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Lex Luthor

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  1. Now that's dedication. I've also been impressed with my Hermes, Amazon, and DPD deliveries all year.
  2. Merry Christmas everyone, however you may celebrate it this year. It's going to be very different and very difficult for some. I'll raise a glass in memory of Bob, and think of the many people facing difficult times. Remember, please, if you're feeling unable to cope, please get in touch with one or more of the local and national organisations mentioned subsequently in this thread. Stay safe and warm.xxx
  3. I'd like to say Hi to John Burkhill from Sheffield Forummers and thank him for his lovely heartwarming message for Sheffielders this Christmas as reported in the Star. The Star: Sheffield's 'man with the pram' John Burkhill issues heartfelt message to city after year like no other. https://www.thestar.co.uk/news/people/sheffields-man-pram-john-burkhill-issues-heartfelt-message-city-after-year-no-other-3073309 We look forward to seeing you again next year, and help you raise your target. Merry Christmas you legend and stay safe. 😘 xxx
  4. This sounds like a terrible crime. All the more shocking because of the age of the suspected perpetrators. I hope the police have the right people and they are made aware of the impact on their victim's life forever and justice is served.
  5. Some beautiful photos to lift the spirits here. Please keep them coming.
  6. There's something very compelling that makes you keep on watching but really, it's nothing very memorable, is it? 6/10
  7. Finally got the chance to watch the highly acclaimed, Moonlight, last night. I was completely blown away. It was not what I was expecting at all. I thought it was an amazing, moving film. I haven't cried so much since I watched Artificial Intelligence. I thought the actor playing the main character's second phase was mind-blowing. If you get the chance, please do watch this masterpiece but have the tissues handy. It's one of those rare films that you know will touch and change you, forever. I give it a deserved 10, although I would have liked to see the ending played out a little further. Yes, great film. The actor playing the main character is brilliant. Seen him in a few things of late. Hopefully we'll be seeing more of him.
  8. Thinking of Bob at the moment, and also of the many others who might be struggling in the run up to Christmas time. This year it's going to be very different for a lot of us. For some, that may lessen the pressure and potential family tensions but I suspect, sadly, there will be more people than ever feeling isolated, lonely and anxious this Christmas. Please remember that help is always at hand. There has been several numbers and organisations posted in this thread. Your GP surgery, also, should be aware of how you are feeling, and always get back in touch with them if you feel that you're not getting the support you need. Remember that however dark days might seem now, that this is only a temporary state of mind and you will experience a time, soon, when you will feel better and find it much easier to cope. Try to do some of the things you used to enjoy before you started feeling this way. There's a lot more people out there than you think who care for you, are waiting to help you, and are rooting for you.
  9. Yes, which is what I always do. And then when I came back to find the ticket, the semi hidden, totally unnoticeable unless you knew it was there, sign was pointed out to me by someone who had seen loads of drivers fall victim to it.
  10. I'm disappointed to read this. I normally buy from Argos and Currys if I can get the product I want from there and it's priced reasonably. This is because I have been extremely impressed with their aftersales service and guarantees. I've had a laptop screen broken and Currys were excellent and timely in resolving this. It came back like a new laptop. I've had them out for a few kitchen appliances and they've been very good. They have been world's apart from the appalling service I have received from John Lewis - who I have vowed to never buy from again. So, I hope that this is a lockdown issue and that a better service will resume after lockdown/the pandemic (fingers crossed). That said, I do feel that some businesses are using lockdown/the pandemic as an excuse to deliver services well below par and charge over the odds. I'm sorry to read that you've had this disappointing response, especially when it seems you have been more than fair and patient with them. From posts on here it seems the 'overbooking' excuse may even be policy!
  11. No, I really was. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. Would it be so difficult for you to acknowledge the possibility that you might be wrong, just once?
  12. I'm so sorry, Jay. That's very sad news. Bob was a great guy, with a good heart, and I was hoping we might have been able to actually meet some day. I'm shocked and gutted. I got the impression from his posts that he'd got a few other options which he was accessing for support but he obviously needed more. It's not really sunk in yet. I'm very grateful to you for letting us know. Please accept my condolences and please pass them on to your family. God Bless Bob and keep him. As you perfectly put: for anyone reading this who is struggling, please access the help that is available. Sheffield IAPT service: 0114 2264380 Samaritans: 116 123 Sheffield Rethink Helpline: 0808 801 0440 Sheffield's Single Point Access for adults in mental health crisis: 0114 226 3636 If you find IAPT isn't helping, get back to them and tell them, so that they can give you another assessment and get in touch with your GP for further help.
  13. As I've previously stated. After being fleeced, and without appropriate signage, I no longer go to spend my hard-earned there. So there's not a problem.
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