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Everything posted by crookedspire

  1. I'm guessing that the Elm Tree was built in the 1930s both were very similar in design. On EBay the old freestanding sign for the Elm Tree is up for auction two bids so far . ---------- Post added 23-02-2016 at 15:23 ---------- Sorry to bump thread, As the Arbourthone pub been flattened yet or anyone know when its coming down ? ---------- Post added 23-02-2016 at 15:25 ---------- Ha ha we got you sussed in any case you went to the Cannon for that service.
  2. I think the only pub on Meadowhall Road now is the Crown, never went in the Bridge theirs a photo of the closed pub on Picture Sheffield.
  3. I really do hate the way they treat disabled people in this country. Im a ex Soldier I always believed in fairness clearly this has gone out of the window with this so called government . Over 10,000 ex servicemen are living on the streets we need to get together and fight back it our country not theirs! ---------- Post added 06-02-2016 at 19:44 ---------- Good for you and we'll done as Bob Marley would say never give up the fight.
  4. I believe that Ron Sanderson the photographer did a photo of the derelict Lowdrop pub .
  5. Recently both pubs have been demolished a sad reflection of the decline of the pub trade nationwide. Both the Elm Tree and the Arbrouthorne were Tudor style pubs and I'm guessing were originally Stones brewery pubs as the style was their house design in the 1920s/30s . I went in the Arbrouthorne a few years back its was OK a open plan bar design, I never went in the Elm Tree sadly, Iv been told it had quite a few rooms though while photoing the demolition gave a glimpse of the inside. What do you remember of these pubs any notable bands or notable landlords for example?
  6. I thought you were researching Pitsmoor pubs? Back on topic I used to go in the Parkway Tavern when Micheal and Mary Beckett had it does anyone know we're they went after leaving the Parkway?
  7. I have a large collection of Sheffield pub photographs some are inside photos as well as outside photos. Just recently photographed the demolition of the Elm Tree at Manor Top . Also I keep a record of closure dates of pubs from roughly 2006 . With regards to Highway I think their is a a photo of the bar in fairly newish publication on Sheffield pubs I can't remember the title off hand.
  8. Has the Elm Tree gone to pub heaven yet, its a part of town I seldom visit just wondering?
  9. The Queens Hotel has been closed since 1997 I really like the frontage design not so much bothered about the Neil's building. The old pub looks a mess but given a chance it could look good. The inside still has some original features the building dates from 1928 . I really hope something is done sooner than later with the building.
  10. Over the last ten years Iv been photographing pubs in both Sheffield and Chesterfield the photos Iv have now total over a thousand images many which are rare and will in time be of historic value as pubs are slowly disappearing . As I see it I have two choices write a book or build a website to create a record the problem with the latter is I have no experience of building a website , what are the pros and cons of having a website and what costs involved ? Thanks.
  11. Perhaps a renewed interest has started with the Station and Horse and Jockey reopening?
  12. To start the ball rolling , Cannon Brewery , Rutland Road, Wards Brewery , Exchange Brewery near the old Town Hall.
  13. I do have a few, Railway, Rising Sun and Forge might have more knocking about what are you wanting them for if you don't nmind me asking?
  14. The Country Hotel roughly closed in 1986. Had a look on 'Picture Sheffield' website the last photo taken of the hotel was in 1986 and it looks closed down. Then the next photo I found of the same area were the hotel stood is dated 1996 the building is gone and replaced by the present building.
  15. Were you a regular their? ---------- Post added 10-11-2015 at 15:22 ---------- Not been in the Howard for years the last time I was in that pub had a load of football supporters in. Any idea what beer the County sold?
  16. Seen a couple of photos of Howard Street both dated 1967 of the County Hotel it was opposite the Cossack pub . I don't think the building their now as the only pub on Howard Street is the Globe. Does anyone recall the County Hotel any ideas when it closed or may have memories of the hotel?
  17. I think theirs already a thread about the proposed mono rail project very interesting, but I think it would great on paper but in reality look awful.
  18. Scotland Street pub was the Queens Hotel closed in 1997 a Wards pub currently is up for sale along with the factory building next door.
  19. Like so many buildings in the post war era they could have been rebuilt but wasn't, perhaps lack of will or desire plus the economics of the time didn't help. In Germany they are rebuilding quite a few buildings like the Berlin City Palace that were destroyed in the war.
  20. Sheffield Star has a online story about how vandals damaged a memorial tree to Sgt Lee Davidson who was killed in 2012. The tree is at Thorn Memorial Park and was snapped in half by persons unknown for no other reason than for the fun of it. I'm not familiar with this park where about's is this place? While I understand it's a bit early for this and the people who did this should be made to pay for the damage themselves is it possible to donate towards a new tree?
  21. Poor sod but the one and only Ronnie Pickering of Derby has become a YouTube star. His fateful in counter with a scooter driver and 'that' road rage incident video that's now made him a household name. Who is Ronnie Pickering anyone?
  22. Perhaps 'they' are trying to recreate the Buccaneer on the quite?
  23. Perhaps I'm been daft here, but I miss the old Castle Market got to know many traders in their many of which didn't move to the Moor Market. Yes the new market is nice and perhaps better but is not the same.
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