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Everything posted by crookedspire

  1. Time for some Crookedspire wisdom, find a age you like and stick with it. If people say you look older just tell them you'll had a hard life.
  2. A bit of a long shot this one, does anyone have any inside photos of the Cossack pub that closed in November 2003. Not a very big pub that stood at the back of the Howard Hotel was a prefab construction built to replace the bombed out pub . Was notable for been a gay venue? thanks .
  3. To give a idea on how bad things have got in the U.S. , on YouTube look for a guy called Dan Bell and his dead mall series and for films about Slab City, the last free place in America.
  4. I'm waiting for the dogs on the dole it could be braking mad experience to watch.
  5. Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to the land of dreams the United States of America the land of glitzy malls, oversized cars,constitution rights that included the right to own a firearm, jobs and homes fit for hero's. Reality : Closed down malls, poverty, no money to put gas in the car, gun crime. So was the American Dream nothing more than fantasy or never was economy possible ?
  6. Can anyone go or is it a ticket only event, I would like to meet the man and if possible ask a few questions?
  7. The report is on the BBC website for all to see, the tragic results of WCA run into possibly thousands of deaths including a much missed mate of mine .
  8. Miss Hammerton murder of 1945 remains unsolved, she was killed at her shop no was ever changed for killing. ---------- Post added 24-08-2015 at 17:11 ---------- Mrs Grainger son has a website called 'Who killed my mum' which details the case in depth.
  9. Been reading a book called 'After the Asylums ' it charts the rise and fall of the Asylum system. By the mid 1990s most of the Asylums were history and the so called 'care in the community ' policy replaced them. No doubt the Asylums had their dark side but most were well run aside of community care were most were left to it . If you can get a copy its worth a read, what do you think of care in the community or the asylum system was it good or bad ?
  10. Shame no one told me about out this all nighter could have took my own sound system, then we could have a competition who could play the loudest bass.
  11. Yes it quite strong in taste IV tired it with Soya milk it was a interesting experience!
  12. Like any big city murder happens and when it does it sends shock waves though the community. While most are solved thanks to modern science others remain a mystery can you name a Sheffield murder case that remains unsolved to this day?
  13. Tell you more when a Iv been its a grave experience apparently.
  14. Politics what do I think? Its a load of rubbish!
  15. Thank you for the info, didn't realise that milk required. Unfortunately I can't drink milk will soya milk do ok?
  16. Been closed twenty years this year, does the magazine give a reason for closing of the station Im guessing lack of passengers use?
  17. The disabled which I'm one are just as responsible as anyone else in this life. But life sometimes doesn't work out like a fairy tale that is the DWP world. What do I know about responsibility well I was a soldier for ten years then after discharged worked in many places before having a work accident . As for these crazy sanctions which are freely given out to all and sundry the rules are there to be bent especially to save to money.
  18. Crookedspires Survival Guide. Bread , Moor Market near closing time try Turners stall can get two loaves for a pound or less if they had slack day. Buy offal instead of prime cuts or joints. Supermarkets ( I used to work in one for a time) generally reduce more towards closing time, if you buy fish or shellfish best to eat them on the same day don't normally keep very long. Poundshops sell bits of food mostly tinned items or Aldi has its own brand of washing powered it does the job so does the washing up liquid , a good cheap soap is Tesco's Everday range. I'm guessing you live alone, can you put in a water meter? , works out cheaper than paying set bills. Look for a cheaper gas or electric company I use Ebico s not for profit company I pay a set amount each week based on my usage any surplus goes towards the winter bills . Do you have a garden if so buy some vegetable and fruit seeds and plant them ( Potatos are really easy to grow) , a window box is also handy for growing smaller vegetables or even hanging baskets ( tomatoes grow quite good in them) . Seen any blackberry bushes lately? You could pick these but remember to sloak them in salt water then wash them again if got quite a few you can freeze them.
  19. Last year when on a very rare occasion using the train to get to Scunthorpe the train just before reaching Meadowhall went though what looked like a disused train station. As the train went past at speed only caught a glace of it , the platforms were still intact but no buildings as such. Having a interest in abandoned places it would make a interesting photo . What was this station name and is their a good view point to photo it without trespassing on it, are their anymore such stations that I can turn my camera on ?
  20. Cannon Brewery buildings are in a right state now , graffiti everywhere glass falling out of the windows just a general eyesore now. Used to like Stones but the last pint I had it was terrible.
  21. Been told that Turmeric is good for bad joints or liver problems, where can I purchase this Indian spice from?
  22. A what if history question, so in this time line Labour loses to the Tories in a majority vote. At this time things economy look good so the Tories decided its time to give the bankers more freedom and banking reform follows. At the same time the Tories push ahead with welfare reform and moves to a more privatized NHS. Then the global banking crisis happens the party is divided on how to deal with this crisis . Some want to nationalise the banks others not so making a slow response to the crisis. By May 2010 the effects of the crisis are been felt the Tories lose the general election and a LibLab coalition is formed and everyone blames the right for the economic mess notable the press.
  23. I couldn't tell were in Sheffield the morgue's are but I should have thought that Northern General should have one. At the Chesterfield Royal Hospital the morgue is almost underground and quite high tech , the now closed Derbyshire Royal Infirmary at Derby was a bungalow type building towards the back of the grounds saying it was for a city the morgue was quite small, a viewing room, medical observation area, storage area and office .
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