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Everything posted by onewheeldave

  1. The OP should definately get it all in writing and pursue the official route. They could do all that and still contact the media. After all, often, the offical route goes nowhere, and, even when it works, it takes a long time. The girl is in her last year; missing chunks of time due to bureaucratic nonsense is not fair. Having this farce spread across the media will likely produce the very quick result of the school backing down. Schools have happily fined many parents for their children missing a few odd days- why should it be acceptable for them to block a child for no good reason. Seems perfectly newsworthy to me.
  2. She may have an understanding of 'Induced demand' and realise that adding roads, or widening roads, after a brief short term improvement, leads to more traffic and more congestion https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Induced_demand
  3. It's not that no equivalent is needed for 0-9, just that there isn't an equivalent. It's very common for numbers to be misheard, happens all the time when trying to communicate phone numbers over the phone.
  4. That's disgusting. I'd suggest you contact the media.
  5. I'm a member of the public and I have a great deal of sympathy for the genuine plight of the taxi drivers. Most of them are already on sub-minimum wage, and now they are expected to find another £70/£80 pound a week, despite the fact that , as Ash points out, they only cause "2% of the total NOx".
  6. Concerning the article you link to- it seems to have some errors. For example
  7. We'll disagree on that then. The main point I was making was that, contrary to the claim that she 'doesn't care', the fact that she put lot of time into her posts on this matter, clearly indicate that she does care.
  8. 'Commonly known' doesn't mean everyone knows. I found the information useful.
  9. So I'm talking about research in the normal everyday sense of the word i.e. finding out about things. One example would be in her post #37 where she is talking about the Labour MPs who come from very ordinary backgrounds- some people wouldn't have been aware of this. The key point I was making is that acquiring the knowledge takes a lot of time, as does writing well constructed posts, thus demonstrating, contrary to the claim of another poster, that she clearly does care.
  10. I'm obviously not talking about academic research Robin.
  11. The fact that Anna is posting some very well researched information on here, that doubtless has taken a lot of time, indicates that she very much cares.
  12. You've really got no idea of the realities. Another standard of the neoliberal system: make the forms so convoluted and difficult that 'expert' help is required for a vulnerable person to fill them in (why not issue sane forms, that don't need expert assistance?). Then make it impossible to even access that help for the forms, by requiring more convoluted forms to apply for the expert help itself
  13. As previously covered, many people cannot deal with the bureaucracy, forms and procedures necessary to engage with much of the offered 'support'. Particularly any support connected with the council. It's the neoliberal system way of doing things- offer 'support' that most of the victims can't engage with, them blame them for turning down help and 'choosing' to be homeless. Anyone who's gone through the misery of having to apply for support for an autistic child, or the bureaucratic farce of a PIP or other disability benefit assessment, will be aware of how the system blocks those legally entitled to, and, in desperate need of, proper support, by making the process so horrible that many have to give up as it worsens their mental health. Then the likes of the poster above can chirp in with, 'well, the supports out there, if they can't be bothered to engage with it, then they're choosing...... etc, etc'. Just as Cyclone says. In addition, I'd point out that when it comes to alcohol, self medication is not the only factor. When people have to endure unremitting periods of sleeping outside in the cold, alcohol abuse is almost inevitable, as alcohol, while it doesn't help the body deal with the cold, it is the only available thing which can, to some extent, numb the mind, and make the ordeal that little bit easier to bear.
  14. My comment was in reply to an implication that a ban would be unlikely to work. The ban on smoking in pubs has been very successful indeed, despite people claiming at the time that it could never work. The alleged existence of some clubs on the East Coast, and a pub in Barnsley, where smoking takes place in no way supports those claims
  15. I'm not talking about 'beggars'- I'm talking about the homeless. If charities are perpetuating the myth that homeless people turn down help (as opposed to the 'help' being totally unsuitable (an example being Medusas above), or, innaccessible due to the obscene bureaucracy surrounding it), then yes, clearly they are perpetuating a myth. These are standard systemic flaws in the majority of 'support' systems, which are responsible for the tens of thousands of disabled, mentally ill, autistic, homeless etc, etc, who are very effectively denied the support they are legally entitled to, and, desperately need, because of the rigid, inflexible bureaucracy that is necessary.
  16. He's not the exception. Many people are in the position of being offered 'help' that they can't actually take. I speak from extensive experience of being an autistic person in this society as the same thing is a serious issue in autism 'support'. People may work hard in support organisations, but, if the bureaucracy involved makes getting support virtually impossible, the result to the end user is the same, no support, and, being accused, wrongly, of not taking offered help. Worth mentioning that a disproportionate percentage of the homeless population are autistic. You are perpetuating a harmful myth, please stop it.
  17. ...or, when you were at school ADHD, dyslexia, autism etc were not recognized- so they were labeled as 'bad behaviour', and the young victims were punished unjustly. ---------- Post added 17-11-2018 at 20:42 ---------- How would they have recognized it? Given that ADHD did not exist as a diagnosis, and so any child with ADHD would simply be labelled as displaying 'bad behavior'. Presumably over 55 year olds will recall classmates labelled as displaying 'bad behavior'?
  18. Uber drivers don't really need the knowledge test- their app works very well, has very accurate GPS and plots out the route to the destination. The Sheffield based firms use app that are not so good, so they do require a good knowledge of Sheffield. I actually prefer to use City taxis, but sadly, their app, for the past 6 months, has been so frustrating, that I've had to use UBER for a lot of my work journeys.
  19. I posted that in response to the claim that the Adventist Health studies research was done by a university that was not fully honest. As I understand it, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is a very highly respected organisation which would be unlikely to give $5.5 to fund dodgy research. You seem to be of the opinion the National Institutes of Health is somewhat dubious? ---------- Post added 14-11-2018 at 17:50 ---------- Couldn't we do a thread without the ad hominem attacks? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem
  20. You are far from the only scientist/medical professional who is not anti-vax, but who are suspicious of, or oppose, the flu vaccine. I posted lots of evidence critical of the flu jab on this thread- https://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1433962 "Flu jab and viral illness" including, the British Medical Journal.
  21. Fair point- the corrupting effects of conflicts of interest and vested financial interests are rife in modern research. Doesn't of course mean this particular research is corrupt. The "National Institutes of Health" (the primary agency of the United States government responsible for biomedical and public health research) has no issue with them, it's awarded their Adventist Health Study-2 $5.5 million so the research can continue. https://publichealth.llu.edu/adventist-health-studies/videos-and-media-reports/national-institutes-health-award
  22. Though another thing about Seventh-day Adventists is that studies have consistently shown they have considerably lower mortality rates than the general population https://publichealth.llu.edu/adventist-health-studies/findings/findings-past-studies/mortality-studies-seventh-day-adventists
  23. The gym owner isn't looking to be 'bought off'- here's what he says-
  24. Even if Universal credit was run out without errors, it will still be devastating. What many don't realise is that ALL benefits (except PIP) will be administered by the Jobcentre, and so the sanctions they impose will not only affect Jobseekers allowance. Currently sanctions can not touch Housing benefit, Working/child tax credits, council tax benefit etc, but, when they are all absorbed into universal credit, a sanction will remove them all for a period of several months. The financial consequences will be 2/3/4 times worse than they currently are, leading to, in some cases, homelessness, use of loan sharks etc, etc. (and of course, universal credit will not be run out without errors, making it even more of a disaster).
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