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Everything posted by Box11

  1. You know what "trastrick" your so right.... I started a thread "Sheffield United V Relegation".... The first thing I mentioned was will Sheffield United struggle without "Henderson" and I was right.... He was outstanding for them a fantastic pair of hands sadly missed.....
  2. No it's not how can you justify paying Jags 50k a week it's crazy it doesn't make sense... It's just another example of CW bad signings !!!!!...
  3. Check Sheffield United players salaries list 2021....
  4. Someone told me that I'll be checking to see if that's true if so it's terrible....
  5. No I don't "Anna B"... This is why Rachel and Harry are the template for things to come.... The younger generation of the royal family will be more celebrities rather than Royal very much like the royalty of Monaco... I will say this tho it must feel like living in the Truman Show being a member of the Royal family I for one could never do it for love nor money.....
  6. What gets me about their situation is that Harry once wore a nazi uniform to a party also called someone a rag head and my little @##@ friend... If Rachel her true name is so concerned about racist remarks she doesn't have to look far does she.... And how come she only invited her mum out of the whole of her family to the wedding she's ruthless... She's a social climber and will do anything and say anything to get there. The point I'm trying to make is that,don't believe everything you see or hear.... "What the mind see's the mind believes"
  7. On the wrong football players... How on earth can you justify paying Jagielka 50 -70 grand a week when he is at the end of his career and 23 million on Brewster who is terrible and a total waste of money absolutely crazy signings and their are others that I can't be @#@## to mention....
  8. As I have said in previous post I want our club to be contenders.... So I want an owner who will pump as much money as possible into the club for as long as it takes for us to be the best as we can... So hence the saying "Deep Pockets".....
  9. I understand your point of view NERVY-OWL... I just want him to sell... Just have to see if that pans out !!!!....
  10. Read my post I want a manager who is knowledgeable CW wasn't not for the premier league... He was a fantastic manager for Sheffield United getting them up from L1 and i have said that many times in my posts... What's wrong with wanting your team to be contenders and to be the best they can be in my eyes nothing...
  11. Your right I did want him gone !!!!... And I'm not alone!!!!.. But now I want the owner to sell to someone with deep pockets and to get a manager who is knowledgeable that can buy the right players when we do finally get back to the promise land so we can hold our own alot longer than two years...
  12. Sheffield United have had a terrible season and one to forget !!!!... What's needed is a owner who understands football I want someone with very deep pockets in order to keep Sheffield United in the Premier league when we get there again !!.. I want a top manager and top players !!!!... Why shouldn't Sheffield United be contenders it wasn't that long ago that Man City we're a struggling football team and others look at them now !!!!....
  13. It's been embarrassing all season !!!!.....
  14. It's no surprise to me at all.... Just hope fans get over this quickly it's not about CW !!!!... Sheffield United will move on its not about one man and never has been it's a club..... And 7 million(If that's the true amount) payoff that's questionable too I will say this tho... "If I loved my job(which I do !!!!)I would work with any problems and work with the problems I had i would never walk out on the job I love no matter what....
  15. No-one is bigger than the club.... Long live Sheffield United !!!!....
  16. I agree but don't be fooled by Harry he is just the same....
  17. Look all they are doing is what the younger generation will be doing in the near future... The Royals has we know it will be no more and they will be more like the Prince of Monaco basically more celebrities than Royal... I have watched the interview and for me they are both very good actors and deserve an Oscar....
  18. Great TV show would always rush back to the children's home to watch that no matter what I was doing... Sadly missed R.I.P....
  19. That's another reason why Sheffield United will find it near impossible to get straight back up into the Premier league....
  20. The team will be sold off and CW has probably been told that.....
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