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Everything posted by Box11

  1. How or what makes you think I’m a Wednesday fan ????....
  2. Not anymore that’s probably how they can waste 20 odd million on “Brewster “ !!!.... Saying that CW did say he bought him for Sheffield United’s future !!!!!.....
  3. Love it “cuttsie”...... These footballers live a very charmed life indeed I was staying at a hotel not far from Sheffield and got talking to a Barnsley FC player back in 2018 anyway I asked him how many hours do you train a day he said “2-3 hrs a day” he then stated “he is totally bored” I then said how much are you on “8k a week with the biggest smile on his face” I choked then he said “that’s every week” !!!!.... Absolute p*** takers and then they have the audacity not to produce the goods on the pitch !!!!!..... I also remember our school teachers telling us back in the 80s you will never make any money out of playing football you would be better off getting a trade oh how the table’s have turned !!!....
  4. “Rocky Marciano” now there’s a hard man best fighter of all time and yes “cuttsie” never moaned just got on with the job in hand..... These footballers could learn a thing or two from characters like him !!!!.....
  5. And saying all that Trump will be President yet again and the circus will start all over again !!!!....
  6. I also agree they need police officer’s like “Shillito” !!!!!.... The streets would be clean up in a matter of weeks !!!!.... Sadly there will never be police officers like “Shillito” again our police force’s hands are tied and they are not aloud to exercise their duties to the full !!!!....
  7. Just been looking though the forum and came across this and yes I agree with you on this Anna B they are a ex for a good reason... I haven’t and could never wrap my head around why certain men and women choose to remind friends with their ex even when they are seeing someone new it’s absolutely crazy !!!.... I for one would never put up with that from any women and would rather be on my own until I found a woman who thinks like me than put up with that !!!!!.... You should only fall in love once in your life not every 5 mins and if you find true love you should cherish that together for the rest of your life !!!!.....
  8. The way the world is going “Tipstaff” it might end up that way..... Those that want to choose to lead a good life should be protected and those that want to destroy themselves through drugs or other means should be allowed to far-away from decent people !!!!..... Majority of crimes committed today are either fuelled by drugs or committed for drugs and as time goes by this problem is only going to get far worse than it is now !.. Drugs are everywhere now in every area of our cities,towns and villages I strongly believe nothing will ever be done about the destruction of our communities !!!!.....
  9. Brilliant I’ve got one haven’t been out with mine for along time now maybe now it’s coming into autumn the ground will be softer will post on your thread if I find anything interesting..... Quick question how does it work regarding if I do find something of value..... 7 years ago I was using my metal detector in a wooded area someone told me that it was used by the cavaliers..... I was moving the detector around a large tree and it came up as gold I dug down when I hit what seemed like a metal box around 10 inches by 3 inches under one of the roots.... I quickly covered it up and will return to the spot when I find out the rules on a find.....
  10. Your right total hypocrisy why do Extinction Rebellion protest stopping people from going to work.... Why don’t they do some good by planting tree’s clearing rivers or mass litter picking !. That Greta encourages children to take time out of school to protest yet she’s flying around the world !!!... Why on earth did her parents let her get so involved with this instead of letting her be a child and not worry over climate issues yes there is problems with the climate but she was a child her parents should have allowed her to be one !!!!... I agree 👍🏻
  11. Trust me no children from 1979 were given rights !!.... I know someone who had his brother torn away from him separated to different children’s homes by Sheffield Social Services then placed with a family who were horrible to him for 5 long years during his time with that family he asked his Social Worker that he hated being with them and wanted to leave the Social Worker told him: “There is no where else for you to go” !!.. The all system stinks there was also a lovely family who wanted to adopt them both before they split them up but Social Services’s turned it down they are disgusting to say the least !!!.... He was treated very unfairly by the system and could have quite quickly turned out the other way and ended up on drugs drink and homeless if it wasn’t for his strong strength within himself to be successful !!!!.... Many children in the care of social services before 1979 did have it hard and abuse did take place but come on Anna B were there young adults in their thousands on streets in every town and city’s on drink and drugs begging across the Uk answer is no !!!!!... Social Services and many organisations in league with them are not fit for purpose and to this day my friend would never engage with any of them period !!!!.......
  12. Like I have said many times before many of the homeless today are from our care system...... Back in 1979 the authorities changed children homes from strict to allowing children in their care to do what they wanted to do !!!!..... Before that date mentioned above children’s homes were very strict places run by matrons !!!!.... Many of these children have grown up living a life that is destructive to themselves and us !!!!.... They were allowed to live a life from early childhood being destructive ie..... smoking,taking drugs,staying up to all hours, coming and going at all hours,interacting with young adults and much worse !!!...... Basically they become feral and anyone trying to show them how to live and conduct themselves into a good life would be pointless it would be so alien to them that they would rebel against it !!!!... It is a very sad situation for the majority of them some do find it in themselves to turn their life around but sadly too many don’t and that is very sad indeed !!!!....
  13. It just proved matey that “Chrissy” was well out of his depth at that level and yes Liverpool mugged him good and proper !!!.. He loved kissing the badge being a lifelong blade i do wonder where he is going to spend his money that he got oh yeah I know “Eccy Road”(Ecclesall road) with the rest of the idiots !!!!.....
  14. Yeah he is the cause I still can’t get my head around him buying Brewster absolute madness !!!!....
  15. 🤫🤫🤫🤫....., Look you have a lot of growing up to do you really do stop taking yourself too seriously..... Why on gods earth would I meet someone for a chat who I don’t know I wouldn’t !!.. People are just stating what they think on here they don’t have to prove anything it’s their own opinion !!!!... Try not to bite as much and enjoy the forum...
  16. Bang on !!!.... He wants everyone to have civilised conversations then in the next breath he states that he wants to meet me in a carpark at the lane !!!!... Some people you can’t have a civil conversation with or try I suggest that he should have a word with himself and just think before he posts !!!!!!!!!!!!.....
  17. If Sheffield United do get relegated again down to league one it will be a disaster for the club in the long run..... The question is will the new management be allowed to bring in the players that are needed and quick while there is still a good chance of staying in the Championship for this season and plan for a return to the Premier League next season !!!!....
  18. I am also curious “cuttsie” why he is so obsessed with wanting to meet me at the lane ??????....
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