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Everything posted by onewheeldave

  1. He's been accused of it, yes. He's claimed that a single high-fat meal impairs endothelial function, which it does, see, for example this study- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9036757 ("Effect of a single high-fat meal on endothelial function in healthy subjects") which showed that flow-dependent vasoactivity decreased from 21 to 11 and stayed that way for 4 hours after a high fat meal of Egg McMuffin, Sausage McMuffin, 2 hash brown patties, and a noncaffeinated beverage. So I don't know his exact quote, but, if he used the word "cripple" (if) then he meant in the temporary sense.
  2. Increasingly, it is looking like Alzheimers, though likely incurable, can be prevented, or at least make much less likely to occur, through dietary change. Dr Michael Gregor of nutritionfacts.org puts out videos where he cites peer reviewed research to back up what he says, such as this one on Alzheimers- https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-prevent-alzheimers-with-diet/ and, an overview with more relevant videos here- https://nutritionfacts.org/topics/alzheimers-disease/
  3. I agree about XP- I used it as long as I could. I think there's a good business opportunity for someone to put out an operating system targeted towards subsections of the autistic population, and the elderly, whose unique selling point is that it'll pretty much stay the same. It'll have the necessary security updates, but the interface and menus won't be tampered with. New menu items for new functions would be added in a logical place within the existing menu system. The owner of the computer would have final say on when, and, whether updates are installed (it is, after all, their computer).
  4. No I'm actually OK with IT compared to a lot of people, but, sadly, much of modern software and systems are badly designed. For example, one thing I'd appreciate as an autistic person, is a degree of stability: it's very stressful, once used to a system, when pointless changes are made to it- such as a logical and well understood menu system being replaced by a mobile- device-influenced collection of microscopic little icons. Obviously security updates are an ongoing necessity, but this pre-occupation with altering the menus is really disorientating for many people. Also the increase in things being forced on the user- Windows 10 being an example, with it being purposely designed to make it very difficult for the user to control updates. I have a laptop that cannot take one of the big updates and I've had to literally hack my own laptop to block Windows 10's constant attempts to install it. It's a real shame, because well designed IT really could make life a lot easier, and, instead, it makes some things easier, whilst simultaneously making others very (unnecessarily) stressful.
  5. Given that vitamin D deficiency is rife, it makes good sense to take advantage of the summer sun by spending some time topless.
  6. Same here. The new app refuses to let me input an actual address. eg if I'm at Decathlon it gives only 199 Eyre st, and, unlike the old app, will not allow me to edit the address. So the driver is given 199 Eyre st as the pickup, and, has no idea where it is. If the app would allow me to edit the addresses, the problem wouldn't exist, as I'd simply type in "Decathlon", and every driver knows where that is. It's the same for most stores- Tesco on infirmary road gives only "50 Montgomery road", so many drivers go there rather than the Tesco car park.
  7. Well people are complaining, and, rightly so. Fact is, if the 118 adverts displayed the actual cost of the call prominently in their adverts, no one would use their 'service'.
  8. They're clearly not adequately publicised- if they were, no one would use 118. As Martin Lewis says of 118- https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/news/phones/2015/02/just-been-charged-183-for-one-call-via-118-118--thats-more-than-a-sex-line https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/mar/25/118-directory-inquiry-call-fees-cap-ofcom-clampdown
  9. According to this site, idling for 10 minutes is illegal- http://www.dudley.gov.uk/business/environmental-health/pollution-control/air-quality/vehicle-air-pollution/
  10. Don't worry about subscriptions, as a post-grad I've got access to most papers. They do need to be in English though, not Korean
  11. You'd need to post links really. In the case of carpentry, I believe WHO have wood dust as group 1- i.e. definitely carcinogenic to humans. Which is good to know- it means that Health and Safety can insist on employers installing proper filtering equipment for those working in environments where wood dust is produced.
  12. The WHO/International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans. Specifically it is in their group 2B. While many other things could be thought to be possibly carcinogenic, WHO sticks to those for which evidence has suggested causal connection, or association. So, while listening to Barry Manilow records could be possibly carcinogenic, WHO has refrained from issuing a statement that it is, as there's nothing to suggest that it is. Whereas WHO has issued the statement that classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans, because they think there is sufficient evidence to support that. And while the IARC doesn't have a classification that states something is not carcinogenic, they do have Group 4 (probably not carcinogenic to humans), and they've not placed radiofrequency electromagnetic fields in group 4, but in group 2B (Possibly carcinogenic to humans). http://monographs.iarc.fr/ENG/Classification/index.php
  13. The WHO/International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans. http://www.iarc.fr/en/media-centre/pr/2011/pdfs/pr208_E.pdf
  14. And in the case of SCC and their low budget corporate suppliers, whose procedures are far from good, mistakes are the norm.
  15. In terms of results, in this case less waste plastic bags in the environment, it doesn't matter much what the motivation is.
  16. No they wouldn't get abuse from people on the STAG FB page- the people on that page have an abundance of rational and evidence based arguments to support their stance, which is far more effective than abuse.
  17. Update on this- https://www.theguardian.com/business/2018/mar/26/dpd-to-offer-couriers-sick-pay-and-abolish-fines-don-lane-death
  18. Sheffield Trades Union Council condemn Sheffield City Council and Amey plc Tree Killings- https://www.change.org/p/12097432/u/22566088?utm_medium=email&utm_source=petition_update&utm_campaign=291431&sfmc_tk=gy7fzUBgEyYXH1J3nTUehq3lMWWYiTAsacP5o4%2fKHBURSpHD4h6omvBpl5fo%2bP%2bf&j=291431&sfmc_sub=162272368&l=32_HTML&u=52663069&mid=7259882&jb=6
  19. Many of the deportations are not legal- 'Deport first, appeal later' breaches human rights, according to the Supreme Court.
  20. We're talking about the government using terrorist charges for non-terror offences. The fact that US animal rights protesters are being locked up for non-terror offences under misused terrorism laws, just as the UK deportation protesters are, is highly relevant. Additionally, UK photographers have, in the past, when filming police, perfectly legally, been intimidated into stopping, by, again, being threatened with anti-terrorism legislation. i.e. there's a pattern here, and a very dangerous one.
  21. We want the freedom to protest without being arrested on trumped-up terrorism charges. In the US anti-rights activists are being charged under the Patriot Act and being locked up as terrorists. For the 'crime' of breaking into animal agriculture establishments and filming what is inside, they are being arrested and charged as terrorists and receiving very long sentences. Now UK protesters are being similarly arrested as terrorists.
  22. https://www.thestar.co.uk/news/ex-bad-boy-helping-the-sheffield-manor-fight-back-1-8058844 ---------- Post added 16-03-2018 at 18:37 ---------- http://www.sheffieldnewsroom.co.uk/new-recovery-drop-in-gives-addicts-fighting-chance/
  23. The community boxing centre does far more for the area than Costa Coffee or Iceland ever will.
  24. Petition signed. They've got a good place in the area already, and they are certainly doing more good for the community than a couple of junk food purveyors like Costa Coffee and Iceland. As for "you never win against corporate forces", I'd like to see you back up that bizarre claim.
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