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Everything posted by Box11

  1. If they do it will be the greatest escape to survive relegation...
  2. Yeah tough games ahead... Just need to play as one like last season and pick their heads up it's time to crack on and get points on the board.... Could be right "Kelvin Phlats"..... Maybe too late....
  3. America = LA LA Land..... Absolute craziness going on in that country.... If the law and armed forces don't get a grip on this quickly it will spiral out of control in other cities right across America.... Trump and the ones behind him that we won't ever see or hear from are destroying democracy and for what chaos.... Someone needs to hang the American flag upside down because that country is in distress...... China and Russia must be rubbing their hands together in glee....
  4. I couldn't believe what I was hearing on BBC Radio Sheffield some months ago CW was being interviewed and he mentioned Moussett and others enjoying themselves driving lambos up and down " "eccy road"(Ecclesall Road).... Absolute bunch of idiots I don't mind footballers driving flash cars but come on do the business on the pitch win games and get points on the board before acting like superstars !!!!!!
  5. Don't hold your breath Thirsty Relic.... Football players get away with murder.... Just look at what Jamie Carragher did he spat at a little girl because her dad asked him a question.... Sky suspended him only for him to be back as a pundit....
  6. No-one is questioning his loyalty to the club we all see that he is... It's his ability to cut it as a Premier league manager that's in question.... As things are it clearly shows he can't no-one should be bigger than the club the best interest should come first no matter what period.....
  7. No he hasn't Longcol.... Absolute joke I'd love to know how much he's getting paid each week for not scoring...
  8. Absolute nonsense..... Brewster has just come to the club and Lundstram doesn't want to be at Sheffield United my guess is a few others don't either.... Look many manager's have gone for less Sheffield United have now got the worst record ever doesn't that tell you anything "Kidley".... What does it have to take before certain fans see the light.... CW has got to go we are a laughing stock....
  9. I also see that Brooker11... It's clear that they are not playing for him I have said before that there is something seriously wrong at Sheffield United.... And if it is true that the players don't want to play for CW then they don't want him there it's clear that it's a very unhappy camp at the moment and needs addressing asap....
  10. So what's the point of the majority of football club's wanting to be in the Premier league... What are you saying that it's pointless being there if you can't win it.... Two words "Leicester City"....
  11. What happens when you get yourselves out of the championship again... Go through all of this again..... Or find someone who knows how to find decent players for the right money who can hold their own within the Premier league.... Sean dyche seems to know what he's doing picking players with a small budget I know they are not the best team by far but seem to stay up and avoid the drop..... I agree totally !!!!
  12. Look CW has done a fantastic job to have got Sheffield United in the Premier league from where they were... Football is a result business and based on that he should leave... Someone else needs to come in with new ideas who that is I don't know but surely there is someone who can pickup the mantel to move forward and out of this horrible rut in which Sheffield United find themselves in !!!!!
  13. Another game lost... I can't see Sheffield United winning any games this season at all... What's gone wrong how has it come to this.... Something has got to give.... Why isn't Sharp playing what's going on for Godsake.... CW is totally out of his depth and needs to walk it's getting embarrassing....
  14. I hope so he's been such a brilliant talisman for Sheffield United and knows where the back of the net is something they are lacking....
  15. It's because club's like Man city have a voice where as smaller club's don't it's disappointing and unfair to say the least Thirsty Relic.... Money talks <removed> walks very unfair indeed....
  16. So relegation it is then.... Sad state of affairs at Sheffield United can't even see them getting more points at this stage at all...
  17. "They think it's all over it is now"..... I can't see Sheffield United staying up this season at all.... Sad very sad indeed....
  18. I'm not going to respond to that...
  19. Just seen the game on MOTD 2.... Lundstram's sending off was deserved.... But I can't understand why any manager worth their salt would play a player who wants to leave... Watching the replay of the foul Lundstram had nothing but malicious intent.... As I have said before Sheffield United have serious problems that need ironing out....
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