time I had the misfortune to use a public phone box it cost me 60p !
  15. Please try again said by the BT lady as I hung up in a public phone box . Who was the lady who said these words back then it cost the princely sum of 20 p per call unlike now .
  16. Wonderful mate what about the price let's face facts we only got so much to spend.
  17. So you think the tradition British boozer has a Rosie future do enlighten me on this ?
  18. OK let's updater things do any gay venus do gay dating nights?
  19. You said closed pub are reopening should be sound could go back to my local Parkway Tavern soon.
  20. So with that train of thought the Market Tavern and Cannon should be reopening soon now that could be interesting!
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