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Everything posted by Box11

  1. Radio Sheffield from 6 o'clock this evening...
  2. Looking like CW won't need to be sacked... Looks like he could be walking....
  3. Yeah I'm not sick of the Premier league just sick of Sheffield United's situation.... All that hard work from L1 and for what..... Total misery.....
  4. Another game and another defeat... Certain fans must be sick of this by now I know I am when will it end....
  5. Like I said I don't have to answer to you or anyone else.... And what's with the pestering.... You want to keep him fine I don't.... Like I said I don't have to justify who I want to replace CW.... I'll keep that to myself for now period !!!!!
  6. People can put what they want can't they short or long answers it's up too them... They don't have to justify what they write or give a answer to someone else on the forum its down to them...
  7. "High maintenance player's"..... I couldn't believe what CW said last season when Henderson got man of the match.. "He's only a goalkeeper all he has to do is stand there how can a goalkeeper get man of the match" Unbelievable how a manager can say that about any footballer absolutely beyond me....
  8. Saudi Arabia is very corrupted.... But so are the majority of the world's government's.... "If we only did business with nice people there would be no-one to do business with at all".... That's the truth of it very sad indeed... I fear for the Princess that is missing and strongly think the Saudis should show proof of life just to put this matter to bed....
  9. It's pointless now the damage has already been done !!!!!....
  10. "Correct".... CW is very stubborn i also find him very arrogant too.... I can't get my head around the fact that he is sticking to a system that is not producing the goods..... Totally beyond me it's too late now to find a new manager to save this season the rot has set in.... I really fear for next season also.....
  11. A super league will happen that's the way football is going....
  12. Premier league is never boring.... And it is the hardest league in the world.... World class managers have stated that.... When Leicester City won the league they had a fantastic squad that ran rings around other good teams with ease.... If that squad were kept together without certain player's being sold on I strongly believe they could have won it again in time..... At the end of the day what is wrong with wanting your team to be the best they can be and to be WINNER'S and not LOSERS !!!!!!..... I want the best for Sheffield United.... What I don't want is to have a local lad managing who is out of his depth at this level I say again at this level.... I want someone who knows quality player's at the right price without spending 23-25 million on a player (Brewster) who in my eyes is very dire indeed and is not producing the goods.... CW got Mugged by Liverpool.... There is alot of supporters who have had enough of the situation at Sheffield United and want change.... I am one of those supporters....
  13. But to have started the season in that way having points deducted hurt's morale in a big way and destroys confidence in a massive way to any team in any league... Look the premier league is the hardest league in the world any team can win on the day in any match... Granted CW did a fantastic job getting Sheffield United up into the premier league from where they were as I have said many times..... But he is totally out of his depth at this level it is plain to see....
  14. I can't believe that fans who love Sheffield United would want to keep a Manager who is totally out of his depth.... Look football is a business and has been for many many years... When you have a business and if an employee is not producing the goods then they are sacked and a new employee takes their place... It's not rocket science... That's business.....
  15. The point is Wednesday had points deducted from the start of the season... Sheffield United didn't... So I can understand that Wednesday could get relegated after having points deducted....
  16. "Padders".... Come on matey football is and should be based on results period.... Based on that CW should have gone or walked...
  17. Sheffield Wednesday had points deducted from the start so they already had a mountain to climb so you can understand why they could get relegated.... And sacked "Monk"... Sheffield United didn't have points deducted they were on a level playing field same as everyone else yet still CW is still the Manager.... Absolutely beyond me.....
  18. Very true "steved32"... I saw this coming way back in September I also fear for Sheffield United next season too...
  19. Very sad "Thirsty" very sad indeed.....
  20. Another game lost.... Sheffield United fate is sealed....
  21. Bang on "Steved32".... Arrogance is a bitter pill.... Nevermind they can still drive up and down eccy road (Ecclesall Road).... As CW said in a interview last season !!!.....
  22. I agree the Premier league has become a monster.... But the point is to be the best if you can or for some to try and be that.... I know Sheffield United aren't Barcelona and at this rate never will be but to stick to a system and failing is no good for anyone no matter what team you are.... New blood fresh ideas are needed.... Why would any football supporter want their team to struggle for years then get to the top tier and get relegated and say "nevermind we can get back up" !!!!
  23. I also agree buying Brewster was a total mistake and a waste of good money... CW is out of his depth at this level and has been found out this season for all to see... Certain fans only want him to stay in the job because he is a Sheffield lad... If it was anyone else they would be up in arms about what's happening at the club....
  24. I agree a very rocky road that could drag on and on....
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