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  1. I've also heard that certain pubs are installing soft leather padding around their bar counter and snug areas to keep the punters from accidentally hitting their arms...
  2. Anyone know when Jessops store is reopening in Meadowhall and do they do passport photos there with the digital code ?
  3. Sheffield Lego Brickopolis .. has anyone done all the trail yet and if so, what works were you overwhelmed by ..and possibly underwhelmed ? I quite liked the monkey in Boots and the lion at Pennine Five .... πŸ™†β€β™‚οΈ
  4. I thoight I saw her buying sausages in Broomhill the other day, as she moved to Sheffield ? She is very attention seeking and swears for effect... have you ever seen her on a panel e.gm Graham Norton show, she totally dominates it 😞
  5. Concerning pubs, I would volunteer that it was the Hardy Pick , a Hungry Horse pub, purpose built , in Broadfield business Park, in 2014.
  6. I don't like her one little bit.. she has a very potty mouth and is a loony leftie .. !
  7. Do they stop at any Real Ale pubs on the way ?
  8. PS: I suggest to change this threads title to be "Mark Steele is in Nether Edge" which would aid forum searches in future years for references to this illustrious suburb πŸ™‚
  9. It is now available on BBC Sounds. I just listened to it - Mark S. is very funny ! The town that wants to become a village, the tree wars, the village where every barista knows your name, the vegan egg knitters of Cafe#9, the manuka honey on a Glen Rd wall and the celebrity rock and roll shenanigans at the Bowling Club ... priceless 😜
  10. Woodys Pub in town near Orchard square I believe, Saturdays.
  11. So I've just tested myself and I can confirm it's Covid ! But of the 3 times I've had it this is definitely the worst ...so when people say it's mutating to become weaker like the common cold I find it hard to believe ! This whole summer Covid wave and its seriousness seems to be being suppressed because of the elections 😞
  12. I've not tested myself for Covid yet, I suppose we have to buy the tests now , It feels rather like a bad flu but of course Covid is mutating all the time ... This morning my chest feels sore in addition to other symptoms tho that may be from soem coughing and have some breathing issues 😞 My appetite comes and goes ,thoigh i feel i should try and eat normally to keep my strength up to fighting off. I'm taking lemsips and also cold capsules 😞
  13. Has anyone had it ? I've just got it now and it must be one if the most Gawd dam awful ones I've had in years ... Aches, fever, runny nose, dizziness, weakness ,loss of appetite , can't sleep ... Sound like it's more than just a cold, but the runny nose would seem to rule out Covid .. does flu circulate in the summer? .. not sure I had my flu jab last autumn πŸ˜•
  14. Is this bar still open ? It seems to be open for the Euros now and flags outside ... is it busy and a good place to go to see the football?
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