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Everything posted by Box11

  1. Come on Anna B... Trump is part of the establishment....
  2. Again points dropped... Not looking good at all.....
  3. Your right Anna B.... Both of them are poor candidate's to say the least.... It just goes to show that being or having a President is pointless there again I guess they need a figure head just to keep the masses happy...
  4. He will win another term Tomm06.... It won't be good for America but what is... Biden is not the answer he never will be he is just as bad as trump if not worse....
  5. Points dropped again.... Still not looking good.....
  6. Very true Thorpist he is disgusting.... And to think someone like him will be voted in for another 4 years.....
  7. Lost again not looking good at all.....
  8. Come on catmiss.... Learn to read between the lines..... "WHAT THE MIND SEES THE MIND BELIEVES"...... In your case catmiss....
  9. That's right Taxman..... I don't believe a word of it tho,it's just a ploy to divert the spotlight away from not paying his taxes... Regarding dodging the draft, it's disgusting he as the audacity to have said in the past that anyone who joins the military are stupid just goes to show what those who are wealthy really think of those who fight their endless money pit wars.....
  10. He will end up in prison..... He is connected to alot of people who are shady and are being investigated as we speak..... There is only so much the establishment will put up with and when they have no more use for you they will cut you loose.....
  11. Fantastic posts so far..... Remember we can only comment on the games so far and that being said it's not looking good.... It's hard to get out of a losing streak in football players confidence can drop and that's the last thing any team needs....
  12. Henderson was a major factor in Sheffield United's success last season for me he was a fantastic goalkeeper with a good pair of hands he will be sadly missed.....
  13. I know it's early.... Are Sheffield United going to struggle this season with the likelihood of relegation not looking too good without Henderson no wonder Manchester United wouldn't let him go......
  14. Is now the time to stop ex criminals working with young people and calling them role models just because they have given up on a life of crime...... It's clear to see that it's not working,knife and gun crime is getting worse not better and hardened criminals are getting younger..... I don't think it works having ex MURDERERS/DRUG DEALERS etc etc mentoring young impressionable minds.....
  15. I agree Mr Fisk..... Joshua is too cut for a boxer that's why he can't get his punches off Fury is more supple and a natural heavyweight he will be too good for Joshua and out class him....... Fury is a character boxing needs that Joshua(i'll do anything for a dollar!!!!) reminds me of Frank Bruno I hope they get the fight on and that its not just HYPE there is too much of that in todays boxing get it on and host it at Wembley..... My money is on Fury.....
  16. At the end of the day you need to know where racism comes from it is taught to people when they are young by older generations,all races from around the world can be racist even to their own kind..... Many black people will call black people that have done well for themselves ie ...... Big house,nice clothes and wealthy, COCONUTS or BOUNTY BARS what they mean by this is that they are black on the outside but white on the inside... No-one will ever be able to stop racism i have a very good friend who is black and he says you should rise above it... He says tearing down statues does not stop racism talking to each other and understanding other peoples cultures is a start.... There is good and bad in every culture around the world and that's the way it will always be.....
  17. All Presidents have been bad the only ones that weren't were Abraham Lincoln and JFK people bang on about how nice Barack Obama was while he was in office,he wasn't,he signed off more drone strikes than any other President..... Donald Trump is only doing what he is told.... He hasn't got the intelligence to think for himself nor have many,the days of a President thinking for themselves are long gone..... When he finally goes which won't be for another 4 years it wouldn't surprise me that in years to come the Elite of America will drag him through the mud to balance the books over his good buddy Jeffrey Epstein (past-tence)..... They need to hang this round someone's neck and it's not going to be a member of the Royal family is it !!!!!
  18. It pointless putting anything on Sheffield Forum without users over analysing the topic of discussion.... Your way too deep Annie Bynnol... Take a deep breath and put something positive regarding the footage released....
  19. Cause it's ground breaking!!!! it was leaked yes I agree on that but the USA authority aka PENTAGON have confirmed it as real footage your also right that it has been discussed on many platforms but they have no credible authority the PENTAGON does to me that speaks volumes.... So if a organisation such as them confirms it's real footage then that is groundbreaking.... You claim to have seen better with your own eyes ghozer to me THAT'S NOT PROOF OR CREDIBLE.....!!!!!!
  20. What do people make of the UFO video.... And that the pentagon confrims it's real footage..... Truly amazing I for one will be keeping a close eye on any further information on this matter..... Interesting to say the least.....
  21. The best car wash in Sheffield by far is located at the bottom of Halifax Road if you head up Penistone Road towards Halifax Road it's on your left hand side I make a special trip to go there the hand wash is second to none and the tryre black they use lasts all week.... It's open now....
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