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  1. oh big time, we as drivers told them it was never going to work and it showed how little the people high up getting paid more money working nice hours know so little about buses some havent even got a PCV licance making these descions, But we was told it would work, as us drivers that had been there longer than the know it all managers knew nothing, thing is the driver have found out about this now and they are not happy,
  2. Still wont tempt me back sorry to say, might be more money but i am sooo much happier after a month of leaving buses, The money is the tip of the iceberg with the bus companies
  3. Did they say where? Depot wise, i left a month ago thank god, i got out after 13 years of driving buses, so happy now!
  4. yea, but there are always people that use it no matter how bad it is, as they have no choice the £70 million is the no choice around the uk, and remember they have alot of friends in the govermant too I would love to see people stick up to them but it wont happen, when you have no choice its near on impossible to avoid adding to that £70 million
  5. maybe ex shareholders, but lets face it stagecoach group made over 70 million profit this year so they dont care if little jonny has to wait for ages in the rain as he still gets on a bus at some point a pays like most
  6. the ones above are seeing the complaints but i am sorry to say the shareholders have a bigger say and the other routes even when they have less on at certain points in the day still make more money and thats what it is about money not a service its will get worse only over the last few weeks we had alot leave and these are drivers with 10+ years like myself (hoping on joining them soon) they are not willing to change the wage or rotas or listne to us regarding routes so as drivers we are just looking for ways out now
  7. true, but no driver = no bus dunt matter if its a fancy new good/bad bus on a really good/bad route
  8. tar, just to add, we had one driver quit on the spot today after getting a lot of abuse on the 57's due to the changes and lateness, thats now one less driver to drive them, plus i have a interview next week to get out and i cant wait, aim the anger at the ones that are making the bad choices not us drivers
  9. trust me (i have been driving it today) it is running up worral the old normal route, not going down langsett at all anymore, The times well the people above my pay grade have BEEPed it up big time and there running really late due to the running time been really short of what is needed,
  10. simple one here No they wont, dont get me wrong the odd one might but most don't, and haven't and the ones that have left are so much happier and i am hoping for the same to and get out of this horrible industrie the 57 gose on the bottom road and there is the 57A that runs the old route up worrall upto deepcar then does the new route round stocky and deepcar, 57A is every hour, But be wanned it has been very poorly timed buy people that dont know sheffield and get paid alot more than the drivers and get weekends off so it will be very late at times, Drivers have warned them over and over agian but are not been listen too
  11. They will never support each other again, there are arguments in depot over the lost mileage between the engineering and traffic office over whos fault the bus was not ran and who budget it comes out of, They have been wanting rid for a while as its a loss making route, and this is y it gets dropped alot, it dunt matter what people think or want at the end of the day its a business (i dont want it to be that way but it is) Things are going to get worse more and more drivers on the verge of leaving, new starters not lasting 6 months as they realise the abuse isnt worth it, i am very close to leaving after 13 years for less money but alot less stress and no abuse from people i dont know, Unfortualty i am really sorry to say but alot of the issues of staff leaving is not just the pay and hours but alot leaving due to the abuse, A person abuses a Driver that turns up doing there job might be late due to poor running times and missing buses so heavy loading and that driver thinks "i cant take this anymore and leaves" and thats another bus off the road, Sorry to say this but alot of the public are getting the service they deserve at the moment
  12. thats not 100% true the bus wont show due to driver shortages 99% of the time, I am a curret driver and the shortage is about to get alot worse before it gets better trust me only last week we had 7 hand the notice's in and alot more to come, The abuse (passangers and management), the pay and not having a social life, Who would want to do the job? we are already have over 30 less drivers than we should just to cover and that number is growing with new starter lasting weeks now, one did 2 days after passing there test and saw what it was really like and realised it wasnt good, the people abusing and the work life balance are the worse its ever been and hopefully after a few attempts i can be out too soon, Its all good wanting bus every 10 mins and it to go everywhere, and one route that dose this and a other route that does that, you can have all that but the bus will be sat in the depot as there will be no one to drive it The managers have all the fancy titles and really nice pay with weekends with there family, nut just to let you know some dont even have a licance to drive a bus and there in charge its going to get alot worse, its very unlikey to get better if things dont change
  13. keep seeing alot of stuff (not just on here other social media) regarding wanting more buses here there and everywhere and more this more that, Who is going to Drive them? us drivers are still leaving like there is no tommorow and the newbie's are already hating the job and not lasting long, Our depot took on more work when we cant even run our own stuff, cant make it up,
  14. all of our fleet dont have driver control of the tempreture of the saloon we have very little control of the temps in the drivers cab, they is a ongoing bust up about temp control with depots managers, unions and drivers, trust us when we say we dont like it ether, a passanger is on a bus for a hour at most, we can be on there for 5 hours 30 mins max, so if anyone wants a nice cool or warm bus is us, Again this all Steams down to Money, they dont like spending it, they clim they dont have any
  15. I Drove one of Sheffields Fleet yesterday and it was in limp mode, i can tell you there a few that go into limp mode, the issue is money as normal they buy cheap parts and the injectors they buy as one of our engerneers said they are a load of BEEP! yea they do but like the rest they have cut them off from drivers control the knobs and buttons dont do anything,
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