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Everything posted by onewheeldave

  1. You're right. I confused it with the other thread- http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1507697 I've adjusted my post accordingly. Sorry for the confusion.
  2. Worth mentioning, as in this thread https://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?p=11643028&posted=1#post11643028 that the police wouldn't have done anything for Jeremy Vine either, had he not got a video of the incident. A headcam/dashcam greatly increases the chance of accountability when idiot vehicle drivers put others lives at risk. And, as illustrated here- Evidence can also be passed on to employers who may well address the issue themselves.
  3. You didn't. I was asking if you did think it was good. It was a question, not a statement or an accusation. Hence the question mark. ---------- Post added 20-04-2017 at 16:33 ---------- That's entirely possible. However, it's not just cos it was Jeremy Vine- the main factor is he filmed it, had the attitude to not accept being bullied, and, followed it through. While his celebrity status or class may have helped, the fact remains that other non-celebrity people have also, with video evidence and the right attitude, had success in similar instances. The other good thing about wearing a cam to capture this kind of harassment, is that it can also be plastered across Youtube/social media, which will 1. encourage others to film moronic motorist behaviour that puts cyclist lives at risk 2. hopefully shut up the apologists who often crop up on threads like this to suggest that anyone using video evidence (which, at the end of the day is nothing other than a simple objective record of what actually happened are somehow slimy for doing so.
  4. Just been visited by what I'm 99% certain was a savannah cat. Strode into my cats garden and stared it down. Savannahs are crossed with African wild cats, and are easily capable of killing standard cats in a conflict, so, cat owners in the Crookesmoor road area may wish to be on the alert. As Savannahs are pedigrees and this one looked in very good condition, I'm posting this in case someone local has lost one. Having strode road the area looking very dominant, it then went off, so I'm not sure if it was just moving through, or if it's going to be re-appearing. Was certainly a beautiful and impressive sight, one of the other neighbours who saw it said it looked, and moved, like a leopard ---------- Post added 20-04-2017 at 19:03 ---------- I've been told that the cat may not have been a Savannah, but instead a Bengal cat. Having looked at pictures I agree that it may well have been a Bengal. Either way, they're both pedigree cats, so chances are someone is missing a treasured pet, so do spread the word as I can't imagine there are many such cats in Sheffield. http://www.kittycat.co.za/understanding-the-differences-between-savannah-cats-and-bengal-cats/
  5. When 'upper middle class Public school educated' people are verbally abused and threatened for riding their cycle in an entirely appropriate and safety orientated fashion, are they to be excluded from justice on the grounds that the aggressor was of a 'lower class' than them? What's class go to do with this? The aggressor in this case was driving a weapon that can, and often does, kill and maim cyclists and was completely in the wrong. The other 300 (estimate) times the same thing happened to a cyclist that day, the aggressor drove off feeling smug and righteous, purely because their victims didn't have video evidence of the assault. I don't think that's good, do you?
  6. A lot of cyclists use cams because they've had past experience of almost being killed by reckless motorists, who then shout abuse at the cyclist, then drive off. It's very common for motorists to squeeze by cyclists, putting their life at risk, or abuse cyclists for taking primary position to prevent cars attempting to squeeze by. See this thread "Should the judge be lenient to the woman who assaulted Jeremy Vine?" https://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1499027 for an example of an extremely obnoxious and abusive driver, who, had not the cyclist had a cam, would have drove off feeling smug, and, no doubt, repeated her behaviour on other cyclists in the future. To put it bluntly, if drivers don't wish to be videoed being abusive and putting the lives of cyclists at risk, the simple solution is for them to get a grip and not be abusive or put cyclists at risk.
  7. As I've previously pointed out, any delay in that video, was caused, not by the cyclist, but by the two solid lines of parked cars either side of the road, that reduced the road to a single lane. There are not too many cyclists on the roads, there are too many cars. Are you blind? Open your eyes- observe how many Sheffield roads are reduced to single lanes by solid rows of parked cars. Don't scapegoat the cyclist, see the real cause.
  8. I did notice that if you- but we both know you won't, as there is nothing relevant in there to the issue under discussion.
  9. Doesn't matter. It's fine to record a conversation without consent, but not OK to play it to a third party (as it, another human being). Give me a link, or, post a quote to the relevant section and I'll happily look at it.
  10. Recordings can be used in some tribunals, but in others, they can't. Not that my points about recordings are soley about tribunals or courts. They could be be useful, for example, if played to a manager in the situation where an operator has said something untrue over the phone, and, has denied saying it (either intentionally, or, because they have genuinely mis-remembered what they said). An objective recording sorts out the truth in that scenario, whereas, if the operator refused consent during the recording, it would be, technically, illegal to play it to the manager.
  11. You can indeed record a phone conversation, but, unless you get consent for that recording, it generally cannot be used for accountability purposes, as, without the consent of the other person, it cannot be 'published' (played to a third party). So, if the recordings purpose is as an objective record of what was really said (which it is), then it is absolutely necessary to inform the person that you are recording, and, to have their consent.
  12. On the contrary, identifying the flaws is a necessary first step in any solution process. Which is why these admin issues are so prevalent today- any legitimate pointing out of issues in systems are drowned out by a host of apologists either denying the problem exists, or, claiming it's effects are being exaggerated. As for solutions- here's one, make it NHS policy that patients can record all interactions with the NHS, and that such recordings can be used in any ensuing complaints procedures.
  13. That's not workable. The NHS's admin system is not robust enough to reliably track down the proof of the patient informing them of changes of address. And, when patients are savvy enough to record phone calls to organisations like the NHS, the operator often will refuse consent, many times claiming (incorrectly) that such recording is illegal. As for fining the service operator- that's fine, but again, not workable in instances where the NHS admin has passed on the wrong address to them. ---------- Post added 19-04-2017 at 09:09 ---------- Any evidence for that claim?
  14. I hope it does. Still can't help feeling that 50 compulsory hours on the road on a bicycle would give her a really good perspective of what it's like to be harassed by impatient drivers who don't understand the highway code, and pip their horn at cyclists riding in an entirely appropriate fashion.
  15. I know- I've not said otherwise. I've not said admin staff are 'ineffective'. What I said was- ---------- Post added 18-04-2017 at 21:53 ---------- And some, as I said above, like my terminally ill Dad, don't 'turn up' because their arranged medicar goes to the wrong address, because of the NHS's abysmal admin system. ---------- Post added 18-04-2017 at 21:54 ---------- A lot of people do not have family and friends who can drive them to appointments.
  16. To be honest, that incident is pretty mild compared to what many cyclists experience on a regular basis from some car/van drivers. But still sad that so many drivers need educating at the end of the day, it's a thin bit of road between 2 solid lines of parked cars, and, it should be totally obvious that the only safe course for the cyclist is down the middle of the road in central position, not just to prevent impatient drivers trying to 'squeeze by', but also due to the threat of doors being opened by the parked cars. What kind of world are we living in, that drivers who've passed their test, can't understand why a cyclist is in the middle of the road in that scenario, and, feel the need to get on their horn. The irony is that they scapegoat the cyclist, when the real reason they can't pass is the 2 solid lines of parked cars making the road single lane Having said all the above, I think that's a harsh sentence, especially if she's got a child to look after. I'd have been far more inclined to leave her free, but with a 2 year ban on driving, and some compulsory cycle training. Many being forced to do, say, 50 hours on the roads on a bike, will educate her as to how to behave when she gets back behind a wheel.
  17. A lot of this is a consequence of the NHS's own abysmal admin systems. I know when my Dad was dying of cancer, the NHS medicars often went to the wrong address, leading to him being late, or missing appointments through no fault of his own. Due to his condition he'd taken, towards the end, to staying at his partners bungalow, as his house had stairs he couldn't deal with. Despite him, and me, informing the NHS, on multiple occasions, that he was now living at his partners house, the admin system couldn't seem to deal with a simple address change and so the medicars continued to turn up at the wrong address. It's a real shame that a health service full of well-meaning, hard working, doctors, nurses and other medical staff, is led down so very badly by an atrocious admin/record system.
  18. It's uncanny how the commercial psychic industry often mirrors that of professional magic- the above sounds very like 'table hopping' Then again, mediumship and professional magic have always shared close links, both in techniques used, and their history (Houdini always maintained a close relationship with the medium industry).
  19. I'd also be interested in hearing some it of. Could you not pick out a short clip of particularly clear speech and post a clip of it? There may even be a person on this thread who has the expertise you require, but, like many, is innately sceptical of this phenomenon. If they heard a clip with convincing speech, it may prompt them to put themselves forward to help you.
  20. 251 no shows out of a total of how many? (How many did turn up).
  21. Further to the 'consultation'. Here's a link to a Star report about the fact that, where the Western Road trees are concerned, the council disingenuously took advantage of the fact that they are classed as war memorials. It's 2 page 'consultation' leaflet referred only to 'the war memorial on Western Road', and, does not once mention the word 'trees'. http://www.thestar.co.uk/news/anger-at-lack-of-trees-on-leaflet-for-western-road-memorial-meetings-1-8464996 It's a shame these 'councillors' don't use their obvious cleverness for actually serving the public in a useful way, rather than using it to scam us.
  22. It actually belongs to no-one. Because you, and a large segment of the population are deluded into believing it 'belongs' to someone, and, support the use of violence to maintain said delusion, the delusion is perpetuated and thus an army of complicit apologists is able to punish those (few) astute enough see through the delusion. That's how I see it, anyway
  23. As a local user I much prefer local drivers with local knowledge. I also like to know what my fare will be, not based on some fluctuating 'surge charge' model. I also don't want my taxis run by a corporation which furthers it's interests by buying politicians. Well, you can turn back the clock by facing up to the fact that deregulation was a mistake, and adjusting accordingly. City taxi drivers have been badly financially affected by deregulation and the accompanying influx of out of town drivers at an unfair advantage because their cars are subject to laxer (cheaper) maintenance regulations than those required by Sheffield drivers. Out of town drivers also escape the local 'knowledge' test requirement. This is unfair. Uber are a corrupt corporation who use their vast financial resources to influence politicians, and whose business model is one of infiltrating new territories by subsidising the service to offer good rates to customers, then reverting to type once they've destroyed the local existing competition. Best of luck to Sheffield City taxi drivers in holding Uber off. As I've mentioned to many City drivers while discussing this, just 20 taxis strategically placed, could lock down this entire city in rush hour, as a very effective protest against the unfairness of deregulation.
  24. ???? I'm HF autistic and I don't find it offensive, and I will be as open about my HF autism as I wish. I've not in any way even applied the term to you, and have no understanding of what your problem is with me describing myself as what I am. ---------- Post added 24-03-2017 at 14:24 ---------- As for my 'vendetta'- it's also Dr Peter Gotzsche's and several other high ranking medical professionals, and scientists, 'vendetta'. Fact is, the scientific medical system is totally corrupted by the pharmaceutical companies, and, that is highly relevant to this thread.
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