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Everything posted by Box11

  1. Of course it's true there have been many people who have ended up with severe mental health problems because they started to take drugs while having no problems beforehand !!.... Some people it affects while some aren't... Skunk is dangerous and affects your thought process period !!!.. Well said....
  2. You are correct the problem is this: The weed which is being sold today better known as " "SKUNK" !!!!.... Is extremely dangerous the reason being is that "SKUNK" is grown under powerful lights constantly day and night making the substance far more powerful and dangerous for the receiver !!!!.... Cannabis(Weed) grown outside in hot countries around the world is grown differently as it is not constantly under the light of the sun because of night hours !!... Making this another reason why it needs to be regulated and legalising !!!!....
  3. Is it now time to legalise all drugs !!!... The crime involved in the selling of drugs is way out of control.... Gun and Knife crime in the UK in my eyes is way out of control with drug related murders happening in broad daylight.... Children being groomed to become drug dealers and much worse !!!!.... Legalisation of drugs should cut the crime rate considerably not only that it would be much safer for those suffering from addiction and be more ethical !!!!....
  4. Your right but I'd rather have some in prison than out on the streets peddling drugs, enticing-grooming children to be runners carrying drugs,guns and knives.... Only for them to grow up unfortunately far worse than their criminal teacher's !!...
  5. Blank him "Consheff".. He's stating not to try and troll him... When it's him clearly doing the trolling !!!!.. Rise above him blank him no matter what he post's... Show him your the bigger person !!! ....
  6. Boo him if he returned with another club !!!.. Grow up I don't care what he does I wanted him gone and he has that's made me very happy indeed as I have said before..... Long live Sheffield United !!!!....... I won't be responding back to your post !!..
  7. Told you before I don't respond to your post and never will just a reminder !!!! Correct !!!!....
  8. Yeah and he claimed to love the lane from boot boy to player to manager to walking out on his boyhood club says it all... I love what I do for a living if someone was making my job difficult I would work the problem not walk out throwing my toys out of the pram like him thank god he's gone long live Sheffield United !!!... Oh sorry I keep forgetting this thread is about Blades v Spurs !!!.. Great goals from Gareth Bale pure class !!!!....
  9. CW is a championship manager at best he hasn't got the know how or skills to cut it as a premiership manager.... It was there in black and white for all to see wrost record ever and what did he do about it when the going got tough he walked !!!... To me that sums up is whole character !!! ... Anyway back on topic Spurs were devastating and Gareth Bale was pure class !!!....
  10. Total waste of money and show's the naivety of the person who brought him to our club absolute useless footballer who hasn't scored all season he needs to take a long hard look at himself in the mirror and ask himself what does he do for a living Ffs !!!...
  11. Well they should move that gang on too and don't stop until no-more appear !!!... Your right matey but we're preaching to the deaf and those who keep their eyes shut !!!!....
  12. Look at the end of the day everyone knows who these scumbags are who have devastated communities across Sheffield..... The police know as well,the areas that have been mentioned on this forum are in a total mess the criminals are openly plying their trade for everyone to see without any interference from law !!!... If you walk through the city centre of Sheffield there is open drug dealing !!!... There is cctv covering the majority of the city centre yet this still goes on..... I would rather the police flood these areas which have been mentioned instead of babysitting football hooligans !!!..
  13. Well that's a joke for a start !!!!.... Every time there is a football match around the UK the police are there in vast numbers (pre-covid 19) !!!.... So like I said they don't care or the powers to be period !..
  14. You won't be touted as a "racist"..... There are good and bad people no matter what race they are.... Yes the areas you have quoted do have major problems and need addressing but the powers to be don't care what goes on there !!!!... I just feel sorry for the good people that live there my advice to them would be move on because these crimes,drugs and OCG are only going to get far worse than they are now !!!...
  15. Thanks "Consheff" your right.... Some people defend certain groups and their bad behaviour knowing full well how they operate !!!..... So if certain people are defending and not telling the truth about what goes on there are also part of the problem too !!!!....
  16. Zero tolerance is what's needed now I know they are building new prison's basically "Supermax Prison's" just like they have in America...
  17. Absolute rubbish "Dutch"..... Pitsmoor has had a problem with OCG for a long time now... Certain ethnic groups and white groups used to sell cannabis until someone went to Manchester and came back and said this is what you should be selling "CRACK".... In-turn that devastated the area further not only that those selling this substance would use it themselves becoming addicted some even to this day not only ruining their lives but their customers too.... There are now various OCG in Pitsmoor involved in the drug business... "The different classes" as you put it only separate themselves !!!... Regards to Sheffield Star there's loads of shootings,stabbings and drug related robberies that go unreported.... In short there is a massive problem with drugs in : Pitsmoor,Manor, Highfield,Broomhall, City Center, Wicker,Firth Park,Low Edges,Parson Cross,Heeley... I could go on.... The Police and the authorities know this and in-short don't care....
  18. Oil is used in everything not just cars.... There will always be a use for oil no matter what.... Hence no independence that's not the only reason but a very important issue why Scotland will never be able to be a independent country.....
  19. Very laughable indeed.... Totally delusional !!!...
  20. Maybe some driver's didn't notice the bus gate I know I didn't.... Now I am aware of it....
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