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Everything posted by Box11

  1. Plenty of answers but do I choose to share them then my answer is “no I don’t”.... You said another conspiracy theory I told you I don’t believe in them they are bull#*#* But come on Biden can’t even remember his own members of staff and their job titles !!!!.... All his speeches are from auto cues it’s clear to me and others that he’s not doing his own thinking at all !!!....
  2. Your so right he can’t even remember his own staff !!!!.... I’ll say this though and it’s sad to say it but Russia and China must be laughing at us and America at how weak we have become as nation’s !!!!.... Tony Blair has stated: “We may have been relegated to the second division of global power”.... Thats a very worrying statement !!!!.... No comment..... But I’ll say this I don’t believe in conspiracy theories there all stupid.... But if you believe for one minute a man like Biden who is totally incompetent is thinking for himself then think again....
  3. Oh please 🙄....... Like I have said in previous posts the last President to do his own thinking was JFK and look what happened to him !!!!... Since then it really hasn’t matter who was the President because those that you will never see do their bidding !!!!...
  4. NERVY-OWL...... Im sure comments like that was said at the beginning of last season and look what happened then !!!!.... It’s like history repeating itself and seems like no one has learnt their lesson especially Sheffield United !!!!.....
  5. Like that “The_DADDY..... He’s incompetent to say the least and makes Americans look weak but remember he’s only the figure head and has to do as he’s told !!!!.....
  6. Yes very early days but they need to believe they can win early in the season..... It’s no good playing like Pele on the training ground then playing like a pub player on match day when it counts !!!!.... Points on the board and goals that’s what counts if Sheffield United aren’t careful there will be many teams in this league that are going to be too hard to catch up with period !!!!... I thought the whole idea was to challenge for a return to the Premier League not just survive in the Championship !!!!.... Get someone in there to speak to each individual player and boost their confidence and get them to believe they are a winning team before it’s too late and certain fans are saying !!!!!..... “ Oh well we should get out of league one straight away no problem”......,,,, Believe me if they do get relegated again they will be there for a while and that’s a crying shame especially after all that hard graft to get out !!!!!!......
  7. I agree totally come on United please prove me wrong another season of the same will only lead into disaster and dissatisfaction from fans !!!... Jesus Christ man up and take the bull by the horns !!... Winning mentality is needed now more than ever !!....
  8. Oh no !!!!!.... Another loss same old story very sad affair indeed..... I think they need a sports psychologist at the lane and quick before the rot sets in again.... This season may also turn into a nightmare looks very grim at the moment something has to give !!!!......
  9. Really need a win today if only for the confidence of the players I wonder what the team sheet will be today as I haven’t seen it yet..... In my eyes 👀 it has to be a must win especially for player confidence don’t want heads dropping especially this early in the season !!!!!..... Sheffield United really need to stay in the Championship and to build a team to challenge for a return to the Premier League......
  10. Well said I think we all need to be more disciplined with ourselves and others especially in the football section and other sections of the forum...... At the end of day it’s football a game and should be enjoyable whatever team you support so let’s as a collective do better with our posts and try not to offend others......
  11. Enjoy “🍺🍺🍺”.... Have a nice steak 🥩 dinner while you’re at it enjoy it to the full.....
  12. I strongly believe there are certain individuals that use this forum that are trying to get others banned and threads closed down by goading them into an argument by specifically targeting certain individuals !!!!.. If you believe you are being trolled and goaded rise above it and block and ignore them in your settings !!!!..... I’ll be doing that myself from now on if I feel this is the case.....
  13. I don’t think he can he’s so laughable 😄😄😄😄🤣...... Calling me out he’s not intelligent enough to call me out or to get me to answer a question in which I don’t want to answer.. keep trying “monzaman”.... I might admit one day which side of the city I support but I believe that is my own prerogative whether I do or don’t !!!!.. Anyway back on the topic I really hope United can get it together in their next game heads have dropped already and the season has only just started !!!!.... Their next game has to be a win it would be a good boost for their confidence but with this team it looks very unlikely !!!!....
  14. You are right these people don’t care and they want society to be the same !!!!....
  15. He’s just doing what he is told to do !!!!.... No President since JFK has done is own thinking or doing since then and look what happened to him poor sod !!!!.... What do I think about Joe Biden I’ll have a go..... He’s weak beyond measure he pretends to care but deep down he’s ruthless just like the rest of them !!!!.... Democracy is dead and those behind the curtain know this !!!!....
  16. Oh dear all this upset 😢..... Im not shocked but in a way I am but deep down I know this season may pan out like last season my little chipmunks 🐿 ...... I really wish I’m wrong but I said at the beginning of last season that they may be relegated and it happened !!!!....... Oh by the way if for some reason you find yourself bickering with another “poster” !!!. My answer would be go into your settings and block their “posts” and “blank them period” !!..... Whats that saying again oh yeah I know !. “Ignorance is bliss” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........
  17. Told you all !!!!.... I hope he gets investigated as he should !!...
  18. Oh dear....... Not again absolute nonsense against WB it’s early granted but I fear the worst for United the wheels are off and if players don’t start picking their heads up and believe in themselves then it’s going to be another nightmare at the lane and away Jesus Christ somebody have a word !!!!....
  19. Get ready for the price of heroin to drop considerably due to the taliban taking over in Afghanistan..... Heroin is one of their main exports especially to European countries.... Maybe another good reason why drugs should be made legal !!!!....
  20. Oh by the way fantastic speech from Dan Jarvis MP in the House of Parliament today !!!!!.....
  21. I was on about the Afghan army not having the stomach to be in a fire fight !!!!... President Ghani even left with suitcases full of cash and left his people to face the taliban !!!!... Absolute scumbag !!!!... USA even told Pakistan to release a taliban member and is now back in Afghanistan the world is crazy !!!!....
  22. Not now there isn’t but there was a army and so called special forces before the Taliban took full control of the city and other parts of Afghanistan with ease !!!!. I believe in the region where combat is taking place against the taliban is mainly down to tribal loyalty !!!!....
  23. Armchair experts !!!!... I believe there were so called special forces in Kabul..... The difference with those in that region of Afghanistan is that they hate the Taliban with a passion and that hate runs deep !!!....
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