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Everything posted by crookedspire

  1. Is the reason for the ban on Grapefruit due to the acid and possibly lead to a build up of acid in the stomach?
  2. I brush my suit regularly it saves on dry cleaning bills.
  3. A bit more information for you, the pub's proper name is 'Old Red Lion', built in 1822 had a big make over in the 1980s their is photos of the inside on 'Picture Sheffield '.
  4. Recently viewed a 1902 tram trip through the town on YouTube, every man and youngish lads had a tie and a suit on . Ladies in dresses they really looked very smart. Today people wear what they can afford formal wear is out . Shame.
  5. The pub was the Red Lion, it was a rock bar hence all the purple on the outside. Before that it was a tradition pub. No idea who owns it now been closed roughly since 2010.
  6. Liverpool has rows of empty houses slated for redevelopment that never happened. Its go on for that long and the council their at a loss what to do with the derelict street's started to sell them for a pound a piece. Some have come away with some right bargains.
  7. It sounds like their trying to get capitalizes as much as possible with the site, keep the facade as a crowd pleaser then build high to make the money.
  8. Hope the facade is kept in the redevelopment. If anything wants redeveloping is the old Hare and Hounds pub across the road it's a right mess.
  9. Having recently end up at A&E with chest pains , the nurses kept check on my heart beat it became clear that I have a irregular rhyme. After an overnight stay was released I do feel better now but will have to go back soon for checks . Does anyone else suffer with this ,what treatment are given, how does it effect your daily life? Thanks.
  10. Not as much in the 1980s more 1970s The Stonehouse pub with its courtyard, never saw it myself any idea when the courtyard was dismantled?
  11. In Chesterfield today I noticed a stall with the slogan 'Britain First' manned by a couple of skinheads early 20s age range . One guy offered me a copy of his parties paper soon became clear it was a far right publication ,untill today I never heard of them have they had a stall at Sheffield?
  12. I'm in my mid thirties now, Iv worked in pubs, Hotels, supermarket,office based work . The one problem I have is that have a damaged leg which has left me with a disability ( work accident) so employment needs to be practical and suitable for me.
  13. My idea is to live just outside of Edinburgh rather than in the city itself, would have to rent buying anything would a non starter . Employment wise willing to do anything to start with to get started. I'm planning on having a short break in Edinburgh that will give a chance to find out more on accommodation and employment situation then will decided if its for me..
  14. Ha Ha , so no chance of you moving to Scotland especially Glasgow then? ---------- Post added 10-05-2015 at 10:24 ---------- Thanks for the replies so far , will be heading back up Scotland soon will be looking at practicalities of such a move. The area I'm looking at is Edinburgh.
  15. Hi All, Over the years Iv had various breaks in Scotland and have taken to the place, one I feel more comfortable their and safer. I know holidays are not like living their but were I live now has issues for me. Has anyone in your family or friends moved up to Scotland what problems did they encounter, what are the practical's of such a move, did they find employment they wanted and lastly was the move a improvement in their life or not?
  16. Do I understand politics - no , but any changes usual hit the working man the hardest. The politicians get richer we get poorer.
  17. I agree Anna B hope it works for your children ,perhaps I will leave in the end. The NHS will disappear in time little by little and before you know it only Bupa and others will be left - for a price.
  18. Last year while out photo'ing on Savile Street came across a homeless lad. He looked about early 20s not on booze or drugs he had no tell tale signs of that. I spoke to him to warn him that the building he was sleeping in was due for demolition and best to move on for his safety. The tent he was sleeping in was covered in pigeon poo and the ground around the tent was the same. Its easy to make assumptions about how someone ended up on the streets it can happen to any of us sometimes it is their faults others not. I don't want to get political but I doubt this new government will help such people ,in fact I suspect many will be joining him soon. As Tesco was only across the road I brought a few basic items and returned to this lad and give him the items his face lit up. My point is its easy to judge.
  19. The problem with the so called 'Bedroom Tax' is their is not enough council housing to downsize too. IV known people who were quite happy to downsize, went to the council (Chesterfield and North East Derbyshire councils IM referring too here) but nothing was around to have in any area and have ended up paying the short fall in Housing Benefit. The only way for this to work is to build more council housing, notable one bedroom accommodation but this has not happened only thing been built is private housing.
  20. Going back to Varosha, I was only a baby when the Turks attacked so remember nothing. Only memories are from my family , it brings out passion and rage in equal measure about Varosha ,yes like many who were forced out we would like to go back. Realistically while the politicians use Varosha as a tug of war theirs no chance. Practically,Varosha would need to be completely rebuilt now after forty years of neglect.
  21. I was born in Varosha (Maras) the town is on the Northern coast of Cyprus until 1974 it was a top class resort . Sophie Loren had a villa there, Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor holidays at this resort along with the rich and famous of the time. But Cyprus was a troubled country with Greeks and Turks wanting to do their own thing and in 1974 Turkey invaded as the Turkish Army got near Varosha the inhabitants fled leaving everything behide fleeing south. The Turks arrived in Varosha and never left, the town is frozen in time ,garages still have cars which in 1974 were the latest design but in 2015 are classics . One problem no one is allowed to enter this forbidden zone anyone who tries will be shoot on sight Turkish soldiers keep watch and even blow whistles at tourists who try to photo this ghost town . Over the years negotiations have tired to solve the Varosha question but at present no solutions have been found. Did anyone holiday here or even come from Varosha what do you remember?
  22. In America there is a place called ' Slab City' the residents live in camper vans. The people who live there are a mix of Vietnam veterans and drop out's. With economic meltdown many Americans have had their homes foreclosed so had to have alternative places to live so places like Slabs have become popular.
  23. When on leave from the Army and staying with my ex we used to visit Niche most weekends. At the time Bassline was a popular underground sound. Despite the bad points of the club I do have happy memories of the place. In 2014 with the permission of the owner I was allowed to photo the inside brought back a few memories of the place, did you go to Niche when the club was at Sidney Street?
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