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Everything posted by crookedspire

  1. One of my many hobbies is building 1/12 scale models, most people would call them 'Dolls houses' but the models that Iv built wouldn't be suitable for children. Over the years Iv built shops, pubs, churches , music hall and many other types of buildings my favourite is Tudor really like that style of architecture. Been building since at least I was 19 but at that time was quite crude but improved over the years. I think the hobby waxes and wains over time and prices have risen. I do it more for a challenge than anything else. Furniture is the most tricky part .
  2. Would interesting to know how much a H. Montague Burton suit cost when it first opened?
  3. I can a name few like the other Burton building down Attercliffe but none had the striking appearance of Burton building on Angel Street.
  4. After deregulation of the early 1990s of local council run bus services, Stagecoach got quite a few of the contracts to run the buses. The company was founded by Brain Scouter and his sister both from Perth area of Scotland. When they first starting operating in Chesterfield the buses were painted white with a zig zag red, blue and I think gold towards the back a much more cleaner design of lively than the present swoops. The drivers uniform too was much smarter than the present issue. I'm interested in the early history of the company did anyone work for the company in the 1990s ?
  5. I think families are not that close anymore, I'm not in contact with any of cousins. Not because we fallen out but simply drifted apart. Shame really but that seems to be the way of the world now.
  6. Grand Hotel, Iv recently seen some inside photos of the main staircase it was stunning. What were they thinking destroying this fine building and been replaced by that eyesore, the building would have improved the street scene no end?
  7. Really why would you say that, remember these chemicals would be still in the food you eat?
  8. Does anyone think that the buses were better run before deregulation and cheaper to use, also did Sheffield have Leyland buses?
  9. As much as admire this approach its not going to work. One its amazing how much sugar is dumped into our food little wounder diabetes is on the rise. The low fat diet doesn't work as the population is getting bigger. When I was at school their was a field next to the school building the farmer would spray his crops regularly. Many of the pupils ended up with rashes , but the crops would end up at the market and into the food chain so imagine what the impact would be if you eaten this crop?
  10. Your story shows how the whole ESA system fails the people its meant to serve. I'm ex Army many of the veterans of Gulf War and Afghanistan were told not worry we would not be put though the WCA test guess what many were and found fit for work. Many were missing limbs and mentally shell shocked but hey money was to saved so what? Anyway the British Legion fought back and now no veteran be retested if so get in contact with your local legion . I'm glad it ended well for you take care.
  11. What a cheap use for such a fine building. Is the pub already closed or still trading like to know for photographic purposes? Thanks.
  12. The pre war Burton building on Angel Street, it was a stunning Art Deco masterpiece.
  13. Perhaps not the right place for this, today marks the day I lost a good mate . My mate had a ESA assessment. He was 30 years old had mental health issues that made daily life hard for him and needed support from family and friends. He got zero points despite the fact it was clear to all he had problems the result plagued his mind. His mother became worried after not hearing or seeing from him she went to his flat got no answer called the Police they found him hanging in the lounge . Its all well and good for people to bang on about disabled but they forget it could happen to them.
  14. If you had the cash and desire to rebuild a lost Sheffield building which one would you rebuild and why?
  15. I think one problem is pensioners don't realise what they are entitled too, another if they are paying for care of a loved one which I know from personal experience is a big drain on anyone's income. The monthly bill takes most of their money leaving none for heating and other bills.
  16. Would it not make more sense in lowing VAT and prices across the board, so people don't need so much money to live , the knock on effect no need for in work benefits , cheaper housing ,bills ,food ( instead of building yet more houses put aside land for food production) or is that too simple ? ---------- Post added 31-08-2015 at 15:50 ---------- But if they paid into the system they should be entitled to free travel and other benefits like everyone else they have already paid for it though their working lives?
  17. Hang on their Mr you said pensioners didn't need it or their free travel a bit of a contrition here ?
  18. That's strange over the last few winters many pensioners have been found dead in their homes often dying in cold homes as many were afraid of getting a big bill. As for millionaire pensioners not seen many about Sheffield if they are entitled to claim a Fuel Allowance they should get it after all they paid into the system like everyone else. As for economy based around benefits ,what about pre Welfare State Britain economy then how did that survive then?
  19. No our economy is not based entirely on the benefits system, what about retail, industry ( what's left of it) commerce in general? What about pensioners are they scroungers too after all the state pension is a benefit along with free travel and Winter Fuel Allowance ? Remember one day we all get old or a misfortune may pay us a visit and may need to turn the Welfare state for help.
  20. It will interesting to see the UN report on this matter. Remember these fingers were people and no doubt their families would like some answers.
  21. Reading your post reminds me of a guy who went to the Cossack regularly. In the day he was a builder built like a brick house deep voice the works. Come night he became Karen a drag queen fair to say no said too much to him he / she though was a really nice guy. But some prat one night got a bit to clever with him then bang the guy was on the floor , moral of the lesson is don't mess with a drag queen it can end messy.
  22. I think he's brilliant better than big chined ,white cliffs of Dover forehead Insert word here Cameron.
  23. The Old Queens Head pub on Pond Street is nice followed by the Town Hall. The old Salvation Army Citadel on Cross Burgess Street would look great if restored.
  24. Park Hill here to stay and listed, worst eyesore for me is the old Niche nightclub and the buildings behide it. Elm Tree at Manor Top do you mean the pub or has that been demolished and replaced an uninspiring design?
  25. No this thread not a troll but a genuine question I'm interested in American history and seeing how the global downturn is affecting a large economy like the U.S. has. So why is it this once grand malls on YouTube are closing in your opinion? , why the rise in popularity in a place like Slab city? Ps theirs nothing wrong with our spire well untill the devil sat on it that is........ ---------- Post added 27-08-2015 at 22:56 ---------- Sorry to disappoint you
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