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Everything posted by crookedspire

  1. Yes I understand you point of view perhaps if the council had maintained the market better things might have turned out better. But that didn't happen Castle Market is history like it or not perhaps its a fools quest to find if any thing remains of the fabled castle time will tell. Give the Moor Market a chance regardless of the owner its the stallholders who make the market not the building.
  2. Pubs/clubs gay or straight are struggling as people don't have the money to go out now you can have the best entertainment under the sun it will no difference Fuel closed simply down to the fact it was not viable. Dempsey's survives because it does meals during the day and a nightclub at night but as time goes on that might not be the case.
  3. Would the market fairer any better if it had stopped at Castle Market I used to shop in their regularly I seem to remember the lower floors had empty units and some of upper levels had too. So clearly it was struggling even then the Moor Market is better yes some will argue to hell freeze's over that its in the wrong place but Haymarket is run down the Moor is not and given time will get better .
  4. I don't ever remember this pub been open it stands on a corner three stores high on Attercliffe Road was called Queens Head had a newsagents next door. Did you go in , when did it close any idea why it just been left to rot?
  5. Were the Attercliffe and Heeley road schemes planned at the same time and part of a whole of a major road building scheme?
  6. Just gone past on the tram the steel shutter gang are busy placing steel boards on the windows and doors.
  7. I recently brought a booklet by John Darwin called ' Sheffield in Transition ' showing different areas of Attercliffe in colour photos during the mid 1980s . Also on Sheffield History Forum there's thread about Attercliffe in the 80s called ' Urban Provision ' again with colour photos and a few black and white ones its hard to believe that the area could have rivaled Hillsborough in its time and when I pass though it now its so dead and lifeless though that chip shop down there great.
  8. One of Sheffield's nicer looking pubs this one whatever happens hope it works well.
  9. Sheffield's East End especially Attercliffe history has always interested me, probably down to the fact that Attercliffe has undergone so much change notability in the 1980s. Iv seen quite a few photos of the Attercliffe area before much was cleared away showing quite a few pubs, shops and churches and entire streets read on this Forum about people's memories of the area. Why did Sheffield Council decided to demolish so much of Attercliffe?
  10. I know Attercliffe a bit but these street names I can't place either they don't exist anymore or not seen them. Been looking on Picture Sheffield site looking at photos of Plumper's pub and the Albert I'm trying to place where they stood and what is their now around this area looks quite built up the only thing that looks familiar is Norfolk bridge. Did anyone on here go in the Plumper's or the Albert what can you recall?
  11. Parties of all colours seem to target the so called 'grey vote' purely down to the fact that generation do vote. The problem with this is when that generation passes on and the next generation either rarely vote or don't vote at all the political system will face a crisis so how can we get the younger generation engaged in politics and voting?
  12. Sex sales Madonna built a music career on it. My concern with porn is the lack of safe sex it gives the impression that AIDS and HIV and STI's have gone away which I hasn't and is in fact on the rise.
  13. I know Marstons are off loading a lot of pubs in Chesterfield many been sold to retail groups . I suspect Sheffield will see more pubs close its really sad given the fact many have been open since the 1800s . Tax together with Pubco rents have killed it plus a social change in society.
  14. Thank you for the replies it would seem Iv got plenty to photograph.
  15. Crooked Spire pub is to reopen after a £100,000 refit and a new landlord has been found to run it.
  16. IM pleased that Market Tavern staying but is planned for it ? Would make a great information centre for Sheffield Castle history. The castle remains were under the market and you had to ask someone to visit to see what was left of it, sad to see the market go was a great help to me when I lived at Sheffield but the building was in a poor state. Anyway best get me and the camera down their soon.
  17. Sounds like they are starting from the back last I heard they were removing asbestos from the inside.
  18. The White Lion is a listed building , been in a few times took a few photos a few years back its really nice with original tile work and woodwork a real gem .
  19. I want to record the demolition of Castle Market I know work has started on the inside has anything happened on the outside? Does anyone know if the demolition includes the Market Traven and the shop unit next door and if Wikcos shop set to go at a later date. I don't live in Sheffield now so I don't know how far things have gone . Thanks
  20. The Harrow is closed when I don't know. The inside is stripped out and the building in general is derelict, parts of which date back to Georgian times shame to see it like that. Gone the same way as the Durham Ox further up.
  21. Given the passage of time I doubt their but much left but you never know. Is their anything like power boxes ( usually metal boxes with doors at the front they were mostly to with electrics system sometimes with coat of arms on them) poles for the overhead wireing sometimes they had lamps fixed to them. A few years ago when the Moor was repaved a section of the tram track was exposed so took a couple of photos of that , if their is any of examples of old system I would like to photo them.
  22. At a rough guess how old are the toilet's were they built at the same time as the petrol station ? I always thought their was a connection to the tram system but clearly not the case seems an odd place to have them.
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