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  1. Today's Sheffield Forum has become far less about sharing information and helping Sheffielders, and far more about point-scoring. The number of active contributors appears to be quite limited and rather cliquey, possibly because others realise there's little point in asking a question or raising an issue and expecting constructive responses.
  2. I know who The Blades are, and wish them well this season - maybe both United and Wednesday will win promotion this season and that will be a great achievement for our city. But I keep seeing 'Dem'. What's that about? Is it just annoying street vernacular or is there a deeper significance that passes me by?
  3. Parkers in Hillsborough will do both those jobs.
  4. I've previously used PA Jewellers at Commonside. They did a brief initial check at no charge, to confirm it was worth having a full valuation doing for insurance purposes, for which there was a charge but it's a while ago and I don't recall the cost.
  5. I agree. We anticipated road closures would cause congestion, so set off early and parked well away from the ground. Some on-line guidance would be a great help to others, and more helpful / intuitive signage wouldn't hurt. Let's see if any improvements are made for the next game. All-in-all though, an excellent evening. Well done to the organisers for bringing it to Sheffield, well done to the teams for entertaining us so well, and well done to the crowd for showing how friendly a football game can be.
  6. Official attendance 21,342. An all-time record for a non-host nation's match.
  7. Over 21,000 attended last night's Netherlands v Sweden game. A great event, and it was a wonderful experience to go to a football match and not be exposed to the now commonplace tribal aggression and excruciatingly foul language. The walk back up to Devonshire Green afterwards was made easy and safe for the many newcomers to our city, by the road closures.
  8. Depending on whether you're located anywhere nearby, I'd recommend Taplin Computer Services on Proctor Place in Hillsborough to determine the best way to repair it.
  9. The meters automatically transmit their readings, so you don't need to do it, although it doesn't hurt to keep a note of them for your own records. Once in a while a real meter reader comes to the house to verify the readings.
  10. I believe you're only supposed to use dry graphite powder on Ultion, not liquids like 3-in-1 or WD40 - I was told this at Harrolds on Shalesmoor. I bought some there (not expensive at all) and have had no problems, I use it at about 3-month intervals.
  11. Thanks Liz, good luck and best wishes for the future to you and all Parkers staff. I bought a vintage watch from you a while ago which I'm delighted with - will Parkers still carry out routine future service work on watches they sold?
  12. I've used P A Jewellers at Commonside for repairs like that.
  13. Yet another reason why I'm happy to have got rid of my new bike and reverted to my economic and safe Diesel commute.
  14. What other test is there? I'm reverting to car driving, I've passed a test and also the IAM - you're the only person I've ever heard criticise it, certainly the police were very supportive at the time. There's RoSPA I guess, but that's probably a hindrance too.
  15. I too have passed several tests - 5 in total, counting IAM car & bike. None of these matter one jot to the people targetting cyclists as an object of hate, whether they're good or poor, competent or inexperienced. I don't think I'm a good cyclist yet, it's twenty-odd years since I last cycled. I'm inexperienced but consider myself safe and considerate. If I feel unsafe or uncertain, I stop (safely) and assess how to proceed. As I gain more experience, I find that I'm having to stop less often, as I don't come across new and uncertain situations so frequently. But despite doing this to help my health and fitness, and to reduce the number of cars commuting, rather than being encouraged I sense a growing animosity towards all cyclists, and for this reason I shall be returning to car commuting.
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