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Everything posted by crookedspire

  1. Let's get the record straight here lady , if beyond all doubt they guilty they should hang full stop sorry if that upsets your higher morality !
  2. So killing a baby like the recent case is down to mental health well hell yeah let's release all killers after all its down to mental health what a load of ....!
  3. Rubbish mate too many murders time for a hard line approach typical do holder answer
  4. I think I will stick with the Hen and Chickens at least you get served in their.
  5. The one Wicker pub I never set foot in I don't recall it been open when drinking down their. Any ideas when it closed and what was it like inside its now used as a food outlet?
  6. Yes the Cossack is now history closed in late 2003 , what a small pub with its central U- shaped bar. It came down in August 2007 to be replaced with lawns how exciting is that? I remember going down Attercliffe to Planet or Barcelona and if time went to Av It pub so many places to go its hard to believe. I'm too young to have gone in the Hole In The Wall pub but have heard many stories about it what a shame its all gone instead we sit in front of computers and not mixing like we did back then time for me to go under my rock.
  7. Instead of a clean sweep wholesale demolition of the area why not reuse the better buildings and replace the ugly with quality new builds. The project might have more of a chance in going forward than the standstill we have present. Independent shops could work well in the smaller units and new paving like what's been already done on the Moor?
  8. Recently read a bit about the Link pub at Park Hill flats it claimed that the pub was once the most notorious in the UK along with the Scottish Queen. Also read it was the opposite of that too. Did the Link start well then went the same way as the Cannon I only went in once it was empty then a bit after it shut down ?
  9. When I was younger I did think about joining the Merchant Navy and sailing the seven seas alas I didn't join. Is their anyone on here in the Merchant Navy or has family in it I'm just curious to know how it works in regarding employment and the up and downs of it?
  10. As part of Art Space program to be held this month the derelict Link pub at Park Hill flats will be used by the DJ Mark Fells to board cast recordings from 1992 illegal radio station.
  11. Me thinks Cameron heading for a fall as the old saying goes give them enough rope they hang themselves. Sheffield has a great history it should be pride of it steelmaking is part of that and its future if given the chance ,the younger generation need real jobs and a future its asking no more than what previous generations had.
  12. Was it ture that someone ran a illegal radio station from Park Hill in 1992? If ture what music did they play and what happened to them?
  13. In short we have sold out to anyone willing to pay the price.
  14. Over ten years ago I had a accident that changed my life things were bleak I need a hobby . I noticed that many pubs in my area were closing and often followed by demolition someone suggested perhaps thinking it would give me something to do why not photo pubs ? This was a match made in heaven me been into local history and it give me something to do that would take my mind of things. Back then I didn't own a digital camera so used disposable cameras they were OK for outside shots but fell flat for inside photos. By 2007 closures were rising fast as Pubcos were off loading no hope cases it became a race against time as many were sold for housing. The one thing I soon realised was their was very few inside photos of pubs but it was clear my disposable camera was not going to cut it so I took a gamble and brought my first digital camera a Samsung wow the pictures suddley looked all Frank Bailey . A few years in I splashed out and brought a Cannon Power shot perhaps the best camera Iv had so far . Iv breached out to cover derelict places and buildings but pubs remain my main focus. My collection is huge as you can imagine and Iv had requests from anyone from students to would be authors. Does anyone else photo closed pubs or something similar to what I do?
  15. As someone who photos derelict places around North Derbyshire and Sheffield you can not help wounder what became of the people who worked their after the factory gate closed for the last time? All the skills blood sweat and tears to produce products to sell on the world market all gone , now days we need NVQs to stack shelf's in a supermarket our younger generation will never know the job security that their grandparents knew never have the spending power to enjoy life to the full. Instead we have derelict factories as reminders of our past hey day.
  16. Perhaps its worth going to Meadowhall and asking them if they have any record of opening date of Clock Tower pub they may hold records of last tenants?
  17. As much as I admire the Internet and its wealth of information I do think it has made people less sociable and face to face contact difficult for some. A while back I was in a pub nearly everyone was busy looking at their phones doing a text yet years ago everyone would be talking to each other.
  18. Should sex workers have the right to protection - yes , but we need to tackle the drugs trade that often goes in hand with the sex industry.
  19. The tower section still up but the lower wings like the swimming pool area have gone already.
  20. I know that George Lambert is buried at Wardsend Cemetery Hillsborough area he won the Victoria Cross due to his role in the Indian Munity . Does anyone know were exactly he is buried or know a place to find out Iv tired to find twince but it is hard going to say the least?
  21. I'm very sorry to say this has happened to quite a few ex Servicemen. No way to treat brave women and men who are prepared to fight for our rights makes me very angery.
  22. Your not the problem here its the narrow minded believe anything that ' call me Dave ' says after all he can no wrong.
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