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Man in Crete

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Everything posted by Man in Crete

  1. So what you saying is that kfc has gone downhill cos there’s none of dem foreigners able to work there? but your original complaint was about the fact you got two many thighs and not enough breast! sadly your logic doesn’t add up imho and you need to go back to championing an expressway through wood seats or stick to football …. no forget that cos that didn’t make sense either
  2. sorry you’re not allowed to make such comment on here unless the new site owner agrees mr flap will be along shortly to admonish are you on the naughty step yet? he’ll be reight good fun at parties that’s if he’s got any mates
  3. Honestly can’t follow your thought pattern here you complain again and again they get your orders wrong and then blame that on the common market. What is this common market you speak off? How could bringing in a load of foreign workers change the fact that wherever this place is more hands on deck would get you more chicken breast than thigh? maybe you should change your eating habits
  4. Ha ha knew it wouldn’t take long the 12 year olds are back go play somewhere else
  5. Surely there are a number of folk be they syp social workers and councillors who should have been dismissed before now same old though looking after their own
  6. Might be interesting to see the side which should be picked ie how does sterling saka etc get in? only need to look at wales and see the individuals that have worked under a motivational managerial team to see how you can sometimes see a side of potential misfits gelling no passsion in England at the moment and some can’t sing the national anthem all our lot care about is the money?
  7. That once again is your misunderstanding of the situation there are many decent residents trapped in the area cos they can’t sell properties in an area blighted by low prices and dodgy buyers the authorities should be held to account for this
  8. Oh for goodness sake please take your petty arguments some thread elsewhere and leave everyone else to get on with hanging these two scutters! zzzzzzzzzx!
  9. I was brought up in this area and have many happy memories sadly all that has evaporated consequent upon the Sheffield authorities failing in their duty to protect against the antics of a large majority of incomers arriving under the banner of city of sanctuary but mainly those of a certain Eastern European “culture” who like it seems to live in squalor and have no respect for their surroundings the greed of certain landlords is also responsible and a ghetto is now created which from first hand experience is not being tackled and too many do gooders are pussy footing around the problem i doubt this would happen elsewhere in this city but fear it is here to stay
  10. Yes and soon the usual apologists will be along saying How unfair to make such comments etc etc 5 4 3 2 1……where are you ?
  11. All this is on a par with the chubby brown episode at the city hall . The vocal minority win once again and it’s time the rest shouted up that it’s not acceptable . Next thing we’ll have Mary Whitehouse’s lot saying you can’t watch tv in your own home in your pyjamas
  12. Manchester East Midlands stanstead and Bournemouth airports are all owned by Manchester airports group which in turn is over 60 percent owned by the 10 greater Manchester councils might this be one reason for the ongoing disarray ?
  13. But we had 13 years of sir tony Blair etal and they were no better than the current lot as for your monologues on 3rd rail words fail me! In todays world 3rd rail will never make a comeback too many disadvantages to list here!
  14. Yes post haste before she starts to take even more of our hard earned money the woman is as bigger Waster as Johnson and starmer and on more of our dosh
  15. Indeed it will be interesting when the independent review is concluded as to the councils involvement
  16. You need to read more! The consultation for kelham and neepsend finished weeks ago and it’s upto scc to decide whether to proceed without further ado admire your confidence but nether edge will be next whether you like it or not
  17. You really need to try harder! The online petition works in tandem to the paper one and there are approaching 1800 against. the scheme was instigated following pressure applied over the last couple of years by a handful of folk who say there is a problem with “commuters” parking on their roads ( 3 or 4 in reality). FYI they too organised a questionnaire of sorts which simply asked some 349 houses if they would support the introduction of a parking scheme. No mention of costs or other restrictions. Seemingly around 49 replied to say yes out of a total number of replies of some80 ish This questionnaire was organised apparently by a green councillor and supporters together with some local labour activists despite this scc surprise surprise are suggesting a much wider scheme covering hundreds of house holds and businesses who have no problem with parking and never will have a cash cow maybe fyi the council have publicly said via their leader and other councillors they will not impose this if the residents and other interested parties show they don’t want it the cost is currently just under £50 / car: year and £96/ second car if you house hold has more cars then tough cos there’s no guarantee you can have a permit and as there are no permit holder only spaces no guarantee a space thr scheme for kelham costs just under £300 for 2 cars be aware this is coming to your area next so you need to be organised finally note that our labour chums in Leeds operate similar schemes with a 3 year renewal against scc one year. Leeds is free cos they know how to use their dish! Ha ha ! The majority maybe did not vote labour but given the manor castle ward covers an even greater area no surprise that labour won?
  18. Sorry but you are incorrect once again! First of all anyone who resides in the area or is affected can sign. Such is the extraordinary size of this proposed scheme that not only does it include the residents of almost 70 roads but a large number of businesses,shops, cafes, community centres, schools, a college,sports facilities, a library, dentists, g p surgeries, a stroke rehab unit, special schools , Norfolk heritage park etc. The employees/ users etc of all these will have to find £6.50 daily to park . There are folk working at Sheffield wildlife trust for example who have noalternate means of car travel from out of Sheffield who will need to find an extra £32.50/ week or no job . Students at Sheffield college likewise. Where do you suggest they find this…..do not suggest public transport as we all know this is not fit for purpose! Neither does this proposal guarantee a space for anyone The OP is correct this labour/ green party council will soon be coming likewise to a street near you and the money said to be in such supply must be better spent!! .
  19. I watched burton beat Lincoln last week and even after going a goal down they attacked constantly to win not an easy game for Wednesday although jebbison is back with dem blades so might be easier draw ?
  20. just to say this is supposed to be a football forum dare I suggest that as you appear to have too much time on your hands and before you alienate yourself any further you go find somewhere else to play ? now that the owls game on Saturday is off due to their covid cases is the time right for all football clubs to make public the percentage of their players and coaching who are not fully vaccinated? I say this as reports suggest some 63% of premier players have no vaccine protection hence the implication they are now being affected how many local teams are not fully vaccinated and in particular at Wednesday ?
  21. Once more yours is the most sensible post of the day What folk need to remember is that Mr Top or whatever name he chooses to use has a long confirmed history on here of being the biggest know it all the world has ever seen In reality he knows knowt about knowt and maybe everyone should just ignore him and maybe just maybe he will bog off elsewhere As regards these precautions etc then some folk will beat the system just as some of us did with underage drinking but the majority will play the game That said I honestly believe we shall be back to no spectators unless the likes of certain attention seekers show some respect to mankind Finally to our resident master bricklayer sorry but the pavilion is long gone although the near empty trophy cabinet remains Merry Christmas
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