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Posts posted by onewheeldave

  1. 19 hours ago, onewheeldave said:

    I expect that vaccine uptake would be higher if the single measles jab were available on the NHS.


    17 hours ago, Prettytom said:


    Because parents who wish to immunise their children against measles, but don't want them having the triple vaccine jab, could go ahead and get them the measles jab.

  2. 2 hours ago, buswinker said:

    Well if people do then hopefully the bus company will alter their policy.

    The ones who know how to play the game are laughing at the genuine passengers who are honest. 

    Same reason travelmaster ended payment by card or phone fir weekly tickets.  Scammers were costing the companies thousands. So the actions of the few affected the many genuine passengers. 

    If policy was changed to say no to these people, the genuine people would still use the bus. If the non genuine stop using buses no one would care.

    Do you have access to the actual official reasoning behind this company policy? If so, what is it?

  3. 19 hours ago, buswinker said:

    Did you know that a certain bus company has a company policy that if your card or phone won't make a contact less payment for whatever reason and you don't have cash, you can travel anyway for free? 

    If the driver refuses, simply state it's company policy, that the driver can't refuse travel and tell them to ring the office to confirm it. Push the issue and you will travel for free. 

    I say this not to encourage people to do this as many probably will when they read this. I say this in the hope that the company will change their policy when they see that many more people try this in order to free ride. 

    The company has the view that by doing this for a passenger, the next time they travel they will have a means of paying and use this company's service as they were treated well the last time. Erm, no. If people realise this, they will take advantage every time they travel to get free rides. This company needs to grow a pair and stand up to people who want to take advantage and say no, if you can't pay, you don't travel. As drivers we use the argument that if you was to try to buy something in a shop and your card doesn't work, you don't get to walk out with the item. 

    If more people use the company policy argument back, then eventually the lost revenue will result in fares increasing. So those of you who are decent people reading this will know why fares increase in the future. 

    Yes-  because you've just posted this on a public forum :)



  4. On 09/11/2023 at 23:19, Prettytom said:

    Then Ambulances or Taxis are the way to go.


    If you don’t qualify for an ambulance, you need to think laterally.


    There’s plenty of parking in Broomhill, and you could easily drive there and taxi the last mile at minimal cost.

    Though at many times of the day your chances of getting a taxi to turn up is far from adequate.

    • Like 2
  5. 17 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

    I've never really understood assisted dying


    Why don't they just take a massive overdose? 


    Why do they need permission from the government to go to a place to kill themselves 

    None of the drugs obtainable legally in the UK are suitable for reliable euthanasia- in overdose they tend to leave you alive while destroying liver or kidney function.

    Barbiturates are viable, but, made illegal, in large part because so many people used them successfully for suicide. 


    • Like 1
  6. On 17/03/2023 at 21:56, redruby said:

    There are lots of smelly people in town. And I don’t just mean the obvious suspects that frequent the Cathedral area. There were stinky people in shops - unwashed, B.O.  And on buses of course. Now I’m not being horrible, I know some might not be able to afford to wash clothes and shower as much as they should. And others might have mental health issues or disabilities.  And there’s always going to be a few deliberate soap dodgers. But in a supposedly civilised, first world country shouldn’t people be able to afford to wash properly and those unable to sort out their own personal hygiene have help? I know in the scheme of things it’s trivial but I do also think it’s a symptom of inequality that is getting worse.  

    TBH I'm more bothered by the smell of those who reek of chemicals and perfume.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, redruby said:

    Preaching to the converted then basically. I rest my case. 




    6 hours ago, Hecate said:

    I think their choice of method and location in this instance was quite savvy too: if Millhouses is a middle class area (I left Sheffield  years ago and can only really remember the park) then it's likely to have a good percentage of Guardian-reading yogurt knitters who are already buying free range eggs but might not be aware of the alleged misleading nature of some of the labelling associated with the product. 




  8. 11 hours ago, Anna B said:

    I'm not sure Covid compliance or otherwise has much to do with being right or left wingers. As with Brexitit, it seems to me to be pretty cross party. The only politics involved was Boris Johnson's handling of it,  -and his words and actions contradicted themselves all the time so even he couldn't make up his mind..

    Prior to covid I would also have thought that right/left wing shouldn't have made much difference when it came to a pandemic and the associated compliance decisions.


    It perplexed me greatly why, whenever I found a source of info that seemed sane to me, that it was inevitably a source that was either right wing, or labelled as such.


    I honestly can't think of a single left wing source that challenged the measures, objected to the lockdowns- in fact the majority of left wing sources only called out for yet more measures, more restrictions, more censorship, etc. 


    In hindsight, I can now see why the left are like that- watching the increasing woke hysteria with all the attendant demands for restrictions, and, especially censorship, also makes things a bit clearer.

    2 hours ago, melthebell said:

    What you mean is you'd rather wallow in your own bias'

    It's not about compliance it's about caring for others, something you, and the right don't care about

    Lack of empathy

    It was about compliance, and, any caring, was for a select group of the population, and damn the rest to hell. That is not 'caring'.

    Children died of cancer unable to see their parents. Buisnesses and lives ruined. As predicted by some, the NHS now further crippled by the fall out of the lockdowns in terms of horrific waiting lists..... and plenty more which I'll not mention as I don't want to take this thread off topic.

    • Like 1
  9. I used to be quite averse to right wingers. But watching GB news during the insanity of the global covid over reaction did wonders for my mental health- was very good to be aware that there were people out there who could see that what the authorities were doing was not right.

    Disturbingly, all the left wingers seemed to offer was total compliance.

    Personally I don't much care about left wing vs right wing- there are clearly highly intelligent and moral people on both sides [and vice versa].

    Prior to covid I never would have supported a Tory govt, but, I sure am glad left wingers weren't in charge during covid.


    • Like 1
  10. Just to be clear- I wasn't advising to switch to Uber- City has issues.... Uber has different issues.

    I like to support City because if they go under, Uber has the monopoly and their prices will rise accordingly.

    What I was suggesting was to have both apps, so if a City driver doesn't pick up your job you can book an Uber i.e. it's a back up.


  11. 13 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

    Or, do the workarounds I suggested. I can take a screenshot on my phone and print it out whenever I want, unless its a screenshot of my banking app (which it doesnt let me do so I have to use the browser to log into that bank if I want to do a screenshot)


    Dont look for problems, look for solutions.

    I do- the solution is for these companies to stop making people jump through pointless hoops and provide a print option :)


    • Like 1
  12. Just now, HeHasRisen said:

    The only reason clearly is they dont want a load of people fannying around with printouts at the venue. Anyone desperate for a printout can go and buy one from the ticket office during their opening hours, seems fair.

    Doesn't seem 'fair' to me to make a person spend a significant part of their day traveling into town, messing around with parking/public transport, queueing etc, when the provision of a print option would enable them to have the printout in a matter of seconds.






  13. 1 minute ago, HeHasRisen said:

    To be fair, you cant really "print" off a mobile anyway, 

    Well, you can, via wifi or bluetooth.

    3 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

    ..., so its a needless thing to restrict. Just take a screenshot of it and email it to a laptop and print it from there.

    Yet they have restricted it, and no one seems to be able to justify it.

    Why restrict something if it provides no benefit to anyone, and annoys some people?



  14. 1 hour ago, HeHasRisen said:

    Quite obviously they dont want people to bother with printouts so have disabled the option...

    There are 2 types of people who buy the online tickets- those who don't want to print them out, and, those who do.

    If a print option is provided here's no bother to the first group- they won't be looking for a print option.

    No bother to the second group either, as they do want to print so having the option is good.

    Clearly the motivation is nothing to do with bothering people.

    The only thing that will/is causing bother, is the absence of the print option.



  15. 12 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

    Yes, massively.  The evidence of which is shown all over the high Street.  The dominance of Amazon and online supermarkets. The existence of budget airlines.  The existence of services like Megabus and Megatrain.  The ability to check in  for flights online, breeze through the airport using a QR code, quickly deal with baggage and get on with the rest of our day. The huge savings to businesses and suppliers by having major elements of their operations, automated and computer controlled removing the necessity of vast amounts of personnel and paperwork.  The ability for many businesses to now operate 24/7 opening and great convenience to us customers who don't fit into the ye olde 9 to 5, mon-fri regime.....


    You do seem to be extremely unfortunate having soooo many problems with seemingly every aspect of modern technology. Are you sure it's really all about the kit and not perhaps the user?   


    This is not some new fangled concept. Heavens sake broadband internet alone has been mainstream in many people's homes for nearly 15 years.  Dial up started to come on the scene in people's homes nearly 30 years ago.   The early versions of online shopping and banking have been in existence since the 1990s.  Even back in the Teletext days, tele-sales of certain products and services were available all using electronic transactions and credit cards.


    Of course you are free to boycott a business all you want. But in my opinion all you're doing is inconveniencing yourself.  Its estimated that over a quarter of all global transactions these days are made online. That stat includes third world countries who barely have electricity let alone internet.  So that's 2.1 billion online transactions that us westernised world is embracing.  E-commerce and electronic transactions are not going to be slowing down.


    Even the most elderly and vulnerable luddite has over the years had to embrace change.  Concepts like ATM machines replacing the nice friendly bank clerk, self service supermarkets replacing Arkwrights Store.  They've managed through the shock of cheques being replaced by plastic debit cards. They had to learn to adapt to that really complicated thing of using a chip+pin machine rather than signing a receipt. They've had their old paper bus passes replaced by contactless cards and somehow managed. They've survived the great revolution between rotary dial phones, cordless phones and shock horror mobiles. They coped.  They battled through the disruption as their simple television with five channels became replaced by some digital box witchcraft and it's electronic program guide yet still manage to tune into the Antiques Roadshow without a crisis.


    Life evolves.  Technology evolves.  Always has done and there are no excuses to choosing to be left behind.



    None of which explains why there is not an option to print out the ticket :)

    You'd think that with technology 'evolving' so wonderfully that things would be improving rather than going backwards- a print option is not a difficult thing to provide, is it?

  16. You might want to contact Disability Sheffield- they are already aware of large numbers of disabled people being let down by City Taxis.

    The reality is that getting any kind of reliable service from City Taxis requires a lot of experience e.g. knowing when they are less likely to turn up- Friday afternoons are always bad due to it being Friday prayers; 3-30pm onwards on any week day, due to the rush hour conjestion etc.

    The City app is fairly bad, but using it at least lets you know when a driver has picked up your job, and allows you to track where they are- if you book by phone you'll have no idea of either of those things.

    Then have the Uber app to hand so if no City driver picks up your job you can then switch to Uber.



  17. 20 hours ago, Beechwood_S6 said:

    can you not just screenshot and print that and see where that gets you 

    There's no reason to assume that they will accept a screenshot.

    The fact that they've removed any option to print the ticket suggests it is quite likely that they will reject a screen grab.

    The question I'd like answered, is, why have they not included an option to print?!?


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