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Everything posted by Box11

  1. HA,HA,HA,HA........ Let him keep on with his stupidity he is obviously a comedian and enjoys the general public laughing at him like we have all said....... The man in question is a TOTAL FOOL...... No-one can help individuals like this once they get something in their heads that they are in the right no-one can tell them any different even when its the TRUTH....... This is my last post on this matter I have a feeling that he will go on for ever disputing that he is right and Camelot are wrong when its clear to everyone their not......
  2. Your right 'RESIDENT if he hasn't got the common sense to see sense then he probably will end up 'BACK INSIDE' saying that characters like this find prison life easy and are very comfortable 'BEING INSIDE' because they haven't got a good standard of life on the outside that's why prison doesn't hurt people that are bad minded............... Very sad indeed !!!!!!!
  3. I also agree he hasn't got the sense to say ''RIGHT ENOUGH IS ENOUGH NOW'' he has to be totally deluded to carry on protesting that he's in the right and Camelot are in the wrong!!!!!!!! He's so out of touch and not living in the real world at all people do win on scratchcards all the time take it from me the giant jackpots do exist out there my advice to this individual is TO STOP PURSUING THIS..... HE IS MAKING HIMSELF LOOK A TOTAL FOOL and if he's not careful could be looking at court action if he doesn't.
  4. Right read this.......... The main problem with this whole homeless situation and this is a fact......many of these people on our streets are the product of the care system!!!!! Back in the late 70's all children's homes rules changed where the children in the care of city council's homes were allowed to do what they wanted ie smoking,coming and going when they wanted,staying up at night till the early hours of the morning older adults coming to the homes without being challenged by anyone basically these children were allowed to run amok. They have got so used to doing the wrong thing from an early age that it has become normal to them and to them doing anything different to what they are all ready doing would be alien to them in-short they are feral and this is not their fault because from an early age they have had no one to reign them in to tell them that their behaviour was wrong Childrens homes before the late 70's were very strict on how children behaved there have been thousands of children passing through this care system before the late 70's and even though they still had their problems the children that left the care system were not living on the streets of our many towns and cities. Children before the date mentioned were taught MORALS,LIFE SKILLS,MANNERS,HONOUR, and to RESPECT THEIR ELDERS. (There have also been many children in care after the late 70's that have done very well for themselves and good on them but we should all think of the ones who haven't at the end of the day we are all human aren't we..............).
  5. The guy in question has got to be a total fool......... doesn't he think that the lottery has all the winning codes to all of the winners that are for sale up and down the country...... The both of them are chances who have not thought it through I read the police are now involved to investigate if that's the case they will have to hand over the evidence to the police so they can investigate the matter further..... It beggars belief there are children that have these bought for them by their parents and not any of them have tried this like I said they both have to be fools......
  6. Boxing as a sport is dead there are too many gyms too many managers,trainers and promoters..... That's why the boxers are not of good quality anymore they are not being trained by top class boxing trainers anymore.... For a start no boxer should look like a bodybuilder ie CUT they should be supple that's the reason why many of these fighters cant get their shots off and by looking and being built like they are they are rigid with their shots...... Its sad to say and I fear boxing will never be the same again... Sad...
  7. I totally agree Lazarus Paulette Edwards is so depressing she is so small minded in the way she thinks about certain issues..... She's always banging on that she was an English teacher 'BACK IN THE DAY' I find that unimaginable her grammar and punctuation skills are dire to say the least.... Her many guests on her slot are either ex drug dealers music promoters talking about 'BACK IN THE DAY'.......No one cares about 'BACK IN THE DAY' the only thing that counts is here and now!!!!!!! Everyone knows these people were moved on by bigger and badder thugs than they were.... So now they work in the community working with young people telling war stories of when they were young and we all wonder why there is so much violence on the streets of England..... A good role model is someone who has never been in trouble with the police that's what I got taught..... I for one will not be listening to her show again and if you read this Miss Paulette Edwards you work for the BBC it is not your Radio Station for you to project your narrow minded views on society
  8. Hi Bev1966, I was in Lane End Children Home in the early 70's to 1980 there where lots of kids in there no fault of there own. Is there a reason why you are looking for previous children that where living there???
  9. Still seeking Vix2000 regarding Lane End Children Home could you please contact me as a matter of urgency I would like to discuss a very important matter with you regarding a child that was there when you worked there for a short time as I have stated it is very important that I speak to you, Many Thanks.
  10. Still waiting for your reply SISISI.As I have stated I am looking for land for me to shoot on and to keep down the vermin for our hard working farmers as they often don't have the time to undertake this problem where as I do and everything that I would do on their land would be legal. ---------- Post added 25-01-2018 at 17:56 ---------- I am still waiting for your reply SISISI.As I have stated I am looking for land to keep down the vermin for our hardworking farmers as many don't have the time to undertake this problem where as I do.
  11. rabbits,pheasents & any vermin that ruins the countyside & livestock for our hard working farmers.
  12. hi I am also looking for some land for airgun shooting I haven't got a shotgun licence but I have been told I don't need a licence for my .22 airgun by the Gun shop where I purchased my air rifle they said to gain permission from the land owner could anyone help with any advice on where I could go within the Barnsley & north Sheffield area, Many thanks.
  13. Seeking vix2000 regarding Lane End Children's Home could you please respond back to this post urgently,many thanks Box11.
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