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ads36 last won the day on August 9 2023

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  1. i'd be surprised. the geeks that i occasionally listen to are talking about raising capital gains tax.
  2. there are already *definitely* a few cyclists using this junction - and it's currently a building site. in a few years, there will be significantly more. if we're talking use of money: https://cyclingsolutions.info/cost-benefit-of-cycling-infrastructure/ https://www.theguardian.com/environment/bike-blog/2020/feb/12/investing-in-cycling-pays-off-but-ministers-are-ignoring-the-evidence https://itdp.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Making-the-Economic-Case-for-Cycling_6-13-22.pdf cycling infrastructure is excellent value : spend a million quid - save 5million.
  3. probably not, maybe a few? and in a year, a few more and in 2 years, a few more x2 etc.
  4. funny that - given the lack of cycle routes... (you don't assess the need for a bridge by counting the number of people swimming across the crocodile infested river)
  5. Durian. imagine a flavour / smell that is equal parts rotten garlic and vomit.
  6. probably because there's no money / budget for it. the concept is ambitious, i wouldn't be surprised by a cost of £20million. where's that coming from?
  7. right now - probably not many, precisely because there isn't a cycle route there. build it, and the connecting links, and give it a few years, then start counting.
  8. if we want a city centre that has people and profitable shops in it, we need people living there. city centre living isn't everyone's cup of tea, but nor is gardening.
  9. tens of thousands already are, all this fuss about the winter fuel payment has nudged them to signing up for pension credit - giving them access to all kinds of help.
  10. The state pension went up £900 in April, there's the £200 winter fuel payment, and another £700 - on it's own the biggest increase ever - by miles.
  11. let's pretend this has merit - it would only work as far as shifting a few extra cars along to the next line of queuing traffic. (achieving little / nothing at all) we've been prioritising cars for 70+ years, to the detriment of every other mode - as a result - traffic is doubling every 40 years. Those of us concerned about 'traffic chaos' should be very concerned about continuing to prioritise cars.
  12. i assume SCC are hoping that the archaeologists don't find anything the get excited about... right now, we'll be getting a lovely new park down by the river/s If they find anything 'exciting' - it'll be fenced off for decades while they slowly excavate and meticulously record every grain of sand. After which, no-one will be allowed to touch anything...
  13. for the last ... 80 years (?) almost all of the money spent on transport has been spent on roads/cars. more / faster / wider roads has made it harder to walk somewhere. i sometimes buy my lunch from the shop over the road, but because of car-centric spending, i have to cross 11 lanes of traffic to get there. it's easier to drive, so sometimes i accept defeat, and drive, to the shop over the road. This is obviously daft, but it's the way we've built it.
  14. what he ^ just said. my e-bike has saved me ... at least £20,000, and i can get to / from the city centre in 20 easy minutes.
  15. sorry, my fault. I just finished building a ... pergola (?) on the patio, so of course that's the end of summer. It looks great! - just the thing for winter...
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