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Everything posted by Box11

  1. Armchair experts !!!!... I believe there were so called special forces in Kabul..... The difference with those in that region of Afghanistan is that they hate the Taliban with a passion and that hate runs deep !!!....
  2. Your right i should have stated “I hope they get air support”..... But as you have said US and other countries have pulled out to leave them to defend themselves .... Shame really because those in that region are showing “true grit”.....
  3. Thanks for that I hope they stand firm and brass it out and get air support and let them deal with ground attack !!!...
  4. Yeah I guess it was the Suit’s not the boots that are to blame but anyone who have served their country in the military will tell you it was a waste of time training a rag tag army and that they would never on a whole have the stomach to engage in a firefight..... Even President Ashraf Ghani p@##ed off to god knows where that’s the wrong message to send out to your army.... look at the end of the day America have these endless wars to make money and didn’t they just !!!!!.... It’s just sad for the military to be used and abused in this manner and for the many civilians to die all for money !!!....,
  5. I’m not blaming them matey but they should have put up more of a fight I believe there is a part of Afghanistan that they are in a fight instead of walking away.....
  6. Yes but the Afghans had been trained and given weapons in order to fight when needed......
  7. Heroin is going to be cheap in the next month or so get ready for the UK to be one of their main customers !!!!.....
  8. The Afghanistan war was and always will be an un winnable war just like Vietnam.... The establishment use these wars to make as much money as possible period !!!!... All those Soldiers from various countries and civilians maimed and killed all for the greed of the establishment !!!!..... So now the Taliban are in charge then Al Qaeda and Islamic State will raise up and go to war with the Taliban !!!!.... Then the West will back and fund the Taliban to defeat those mentioned above... Its absolutely crazy how those powerful men behind the scenes think in fact it’s disgusting and a total disgrace to the men and women that serve their countries in combat !!!!....
  9. Google Denver Airport Paintings.... I believe they have all been removed now but maybe the artist was trying to tell us something !!!!.... There is definitely something seriously wrong with the world and the climate which we will all have to adapt to live in these new conditions.... There is also the Gulf Stream and scientists are saying it’s close to collapsing.... Very worrying times ahead for everyone!!!!!.....
  10. Oh dear first game lost hope this season doesn’t follow on from last season..., I know it’s early but another relegation surely not !!!!...
  11. Your right Baron99... It would have a massive impact on the game it just wouldn’t be the same...
  12. Is this going to far.... I agree that years ago footballs were heavy especially when it rained they seemed to get heavier like concrete.... Footballs today are like beach balls I feel this as been over thought !!!!! It won’t be long until football won’t even be recognised as football !!!!... I for one hope this rule doesn’t come into effect !!!....
  13. Yeah you called this right too... He has never been a team player at all I still remember when Portugal won the European championships he claimed that he was injured and came off in the final because they were losing funnily the Portugal team played better without Ronaldo and took the lead.... He suddenly appeared from being injured stretchered off to standing in the technical area giving out orders to the rest of the team playing... When Portugal won the final he was running around celebrating.... He didn’t want to be associated with a losing team he’s horrible he’s often seen complaining to his teammates or making gestures that his fellow teammates are useless!!!!!
  14. My answer would be avoid the area many people are not entering these area’s anymore because the authorities don’t care what goes on there... it’s the same as london road,wicker, and certain other area’s of Sheffield.... It won’t be long til the city centre is a no go area too....
  15. Yeah I’m gutted too really wanted this fight to happen..... Can’t understand why Wilder wants to be embarrassed again....
  16. You are so wrong !!... I know the government has made cuts in funding in certain communities but why would that turn young and older people into evil drug dealers !!!!... There are many families in certain communities where children grow up around drugs and OCG.... Where older adults are cutting up drugs and bagging them then selling them in full view of children many in front of their own children !!!... Why use cuts as an excuse by saying that's the reason behind so much crime and drug related murders !!!!... And I'll tell you this while I'm at it there are many ex drug dealers that work in the youth services that agree with drug dealing (doing dirt as they call it) and think it is fine as long as you do something good from it when you're done destroying the very community you live in and human lives !!!!..... I know someone who told me that when he was younger a community group in Sheffield organised a meeting with local drug dealers in an area of Sheffield which I won't mention just yet... Anyway the organisation brought a solicitor from London back in the late 80s to talk to the group to tell them ways of hiding their ill gotten gains and how to hide the drugs on their person !!!!!.... In-short there are many people in many organisations within many communities up and down the UK that are clearly not telling the truth about the massive drug problem,knife and gun crime drug related murders until they confront the truth of the matter instead of passing the buck it will still be a massive problem period !!!!.... I for one want drugs to be Legalised for many reasons some I have mentioned above !!!!...
  17. I understand that I really do and appreciate your comments.... But come on kids get groomed and get poison dripped into their ears by adults sometimes by older family members to become drug dealers.... I was stating that certain people in community's around Sheffield know full well that is the truth but still make excuses for them and blame it on government cuts.... Youth services need to start telling the truth about the real reason of drug related murders in Sheffield and city's around the UK... As I have said the drug problems will only get alot wrost than it is now if they keep defending and blaming it on cuts..
  18. I just wanted you to explain what you meant.....
  19. What are you actually stating.... I know you don't agree with drugs being legalised but thanks for the thumbs up on the rest of my post....
  20. I've just watched bbc look north... There was a youth worker and someone from mums united explaining the reason why there is so much knife and gun crime and murders in Sheffield is because of cuts to youth services !!!!.... Absolute rubbish the real reason is that these scumbags young and old are greedy and want to sell drugs to make alot of cash period !!!.... Until certain cliques In Sheffield who work in youth services start telling the truth instead of defending these scumbags and blaming it on government cuts !!!! Nothing will change in fact the crisis yes crisis will get far more worse than it is now... Another reason why drugs should be made legal !!!!.... I am so glad my children are not part of that situation in anyway shape or form or go to any of those youth services and that they are in a loving environment at home !!!....
  21. Alot of criminal activity would stop "redruby" your right !. What gets me why wouldn't people want drugs to be Legalised instead of evil drug dealers being in control !!!!.
  22. You have done it correctly "hauxwell".. And thanks for posting the link hope people take time to read it !!!!.....
  23. Many psychiatrist have stated that skunk has a higher potency and is very dangerous and that's all I need to know after all they are professionals and know what they are talking about down to their own studies on the subject....
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