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Everything posted by Box11

  1. Thanks for that... We'll look into it.... Thanks for your response...
  2. Thanks enntee... Would my friend be able to change his surname back to his original family's name or would that be a problem also...
  3. Hope you're right but I doubt it...
  4. I was wondering if anyone knows how you would go about annulling adoption... I have a very good friend that was adopted but no longer has anything to do with those that adopted him he is wanting to annual the adoption and wondering how you would go about it to make it official.... If anyone has any answers at all we would be grateful to hear from you....
  5. Another game lost !!! Just not Sheffield United's season this time....
  6. "Echo" Look last season Sheffield United were fantastic all the players were up for it and thought as one they also had a great goalkeeper (Henderson).... Things are very different this season for all to see.....
  7. I know they won't go out of business if they go down "NERVY-OWL".... What I mean is if someone is not doing a good job within the business(managing) then they should be replaced period... Why would anyone want to be relegated oh say nevermind we will be back... That way of thinking is ludicrous you want to be winner's not losers... Since I started this thread I have been saying there is something seriously wrong at Sheffield United and there is clearly....
  8. Deserves a chance... Look football is a business.... #@## it I'm going to say it the job has become too big for CW he is totally out of his depth at this level...
  9. Another game lost..... Something needs to be done urgently at Sheffield United.... I would have thought any owner of a football club getting to the promise land of the premier league would do anything to stay there.... Someone at that club needs to go now for god's sake !!!!!
  10. Another game lost.... Points dropped need to keep their concentration..... This season is not looking good at all....
  11. Yeah and Jamie Vardy will relish in it....
  12. They're already in trouble.... Serious trouble at that !!!!!!!
  13. I honestly don't think CW can turn it around... As I have said there is something seriously wrong at that club and it needs sorting asap before it is too late.....
  14. Another game lost... This time to WBA... Something is very wrong at Sheffield United and it needs addressing urgently....
  15. Of course he is if he is not fit enough to complete a full game then take him off..... Billy Sharpe scores goals period.... Look at the end of the day they need points on the board and playing defensive football only leads to losing,every manager worth their salt knows this.....
  16. Well said prince al ..... I have no idea why CW is forcing defending over attacking..... Billy Sharpe is a natural goal scorer... For Godsake get him on the teamsheet....
  17. I fear this also steved32... Like I have said in previous posts no-one should be bigger than the club.... Staying in the Premier league is a must and games need to be won saying that they put in a good performance is not good enough winning games and points is what is needed..... I think CW has done a cracking job so far but its looking like the job has become too big for him....
  18. Another game lost... Massive points dropped yet again... Not looking good at all....
  19. Yeah it is very sad to see Chapel Walk in this state it will always have a special place in my heart... Having been in care from the age of 4 I requested to see my birth Mother at the age of 13... I met her at the Crucible Theatre in the upstairs restaurant after having a cup of tea together saying absolutely nothing she asked if I wanted to go for a walk... We ventured up Chapel Walk took a look at various shops where she bought me a yo-yo.... She left shortly after that to return to London.... I may not have the yo-yo anymore but Chapel Walk will always be a special place to me... Sheffield City Council should have never let this quaint little walk way turn into a ghetto that it is today....
  20. Going straight back up from relegation is a very hard ask... No one should be bigger than the club... The club comes first no matter the sacrifice.... And I'm sure the owner will think so too... The most important thing for Sheffield United is to stay in the Premier league...
  21. Oh Anna B.... Trump is no gamekeeper as you put it and he doesn't know where the bodies are buried at all... Just look what happened to his very good friend Jeffrey Epstein you are aware Anna B that they where good friends.... How do you think Trump met Melania.... Trump can't force anything Anna B.... All he can do is what he is told....
  22. Points dropped again... Serious mistakes are now coming into play heads are down confidence has dropped massively.... Not looking good at all this season.....
  23. Democracy Lives !!! Thank god that idiot is out of the white house.... It won't be the last trump to be in the white house... Just hope in the future they have more common sense than their father.....
  24. Oh little Anna B..... Of course he is part of the establishment... There are many tier's in regards to the establishment and all have their part to play... Anna B I think we both agree that Trump is not the most intelligent human being amongst us... So ask yourself why or how on earth did he become President of probably the most powerful nation in the world.... The answer is simple "He was asked"..... Not only that Anna B they have created a brand new dynasty namely and to be known in the future as "The Trumps"... My money is on "Ivanka" becoming the first "Madam President" in the near future I wouldn't be at all shocked or surprised.... Then of course we have "Barron".... Who as we speak is being groomed to carry the baton one day.... But when all is said and done Anna B all I'm doing here is thinking out loud and that's what makes this a great forum which I'm sure you will agree....
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