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Everything posted by Box11

  1. They have to start somewhere but I’m guessing the best get picked to present on national radio and the other’s stay where they are !!!...
  2. I know that but Edward shouldn’t be wearing one I think it is very disrespectful to the ones that have served !!!... He should be there in attendance it’s his mother who died but put him in a suit it would just look better especially to the ones who feel it is disrespectful to soldiers that have served their Queen and Country !!!... Don’t you think...
  3. Why doesn’t he then he has a right too Edward doesn’t he never served !!!...
  4. Yeah I agree Anna B.... Edward didn’t even finish his basic training in the Royal Marines but yet he dons a military uniform like he has served alongside comrades !!!... How he has the balls to put it on is beyond me he should have more common sense and say... “Well I never served or finish my basic training so I think it’s a big slap in the face that others have and been injured also died on the battlefield so I’ll wear a suit” !!!... I think many people would have more respect for him if he did the latter !!!...
  5. Yeah I stopped listening to it a few years ago !!!.... The station is absolutely dire to say the least why would you listen to it when there are better radio stations out there like I have said before Radio 4 is brilliant and very informative and it is after all for grown ups !!!.... Radio Sheffield is a local radio station that’s why the presenters are so poor and will never get any better or back to how it used to be years ago period !!!!....
  6. Very true !!!... They changed the rules in children’s homes around 1978-79 and allowed children in the homes to do what they wanted smoking.staying out very late,basically encouraged to act feral !!!.. So that they couldn’t stand up in court and point their fingers at the abusers !!!... Savile was just the tip of a very big ice berg and the truth will never see the light of day they will just keep covering it up just like they do and are doing !!!!..
  7. Yeah it is a funny old world... Everyone is bent whether you work in a factory and pals get more overtime or if you run a small local pub and the landlord always wins open the box or if you’re in a clique and you don’t let outsiders in society on a whole is corrupt !!!!... Look they are bent but like I said majority of the population is in one way or another that’s just how the world is and there is nothing you can do about it at all !!!.. I will say this though the Queen served for most of her life so let her have her pomp show yes the public are paying for it and it might be over the top but she gave up her life so she deserves a good send off... Im not a royalist but I’ve been watching a lot of footage of the royals in private and they came across normal apart from all their faults !!!!....
  8. You should post like this more often... Enjoyed reading that throughly....
  9. You know what I’m just watching “The Queen Remembered”..... They have shown how the royals were in private and to be honest I’m surprised to say the least not shocked but very surprised... To me they should have presented themselves more in that manner more people might just have to warmed to them even more... In private they seem very much a normal family.... I understand that they are royalty and have to be above everyone else or what is the point of having a royal family but I just wished she was aloud to be just like she was in private like I said she came across as normal.... I almost feel sorry for her having to serve all her life and not able to be her true self to her subjects.... Yes there has been scandals and even conspiracy’s but to live your all life to serve others must have had its toll i for one couldn’t have done it nor wanted too either... Sad.... Lets just hope dapper Charlie boy does a good job....
  10. Well said !!!... Yeah it’s sad that she’s died but to have a total news blackout is wrong in so many ways.... King Charles III showed his true colours when he looked in disgust that the ink on the table was in his way and gave one of the ushers a look they won’t forget !!!.. look I don’t hate the royals because I don’t know them directly but I feel the time has come to massively scale down their appearances and all the pomp that goes with it.... Everything they do is staged nothing is for real it worked well years ago but the world has changed and there are so many people in this world that realise how the establishment works and quite frankly they are sick of them... I saw Andy looking at the many flowers and pretending to read the notes looking for brownie points it’s just all staged !!!!... All said and done the Queen has died and that’s sad for her family.... Let’s just hope that Charlie boy can do positive deeds with his new titles....
  11. What would you advise us novice gardeners... Is there any point in replacing dead plants constantly if this is the weather we have to get used to from now on.... What advice have you got regarding plants that thrive in this weather... I know this is not the right thread to ask but would be good to know from someone who does gardening for a living...
  12. Yeah they need a lot of help to be contenders again....
  13. Looks like Man Utd have had enough of Ronaldo... Why would any club by this player “me me me”!!!!.... Just give him away Man U then the rest of the team will play again.... He’s not a team player in fact the man is horrible no wonder teammates get sick of him I know I would !!!....
  14. Don’t speak to soon Anna B.... And like you said we voted for Boris...
  15. Absolutely bang on !!!... Skunk is very dangerous because it is grown under powerful lights constantly night and day making it very potent indeed.. It also brings on psychological problems which is a uphill battle to get your well being back !!!!... Well said “Tipstaff”... I couldn’t have said it better myself and well done for voicing your true opinion !!!!.....
  16. 1976 now that was a great summer non stop sunshine for six weeks....
  17. There are some voices that say that this weather is going to be the norm.... There are also some voices that say that the world is going to end and that it will burn... Back in 1995 Denver International Airport was built in the USA and they commissioned Mr Tanguma an artist to paint some murals to be displayed inside the airport for the passengers some say they are very odd indeed and that they show that their is a conspiracy in place.... I am not one of those voices....
  18. Regarding your comment about “Mental Health “.... Or shall we say “Well Being”... It sounds better there is still a lot of stigma with the words “Mental health”... You are right to point this out “Anna B”... People suffering need to realise that by drinking and taking drugs will bring out bad thoughts and also psychological problems.... People who have suffered abuse when young and turn to drugs in their adulthood run the risk of bringing on psychosis it will bring the suffering to the forefront and will consume them.... I know it is a uphill battle to turn our homeless people away from drugs but it needs to be done.... Many of these unfortunate people didn’t experience any family love at all I am also aware that many have had a decent family and still turned to drugs there has to be a solution or it will get much worse than it is... Society on a whole needs to find a solution to fix this problem or we will have more generations turning to drink/drugs to deal with their problems maybe someone needs to teach them how to make peace with their suffering and to let go of their pain and hurt and to turn it into positive acts.... Just a thought....
  19. I think we can all agree that the passing of Harry Gration MBE on the 24th of June is sad news.... I remember watching BBC Look North when I was a young lad in the eighties and started watching it religiously in my twenties and always found that he delivered the news with warmth up until his retirement in 2020... Im sure he will be sadly missed by his viewers,friends and family.....
  20. Regarding your remarks about certain royals dressed in military dress order.... I will have to do some research but I remember watching a documentary some years ago now and I can’t remember who once’s said.... “Kings and Queens no longer have to lead from the front into battle they will go anyway”.... Kings always used to lead from the front so that their subjects would follow them into battle or they wouldn’t fight how times have changed eh !!!!!....
  21. You know what gets me so angry about this situation !!!!.... There are loads of organised groups claiming to help these unfortunate people but for me they are making the problem much worse !!!!... They encourage people to talk constantly about their problems even on TV and radio stations national and local !!!... If you broke your leg had a operation you wouldn’t bang on about it 24/7 would you by making people open up and spilling their guts is no good for anybody.... You would get on with it and be positive for me many of these so called organisations that are supposedly helping people are not fit for purpose at all and are years behind !!!!... They should be teaching them how to be self efficient and strong and to stand on their own instead of constantly going through a revolving door !!!!... That’s my opinion !!!!... ”Sorry for the rant but like I said the whole situation just makes me so angry and upset” !!!!....
  22. Very true !!!... Does it matter that is grandmother didn’t like curry powder... I like curry chicken,oxtail and curry mutton and I also eat a roast pork dinner it has no taste whatsoever and I couldn’t eat it every day but so what !!!!... If we we’re all the same and thought the same it would be a very boring place to live in !!!... We are now living in a world where we can’t say or do anything without someone picking up on it and turning it into a negative !!!.... The way the world is going at this rate is a Bu##**#* world where everyone is fake and to scared to say and do what they truly want !!!...
  23. Regarding Diana and Dodi they were very high profile clients.... No driver or bodyguard worth their salt would ever be drunk or take a drink while on duty !!!... I have a good friend who has been a bodyguard for business men,comedians and a certain MP.... He stated that he would never dream of having a drink of alcohol while Doing his duty it’s just not done so I find it very bizarre that someone looking after them would !!!.... There is a term: “Dark Arts”... There are many people who believe that’s what was used on that very unfortunate night !!!!... Whether I believe in this is another question which I choose not to answer....
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