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Everything posted by crookedspire

  1. Did anyone go in this pub it closed in 1996, an usual name perhaps a one and only such named pub . Was their a tool makers who possibly were noted for their saws in the area hence the name. The building still stands on a corner all boarded up though the brickwork has been cleaned up?
  2. It's the same thing as milk, the farmer has to produce his product at a set price otherwise the supermarket walks away. The customer wants his cheese cheap so the supermarkets pay the farmer next to nothing and in time the farmer goes bust its a vicious circle and one not any time will be broken.
  3. One political scandal after another weather it be something from the past or the present all hype then all forgotten untill the next scandal comes along bit like the old saying ' todays news tomorrow's chip paper'. Britains political system seems outdated and a bit worn around the edges like the sleeping club I mean the House of Lords is it still really needed, it looks more like a dumping ground for past it MPs and PMs who go to pass the time. If you were to replace it what model of government would use for example - a Federal model perhaps. Should their be a time limit on how many terms a person can be the Prime Minster, like United States were a person can only do two terms as President Should we have a written constitution which clearly sets out the form of government and citizens rights again like the American constitution sets out. Should their be a watch dog with greater powers to make sure that political corruption is kept out as much as possible? If their was another referendum on the voting system would you consider the AV system or possible something similar or still vote for first past the post system?
  4. Iain Duncan Smith the henchmen of the Welfare state who's job is simple dismantle the whole benefits system before your eyes. The right wing press will play the party song of make believe and demonized the benefit claimant with over top stories and sanctions. Just an other day in the fair and justice land of Tory Britain .
  5. Allegedly the former Prime Minster Ted Heath has fallen under the spotlight for child abuse crimes. Who knew what was going on but kept quite, how many were involved, how will this all end?
  6. I believe their is some fire damage at the site, what Iv been told the floors are really bad inside and unsafe to walk on.
  7. The one Iv seen is opposite Morrison's store the house also has a log storage at the front. That's what made me think about the idea of using wind as a power source,if it only generates that little amount of power its hardly worth the investment. ---------- Post added 02-08-2015 at 17:36 ---------- Any other ideas about generating electric by already mentioned methods?
  8. Very sad to hear, a genuinely nice lady RIP Cilla .
  9. Iv noticed a house at Meadowhead that has a Wind Turbine fitted to it's gable, do such turbines' help reduce electricity bills ? I'm considering the idea been all electric I do already have Solar Panels ( already fitted on the roof when I moved in by the previous owner) in my ever quest to reduce my bills . Has someone on here had a wind turbine fitted how much did it cost, do you need planning permission for one, most importantly has it reduced you annual electric bill or was it a waste of time, who fits them ? Thanks.
  10. The Lodge pub in its heyday looked really nice. Shame the building couldn't be restored along with the Lyon Works, but recently noticed that the roof of the Lyon Works was getting some attention the other day. On a side note if you do go near the formers works watch were you walk the ground is covered in used needles as the site popular with the local crackheads.
  11. My parents when courting often went to Hoffbrauhaus in the late 1970s. They seem to remember the German band and dancing on the tables! Iv seen photos of the inside looked interesting. My parents stop going about 1980ish it was still trading then.
  12. Its not just this forum what's like this its the media and society. We used to look after our own now we turn on each other instead and the real issues go unsolved as no politician of any colour can resolve the counties' problems. Its easier to blame anyone less fortunate than ourselves and the ever witch hurting media are more than happy to play the anthem of hate. Our masters play this game well and its working.
  13. Yes this is the church, Iv seen a 28 Days Later report dated 2013 , the report says the church was St Jude's later sold in 1980 and then became the Assembly of God closing its doors in 1999. Congregation wise perhaps I'm mixing up with the still open church across the road I think its called Lighter Life Christian Church, the strange thing is opposite that is a chapel that's now been restored after years of dereliction and a fire. No idea of that chapel's name but was later used as a works. Yes your right their is quite a few derelict buildings in that area shame because many have historic links to the cities industrial past. ---------- Post added 30-07-2015 at 21:29 ---------- Thanks for the link , did the Pentecostal church leave Sheffield after the closer of their church in 1999 or simply moved to some else in the city IV never heard of before until now?
  14. On my nomadic roarings I find myself in the Moor Market got talking to a stallholder about how trade was the conversation soon turned to Castle Market . I miss Castle Market the fishy smell and that corner in meat market that always cleared even the most blocked nose. The man with football kit who brought a bit of colour , the black lady who sounded like a fog horn who sometimes stood outside the market acting like an unofficial welcoming party bless her at least she was enjoying herself. The Cannon pub where anything could be brought - for the right price, came in handy that pub and at least the Police didn't have to go far for their best customers. The Cossack where some ladies sounded more like men and wore heavy make up? The Hole in the Road and that glorious fish tank that would leave you memorized for a few hours , six lighters for a quid? Park Hill flats and its Pharaoh Ants to keep you company at night it was a one sided love affair with them flats. Niche nightclub always entertaining, funny at the time thought the music was brilliant now listening to it think it's just plain crap. Things move on but we seem to have less character now
  15. On Copper Street their is a derelict church but looks more like a warehouse, what was it a normal church or a Americanised church. I sure I read somewhere that it was mostly a Afro congregation that went to this church or did you even attend the church when it was open?
  16. I'm trying out an idea I need to lose two stone in weight, Iv tired low fat, low carb and ever diet in-between some gave the promised results to a point others failed at the first hurdle. So I turned my eyes to the Far East to see how they fair, China and Japan's diet looks fairly healthy don't see many obese Chinese or Japanese. Its going to be interesting to see if this works, I'm doing traditional dishes not the fast food and try as much as possible to stick to every day foods nothing fancy. As anyone tired this approach, any tips I would love to hear from any Chinese or Japanese people on there every day diet and cooking methods. Also where is the best place to buy products?
  17. For treatment of any illnesses we need to look at the cause, we seem to live in a society that places a lot of pressure on the individual. Today we have all this technology so many ways to talk to each other but yet most don't know who their neighbour is . I sit any pub and have noticed that people don't talk to each like before but instead I see them texting away on their phones from entering to leaving the pub , face to face contact for some seems to be too hard. All these thing effect mental well been and people live their lives in isolation. Perhaps its time to rethink things do we really want to live our like this perhaps depression is a reflection on our society?
  18. The first Chinese to arrive in Sheffield was early 20 th century I'm guessing most would have come from the Crown colony Hong Kong. Thanks for the murder story very interesting.
  19. When did Sheffield first get a Chinese restaurant or chip shop as it might give me a clue when the first Chinese arrived in the city. Also which area did the Chinese first settle at is it like now around the London Road area?
  20. One of my past times is photographing the urban landscape and derelict buildings or places that are about to be lost for good. Got into the hobby a few years ago after seeing some really good photos of derelict Sheffield and other places. I often get to see the unseen and graffiti that only explorers get the chance to see. Anyone else into this and why are you drawn to Urban Exploring, the history, photography or just for the experience?
  21. Can't be that much left to work on now, perhaps the site is getting to many visitors.
  22. Alcohol is a powerful drug more than people realize, its socially acceptable ' go on have a drink it won't hurt you' the cold truth it does, not only health wise but emotionally too. Cutting down is not easy your mind will want it but your body will not . I been there had a few knocks in life that most people should never go though made the mistake of turning to drink but been me it was the hard stuff I turned too it felt good the pain was drunk away but its just an fantasy the problems was still their in the morning. I weened myself off it bit by bit its hard . But its a battle everywhere you go its there in the supermarket, ads, corner shops and pubs the truth is it will lurk in the shadow's waiting for you to slip. Good luck on your journey.
  23. Its time for a rethink on murder, the death plenty should be brought back, O' wait the do gooders would come out in force demanding rights for the murderer. But what if it was one of their family or children who was murdered would they still sing that song?
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