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Everything posted by Box11

  1. Each to their own … I know what I’d prefer….. It just encourages graffiti which is disgusting !!!!….
  2. I’m so glad that I don’t live in a city and that I live in lovely small village with nice surroundings plenty of green spaces with all types of wildlife to enjoy and appreciate…. I find any sort of street art distasteful to say the least….
  3. I have yes I’m currently in Jamaica and it landed in Sheffield so pretty far not bad for a first attempt….
  4. IT’s a mountain out of a molehill…. like I’ve said all he does is drum up hatred the man is poison and so are the ones he really works for !!!!…
  5. So Nigel is at it again drumming up hatred with a visit to Hoyland Barnsley…. The man is a complete joke I don’t for the life of me believe that people are buying into his bull*%#* !!!… There he is again wearing tweed and a flat cap and people are being fooled that he’s one of them… He’s a diversion from what’s really going on in this country: Crime is rampant NHS is in bits Housing crisis Over crowding prisons And so on !!!!… Basically the country is in a mess and nobody has a answer to fix our many problems and serious issues… Drumming up hatred is not the cure it just makes it worse !!!!… And please those that support Nigel just think he is not one of you he is one of the establishment and he always will be don’t fall for it !!!!….
  6. Look matey…. There is a massive problem with immigration I agree but what I don’t agree with is drawing up division within our country…. How do we solve the immigration crisis well that is above my pay grade….
  7. I don’t think you are…. But all he does is drum up hatred which is morally wrong…. All he does is fool people and he does a great job at that don’t you think !!…
  8. She’s legal of course she is…. But don’t you think it’s a little hypocritical of him…
  9. Because he bangs on about immigrants and immigration yet his wife is German born !!!!…
  10. You can move it to the correct discussion sector if you want to…
  11. I can’t believe that this man is standing as the leader of the reform party in the general election…. He has fooled a lot of people to vote to leave the EU…. Now he’s at it again…. Please don’t let this man feed on your fears…. He likes to think that he is just a normal bloke drinking his pint in his local but he is quite the opposite…. He’s an ex banker and his wife is German ….. So please don’t let him fool you again by acting like he’s one of you because he’s far from it !!!!!….
  12. They will never be as good as the old independent chippies of old… These new ones don’t cut it for me all there fish,sausage.fish cakes and so on all look exactly the same…. The independent ones from old every food item was different no fish looked the same hence why they were so “authentic” and really really good…. Maybe I’m getting too old but like I’ve said nothing is the same… I also remember KFC there only used to be one shop in Sheffield in Firth Park and it was lovely the many KFC shops nowadays are dreadful to say the least….
  13. Sadly there not… It’s the same has everything nothing is like it used to be… For me the downfall of good chippies was when they stopped allowing them to be wrapped in newspaper…. When I was a boy in the seventies I could go to the chippie with nothing in my pocket and get a load of scraps covered in salt n vinegar including ketchup for absolutely nothing wrapped in newspaper for me it just added to the taste and it was so authentic…. loved it I really did….
  14. Yes he should get a knighthood….. I remember Mr Birkhill from years ago 25 years if not longer he’s been campaigning for so long even before he became mainstream…. I have nothing but respect and admiration for this particular character who would be out in all weathers no matter what…. So yes knighthood he deserves one there are many who have received this honour and in my eyes clearly don’t deserve one….
  15. Your right !!!… Cold blooded killer period !!!…
  16. Your right !!!… Cold blooded killer period !!!…
  17. That’s correct !!!… The way it works is if your fame contributes to the ones in charge they will let you get away with anything and I mean anything !!.. But when you have stopped making money for them they will cut you loose and you will suffer !!!!… It happens to a lot of A lists stars it’s just the way it is….
  18. Do you know it wasn’t that long ago when they would lock certain people in rooms….. The parents should push on the matter that they couldn’t take part….
  19. I agree….. I hate labels there is no need for it in this modern society !!!!!!…..
  20. I don’t reply too your posts and you know I don’t so please let’s not have a repeat of spats that are distasteful…. Thank you….
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