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Everything posted by crookedspire

  1. I will suggest to the mods about a new section for potential morgue workers, could be a deathly experience.
  2. A media war is been played out the whites hate the Muslim's and they blame ISIS for giving them a bad reputation the circle of blame goes round and round. In the meantime the ordinary man on the street pays the price of this hate media. Weather the victim is a soldier or a Muslim it is still a crime untill both sides sit down and talk nothing will change after all its easier to hate than know your enemy.
  3. A job that needs doing but many would be put off doing this job, a strong stomach is required as we shall call them ' customers ' we arrive in many different states. Does anyone on here work in a morgue what does it involved and how do cope doing such a job?
  4. Really sorry to hear this , Rossi was the first person to welcome me to this forum. Never met him but always came across on here has a nice man.
  5. Another closed pub is or was the Hearty Oak at Dronfield,Woodhouse. The Bridge was ok if a little rough at times, the Blue Stoops would make a great real ale pub with all that history behide it. The Three Tuns pub ( Manson's Arms, Hallows) is a nice pub and has a good selection of ales on Blue Stoops could easily follow the Tuns example.
  6. Not quite Sheffield but its possible that people from Sheffield may have brought equipment or even a boat from this yard. Nationwide Boat Sales were on Sheffield Road a reasonable sized operation with up to 300 boats for sale , been told it closed in 2005 . The boat yard is next to a disused garden centre which was called 'Ash Garden Centre' no idea when that closed but the site is now very overgrown. Who recalls the boat yard or even the garden centre?
  7. And to this day people still spot Lions and Jaegers on the Moors ,do big cats really roam the moors and woodlands of this country?
  8. For me Deep Space Nine was number one followed by Voyager. The Next Generation was ok to start with but ran out of ideas . Enterprise was reasonable but got cancelled, which one did you enjoy most?
  9. Has the Pheasant pub been dropped and your talking about a new location or are these two different projects?
  10. I'm expecting Niche to be flattened soon as the old Heathcotes factory has already gone. Inside theirs a lot of water damage in the Toga Lounge bar and the floor is rotten . Soon be ten years since the club closed doesn't time fly?
  11. My Dad once told me how to work out the old money, it got me so confused it seemed to be very confusing I just glad it changed to pounds and pence and would be struggling for sure. Iv got a few coins of the old money one has Queen Victoria on it.
  12. Did Sheffield have any Music Halls ( guessing so as most cities had them) , I been told their was one called Tontine Music Hall ( or hotel) on West Bars but got burnt down , did any famous acts appear at any of Sheffield's music hall like Lilly Langtree for example?
  13. No we are all plotting and scheming right here on Sheffield Forum watch this space................
  14. Thanks for the link, for all her faults she was a nice lady must be hard on her family that she thousands miles away in Jamaica especially her grand kids. ---------- Post added 09-08-2015 at 20:05 ---------- I always thought his name was Bill, regardless of that he was a pleasant chap certainly lived to a good age.
  15. Didn't realise she had any family let alone a daughter but then again as Iv said didn't really ask any personal questions. The only reason I got to knew her was I passed her often to go in Castle Market seemed a popular spot for her. ---------- Post added 09-08-2015 at 18:56 ---------- Rough idea when I seem to recall talking to her in early 2012 , I left Sheffield later that year?
  16. The railways would be better off back in state ownership, the only thing privation has done is make train travel too expensive to use which is a real shame as I would prefer to travel by train more than bus but the costs are too high. But I doubt it would ever happen.
  17. What happened to the lady who sung like a really bad fog horn but always had a smile on her face, provided the onboard entertainment on the buses and trams around Sheffield. Her motto was ' the Lord loves you' I don't live at Sheffield now but regularly visit the city and not seen her when visiting or not around anymore. I think her name was Gwen of possibly African origin, only spoke to her a few times but only light conversation she may have attended the church off the Wicker. Off topic is Bill the Jesus man with his plaque still about ?
  18. The Angel has closed as a pub , the only place you may find out when your relatives had the Angel and their names would be though licensing records held by the council. Unfortunately this information is not free and you will have to pay for it . My first port of call would be Eckington council to see if they have any records if not they should be able tell where next to try. Another possibility is try Eckington library to see if they have any past newspapers that might mention the pub if they had regular events on the local paper would be the Derbyshire Times.
  19. Recently demolished Tramway pub on London Road had an usual frontage I'm going to miss that tram painting on it's corner. The closed Link pub at Park Hill flats has usual triangle windows a popular design during the 1960s, The Elm Tree at Manor Top was a classic brewers Tudor design similar to the Arbourthorn Hotel might had the same architect to design both. One great loss to the city centre was the Grand Hotel on Leopold Street looked so much better than that office block which replaced it. ---------- Post added 07-08-2015 at 08:48 ---------- The Lady Bridge pub closed in 1993. ---------- Post added 07-08-2015 at 08:50 ---------- The Ball Inn is listed grade two , shame about the inside been destroyed.
  20. Pubs come in different shapes, sizes and styles weather it be a simple mid terrace affair to a grand Victorian Gin palace. Sheffield has quite an interesting selection either still open or closed. For Edwardian and Victorian tile work frontage the Hallamshire Hotel on West Street and Norfolk Arms on East Carlisle Street are prime examples . For the oddest looking pub for me was the Hole in the Wall on Savile Street as the facade seemed mismatched, a good example of Space Age roofline goes to the former Horse and Lion at Norfolk Park. Big Gun on the Wicker and Queens Head on Pond Street are two of the oldest pubs in Sheffield, one of my favourites is the Queens Hotel on Scotland Street the brickwork is quite nice though been left derelict since 1997 its future in doubt. Which pub building do you like and what catches your eye feature wise doesn't matter if the pub is closed or open , demolished or changed its use?
  21. The Bulls Head was once one of three pubs on Dun Street , in its day was reported to be quite rough. No idea when it closed but I think its a printing works now but retains the original windows and a sign on the side wall. If you want to know who was living their in the past census returns or trade books might tell you. The problem with pubs they can be their for hundreds of years but leave little behind record wise.
  22. Are people less happy to have a coalition government than single party rule or would the electorate give another coalition a chance?
  23. 1 Neepsend Lane ---------- Post added 05-08-2015 at 15:04 ---------- The closing date comes from the website ' Closed Pubs Project' maybe just a guess by someone.
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