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Everything posted by crookedspire

  1. I should think they would play at my funeral ' Pain in the A*se song'. Why break tradition just because your dead?
  2. You have just won the jackpot point , when crimes are committed most of the time people are given a crime number and that's your lot. No manpower to look into cases so crime goes unsolved little wounder people have lost faith in our justice system.
  3. But owners have the responsibility to keep their properties in a reasonable condition, not helpful if bricks and slates hitting cars or people is it?
  4. With the tragic road rage death in Sussex that is truly shocking, do we need more tougher laws on this and how would they be implemented? . Iv seen road rage a few times over the years but never on this scale , it seems some people who get behide a car wheel have a charge of personality and the slightest thing bang the fists are out.
  5. No address , no JSA or any other benefits so the government saves even more money win win for the government meanwhile the homelessness figures rise but who cares. I hope the people who voted in the general election for the Tories can sleep at night knowing their vote as put an under 25 year old on the streets. Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Cameron's Britain !
  6. The Hague family also own other derelict sites besides Thornseat Lodge they own Cannon Brewery, Loxley Chapel, Hallam Tower all have something in common all derelict. Either they brought these for land banking reasons or was going to redevelop the sites but don't have the money to do so.
  7. I too had a look around a few years ago, even then it was really bad. Only the tower section remains the other long parts of the building are now demolished. I think the cost of doing anything with it just put's buyers off. I can see it all been cleared away in the end as the building becomes more unsafe.
  8. Another fine building lost one of many. I prefer old buildings over modern ones better built for one.
  9. I lived on a low income most of life, I learnt to be canny when buying food. When Castle Market was trading I used to time my visit's has traders were about to close. I used to buy bread for two loaves for 50p, pies two for a pound. Instead of buying expensive meats brought offal for next to nothing. I don't live in Sheffield now so I don't know if the new Moor Market has such closing time deals. Were I live now its possible to grow a few veg and fruit I'm lucky that I can do that. Food buying takes most of our money so always best to look for deals people seem to buy everything in one place and often miss out on money saving offers.
  10. Growing anything is a learning curve, I'm only a amateur gardener something's work others not.I really do think that children need to learn how to grow vegetables and fruits. One food is not cheap if it is it's probably poor quality, two homegrown is more healthy no chemicals sprayed on them I only use organic pest controls. A tip for you if your cucumbers look sorry for themselves put some Epson salts in the watering can it gives them a boost. Slugs a problem put some coal dust around the plants.
  11. I grow some vegetables and fruits in the garden , would love to try my hand at livestock ( chickens ) but no room for it. Solar panels on the roof ( work to a point ) what else have you tried , did it work ,help towards lowering your cost of living, any ideas?
  12. The period the person was in the Asylum was 1950/60s so any census in this case will not be available to help due to the 100 year rule. Also its unlikely that any Asylum patients would be voting as they were not allowed out of the building, thanks for the suggestions. ---------- Post added 14-07-2015 at 18:38 ---------- Will look into this, but what Iv found out so far is because the admission was in more recent times its more likely that the NHS holds the records and what Iv gathered it gets complicated.
  13. Really glad its got turned down , too many former pub buildings get lost each year.
  14. Recently a charity shop has opened in Chesterfield its for the Air Ambulance, a while after its opening a guy came round my area asking people to give money for the running costs. As been said here the bill for maintenance and fuel will be high I think either the local council or government should give these services a grant towards the costs and the rest made up though donations. I think the helicopter will more used for the Peak area than urban areas.
  15. Does anyone know were to look for past patient admissions into Asylums. I really don't know were to go to for this information it's for some personal research ?
  16. I don't think this idea would work, if a person is on a low wage and already struggling to pay their way in life how can they put money aside for insurance? Just another idea to save money .
  17. On Rutland Road opposite the derelict Cannon Brewery on a corner is a building on the gable it say's ' Rutland Hall 1906'. I think it was a printing works before been put up for sale been empty for a while , does anyone know any history on this building? Thanks.
  18. Is this pub still trading, a few years back it was a bikers pub for awhile?
  19. Iv decided on what building represents Sheffield...........
  20. When Castle Market was open I often shopped their got to know a few market holders. At that time I found prices to be fairy good and could get most things out of their and the choice of stalls was good. When the time came to close the doors on the Castle Market many of the stallholders had decided not too move. Yes undoubtedly Castle Market building was run down the new Moor Market is better but it lacks the vibe of the old market due to the fact many stallholders didn't move their. Another issue with the Moor Market is its got more competition with the likes of Iceland and Poundland which can offer cheaper products than the market can. I get the feeling the Council want more of a artisan market than another Castle Market which may appeal to a few but not to the many . Its down on what people can afford if a shop is cheaper than a market stall the shop going to get the custom.
  21. Thanks , lets keep fingers crossed your have the winning bid.
  22. The lift was a test trap , its to prove that you can walk up a flight of stairs which in their mind means you mobility is ok. Remember the Employment and Support Allowance TV trap question, how long can you sit before pain gets to much? But the assessors will not say that but worded it like what is your favourite TV program if the show more than 30 minutes no points. PIP is in a lot of ways like the ESA test totally unfair and designed to make you fail. Good luck with your appeal.
  23. The Pubcos are selling most of their pub estates off now in a effect to pay their huge debts off. The only pubs that will be retained are the ones selling food in a effect becoming restaurant's the traditional pub model is now history. Another part of our heritage sold down the line.
  24. The July budget will be only the start of it for the disabled . I'm expecting more suffering and suicides to follow especially when the DLA replacement Personal Independence Payment really gets going which will see many without any help at all and simply dumped on JSA with no hope in hell in getting a job. Its madness, Labour stared this with ESA and closing of Remploy factories. Most disabled people would love a chance of employment that's were Remploy fitted in the picture they gave a person self-worth and support and payed taxes in the system though their wages. But no shut Remploy down and put every one on benefits and then moan about it paint the disabled in a bad light and remove their benefits. We have become a very cruel county.
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