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Posts posted by onewheeldave

  1. 20 hours ago, Beechwood_S6 said:

    can you not just screenshot and print that and see where that gets you 

    There's no reason to assume that they will accept a screenshot.

    The fact that they've removed any option to print the ticket suggests it is quite likely that they will reject a screen grab.

    The question I'd like answered, is, why have they not included an option to print?!?


  2. 2 minutes ago, altus said:

    You might want to check out the diets of gladiators in ancient Rome and the popularity of veganism amongst some MMA fighters before making that joke again.

    Some argue that due to the nature of gladiator combat i.e. edged weapons, that the prime function of the gladiators diet was to ensure a fairly high level of bodyfat, as this would help to prolong the fights.


    Which mma fighters are vegan?

    I understand Diaz isn't any longer vegan?

    Any long term vegans doing well in mma?

  3. 3 hours ago, Chekhov said:


    Not strictly speaking relevant for this thread but personally speaking I can understand why people would want to be vegetarian (though I am not one myself), I can't so much understand why people would want to be  vegan. Much harder and, to me, less reason to bother.

    Well suppose the motivation is minimising animal suffering. Back in the day there was  the perception that animals providing milk or eggs weren't subject to cruelty as they weren't being killed for their flesh in the way that meat animals are.


    These days I'd say that distinction is not valid- animals providing milk or eggs are subject to extreme abuse- arguably worse that that which meat animals receive.


    Hens are kept in very confined housing, are subject to 'debeaking', fed with such highly fattening food combined with steroids that they are grossly obese for most of their lives, etc. The 'cruelty free'/'free range' labels are largely just marketing lies.


    That being the case it makes far, far more sense, for those who want to minimise animal suffering, to be vegan rather than vegetarian.



    On 16/05/2022 at 16:13, steve68 said:

    Personally I find there is an abundant variety of vegan ingredients  that are available these days, therefore going Vegan it isn't limiting in anyway,  either when home cooking or eating out.



    Problems with vegan alternatives are not soley to do with taste.

    Vegan cheese for example, is a highly processed food made primarily from [usually] coconut oil.


    Highly processed foods are a prime driver of the array of chronic diseases that are afflicting the western world and there are some people who will happily eat real cheese but not vegan cheese.


    A couple of decades back vegans would generally be having to eat a lot of healthy plant foods, because the food industry was not catering to vegans- that has now changed massively- any large supermarket is stocking vegan ice cream, vegan pizza, vegan doughnuts etc, etc- all highly processed junk that damages human health when eaten in anything but small amounts.


    [check out the ingredients list on these highly processed vegan foods- you'll probably need a magnifying glass :)]



  5. 19 hours ago, Baron99 said:

    Turned the radio on about half hour ago, only the be informed on the BBC`s Radio 5 as  a `NATIONAL NEWS' headline that comedian, actor & long ago stand-up comedian, Johnny Vegas has announced that he has  apparently been diagnosed with 'Late. Life ADHD' or as I'd call it LLADHD. 

    Amazing what PRIVATE, non-NHS doctor will sign off for £50. 


    Hours after, 'celebrity', Sue Perkuns,. recmoms she was also diagnosed with similar symptoms a few years ago. 


    I remon it'll be Divina McColl or Amanda Holden next? 

    Hmm?  A new year, a new 'syndrome / condition those how are looking to' claim a genuine medical condition will try their luck. 

    Are people exempt from being diagnosed late in life if they happen to be celebrities?


    A lot of people are diagnosed/identified as being autistic late in life, me being one of them- is that not permitted if they happen to be a celebrity?

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, iansheff said:

    If the article below is correct, no wonder the NHS  needs a lot of administrators with all the box ticking to justify appointments. A policy at the Royal Free in north London requires staff to compile reports justifying why the successful candidate was deemed ‘more suitable’.  They are forcing interview panels to explain why they have hired a white person over someone from an ethnic minority, but It does not apply the other way around. how can that be allowed to happen, isn't it Racist? The NHS need more frontline staff not faceless bureaucrats with crackpot ideas. A post should go to the person best suited to the job regardless of sex or ethnicity.


    NHS bosses want interview panels to justify why they have hired a white person (msn.com)



    That's a very confused article- it's claiming that this process is done when a white person is given the job, yet also says this-

    'The source said that for the sake of fairness, the policy should be enforced for all failed candidates, not just those from an ethnic background. The ‘extra bureaucracy’ slowed down the already long-winded hiring process.'

    What is needed of course, is a link to the actual NHS document rather than a reporters interpretation of it.

  7. 11 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

    It's funny  

    We can jab it but not feed it. 

    Call me suspicious but the whole world can dish out a 'vaccine' but not food and water.

    Happy Christmas peeps. 

    It's not just food, there are many health and medical procedures not being done due to lack of funds which would be far more useful than covid jabs- anti malaria stuff for example.

    As covered here by Dr John Campbell- 


  8. video here-

    extract from Birmingham City Council (Station Road B30) Public Space
    Protection Order 


    "i Protesting, namely engaging in any act of approval or disapproval or attempted act of approval or disapproval, with respect to issues related to abortion services, by any means.
    This includes but is not limited to graphic, verbal or written means, prayer or counselling, "


    Personally I think they are a bit dubious here in defining prayer as protest

  9. 1 minute ago, HeHasRisen said:

    Well obviously there are the usual exceptions, but you know what I mean. 


    Have just noticed the rather glaring typo in that post though, now corrected.

    And are you OK with 'Defrosted' being in 'large unmissable text', or do you think people who don't read small text also 'deserve to die of food poisoning'?

  10. 12 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

    On occasion in the past I used to purchase meat from Crawshaws when they had a branch in town. They often used to sell fresh items as frozen and this was made very clear on the labelling.


    If people dont read labels then they deserve to get food poisoning.

    Does that include people who can't read?

  11. 3 hours ago, HeHasRisen said:

    Do we have any actual real world examples of what it actually says on the packaging for these special defrosted turkeys?

    No- I don't think they are in the shops yet. I would hope they would be labelled 'Defrosted' in large unmissable text.

  12. 4 hours ago, bassett one said:

    all i am saying i do not think frozen turkeys should be sold as fresh,no matter what sunak and his goverment say and if other think its okay thats fine until someone re-freezes  what they think is a fresh turkey  and then ends up dead,

    I'd say calling such a turkey fresh is clearly misleading, especially when they could be accurately labelled as 'defrosted' instead. But then, the food industry is well known for using misleading terms on their products.

  13. 20 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

    How do all these other container parks in the UK operate then? Genuine question.  Some have been there for years.  Yes the execution would have been better but its clearly a viable concept.

    There are plenty of 'viable concepts' that end up as total disasters if their implementation is managed by an incompetent/corrupt organisation.

    Cutting down trees that cause irreperable damage to pavements is a perfectly viable concept, yet Sheffield City council managed to turn it into a disaster/national scandal.


  14. On 07/12/2022 at 09:43, 4star said:



    at approx 9am this morning there was an incident of a car (VW reg KV61 xxx) hitting a cyclist.


    i have the dash cam footage if either party needs it ?



    As there is a high chance the cyclist won't see this post, I'd suggest forwarding the video to the police, because if

    On 07/12/2022 at 13:01, 4star said:

    no, i don't believe anybody was injured.  and it was the car driver who drove into the cyclist who was stationary infront of him.


    no doubt in my mind that it was the car drivers fault


    then that driver needs to be spoken to.

  15. 38 minutes ago, Weazel2006 said:

    Ok i will do that now

    It is still saying you cannot receive messages.


    I've checked with Hazel and she said it's OK to post her message on the thread, but without her mobile number, so here it is-


    'my name is Hazel and I work on a Sheffield Council Contract (employed by yes2ventures) to assist people into work and education. I would be happy to connect with you and see if I can help you with your situation.  My email address is hazel@yes2ventures.org.uk '






  16. 51 minutes ago, Weazel2006 said:

    I dont understand when people say work isnt everything. I feel very scared to even go out cause my brain keeps shunting between work shy and just not wanting too . How do you even begin to cope if youve never had a proper 9 to 5..

    I've just tried to pm you with a link to potential help, but got the message 'Weazel2006 cannot receive messages'. I believe this happens when a members inbox is full and needs emptying, if you could check if that is so and delete some of them, then I can send you the link.

  17. 1 hour ago, Jack Grey said:

    Private Jets are usually tiny so they dont produce that much emissions



    The important thing is the 'per passenger' emissions, in which case they are consideraby worse than commercial airliners.



    In 2019, one tenth of all flights departing from France were with private jets, half of which travelled less than 500km. In fact, private jets are twice as likely to be used for very short trips (< 500 km) within Europe as compared to flights in commercial aviation.

    Our report finds that private jets are 5 to 14 times more polluting than commercial planes (per passenger), and 50 times more polluting than trains, a gap which will grow as private jet users move towards aircraft which are bigger and more polluting than their commercial alternatives.'



  18. 13 hours ago, Pyrotequila said:

    But what did Captain Tom have to do with private jets?
    At least deface a statue linked in some way to what you're protesting against.


    2 hours ago, Pyrotequila said:

    There isn't any link, the woman is just plainly a nutcase that needs sectioning.


    14 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

    She explains in the OPs link-



    Maddie Budd, a former medical student, said: "People are going to say that he's a hero, people are going to say that this is profoundly, obscenely disrespectful to his life, and to the NHS he stood up for and I agree. I was studying to become a doctor because I believe in taking care of people.

    "If we believe that the NHS is important, if we believe in taking care of each other, if we believe that NHS workers are doing essential work, why are forcing our healthcare system into collapse, why are we forcing our civilisation into collapse, why is basically no-one taking this genocide of all humanity seriously? All of this is true and the Government won't even End UK Private Jets. Every time one takes off, it pours a bucket of s*** and blood onto everything that Captain Tom stood for".


    She's pouring **** over it because, in effect, that is exactly what our society is doing to the the ideals represented- she's just making it literal to highlight the fact.


    [that's my understanding of her words anyway]

  19. 1 hour ago, HumbleNarrator said:

    Brace yourself for deeply entrenched viewpoints of people on both sides of this. At the end of the the day, no living person knows the answer...we will all find out for sure when the time comes.

    Only if there is an afterlife- then you will continue in some form and be capable of knowing.

    If there is no afterlife, there is no you and so no possibility of knowing anything.

    • Like 1
  20. 2 hours ago, Chekhov said:



    * Insulation is not the panacea many people seem to think. We have a very well insulated house with a 3kW Solar system, in fact there is nothing practical we can do to improve it. And we only have our CH on about 4 hrs a day, and at only 20 degrees, yet our bills (still pegged at 2020 rates.....) were £1500 a year. I hate to think what they will be from next year, £4000 ?

    Just to clarify- are you saying you have the central heating on 4hrs a day now [august22]?

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