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Everything posted by onewheeldave

  1. Not a single fact-like I said I could post many links to high up medical professionals and experts condemning and highlighting the epidemic of corruption from the pharmaceuticals. As for 'apologist' I'm autistic (high-functioning) and state the facts. I call a spade a spade and an apologist an apologist. Neither is it abuse, as the term simply means- http://www.thefreedictionary.com/apologist 'A person who argues in defense or justification of something, such as a doctrine, policy, or institution.' So, when I highlight a serious flaw in a system, and a horde of apologists arise to defend said system and deny said valid claim, they are apologists- no offense in that term. ---------- Post added 24-03-2017 at 14:12 ---------- Incidently, one of the points Dr Gotzsche addresses is the fact that when pharmaceutical companies crimes are discovered, the fines are much smaller than the profits made from the crime. Logic alone explains why they continue to commit such crimes- it would be appallingly bad business to not do so. Even the system used to police that part of the system, is itself utterly corrupt!
  2. Concerning medics, here's Dr Peter Gotzsche agreeing- (in the first 3-4 minutes of the video) Dr Peter Gotzsche is the head of the Danish Cochrane Collaboration, an organisation considered to be the gold standard in evidence appraisal. There's a lot of high ranking medical professionals starting to speak out about the total corruption of our medical evidence systems by pharmaceutical companies, especially some U.S. cardiologists, but I tend to point towards Dr Peter Goetsche, as most apologists for the scientific system tend to rate the Cochrane Collaboration highly, and it's always interesting to watch them wriggle
  3. Indeed. My training partner told me yesterday, that having read an article saying that 1% of benefit claims are fraudulent, he decided to conduct an informal poll amongst his friends (all working people in their 30's) to ask what portion of benefit claims they would expect to be fraudulent. He was staggered to find that some thought it would be 80%!!! It just shows how completely out-of-touch with reality many people are, I guess they form their opinions on benefit claiments mainly through watching exploititative media trash like 'benefits street'. Like you Anna (and I), he believes everyone should watch 'I, Daniel Blake'.
  4. An update concerning the protestors arrested wrongfully under Trade Union laws by SYP posted on tjeir facebook page-
  5. A little strange too, that the poster complaining that it's gone off-topic has no other posts in the thread
  6. No, cos it sounds too much like 'smoking CAN cause cancer'- it's a true statement, but it's also the kind of tepid apologist rhetoric beloved by those manipulistic tobacco industry bought scientists who ensured that decades passed while millions of the public died as they delayed proper public health measures by lobbying and manipulated 'scientific' studies. Why don't we agree on the aforementioned 'driving alone doesn't cause obesity, it's just one of the factors', which has the advantage of being true without the added apologist tint?
  7. Correlation does not preclude causation. ---------- Post added 21-03-2017 at 21:58 ---------- I can't take credit, simply repeating a catchy quote And... I did not say driving alone causes obesity, just that driving clearly contributes- never said it was the only cause, as I'm not so stupid as to think that there aren't many other factors (e.g. and, primarily- diet).
  8. No ones said driving alone causes obesity. It's most definitely a (major) contributing factor.
  9. Dude- the police arrested him and ruined his life, because they got a number wrong. No amount of fantasy analogies are going to distract from that straightforward reality.
  10. And yet, wrongly arresting someone for paedophilia, can be?? Like all good apologists, you genuinely have faith in a system which simply does not work much of the time. Anyone with a realistic grasp of reality knows full well that many people are wrongly sacked, and, never get their job back. In reality, the legal aid necessary for many people to get a chance at justice, is not accessible anymore.
  11. So, if someone takes out a hit on some drug dealing family, and, due to the assassins being given the wrong address (yours), it's cool that they take out your family, cos, after all, it was in good faith, they didn't know it was the wrong address?
  12. What despicable crime? The victim was 100% innocent. Going after innocent people due to a clerk getting a number wrong in no way contributes to the battle against paedophiles, it simply means less time and resources directed towards the guilty. Here's a thought, when it comes to accusing people of being paedophiles, how about having a strict procedure, that any numbers written down are double checked, as it's very common that human beings get them wrong when transferring them?
  13. And 'good faith' includes being arrested for paedophillia because a clerk got a number wrong on a IP address?? Cos that's what happened in this case. Also, due to the work the victim was doing, he lost his career.
  14. There's many people who do X yet don't suffer Y. (e.g. x="smoke 3 packs a day" and y="die early of cancer") They're inevitable exceptions to general rules. Those who drive cars 2 hrs a day are clearly 2 hrs less fit than those who cycle instead. That's why the health system heavily promotes cycling, as it knows that a rise in cycling equals a decline in obesity, type II diabetes and CHD.
  15. He wasn't arrested on reasonable grounds- he was arrested because a police force clerk wrote down an IP address with a wrong digit This could have happened to anyone here- anyone here could have been arrested, and lost their career, because a clerk got a number wrong, and there were no double-checking protocols in place to detect it until the damage was done.
  16. If by pedallism you mean cycling, it doesn't get much bad press. Any bad press is far outweighed by the thousands of articles pointing out that increased cycling is excellent for the environment, and, for the nations health. Given we're in the middle of a national (rising) epidemic of obesity, heart disease and type II diabetes, to the extent that the (dying) NHS is overwhelmed not just by lack of funds, but by having to treat diseases that mainly would not exist if people lived a healthy lifestyle (diet, cycling etc), and- given that we're (probably) well past the middle of an environmental crisis, it makes sense to do what's necessary to encourage as many people as possible to get and ride cycles, and, inform them of the massive benefits (to themselves, the environment and, the NHS) of doing so. "Cars burn money and make you fat, Bikes burn fat and save you money"
  17. Why wouldn't he be? He's been subject to a gross abuse of power- talking to media is the one way to get the story out there, so more people can realize that this could happen to anyone of them.
  18. Because all the voices are being ignored- adding more voices is just adding more that will be ignored. As previously pointed out, the council will just claim that STAG have been part of a 'consultation process', which, to the members of the public who don't understand what's actually happened, will give credence to a crooked process.
  19. It's not a cop out- it's a very good answer that blows your 'argument' out of the water. Either you're trolling or your brains not working. Your 'voting' nonsense is yet another strawman distraction.
  20. I wasn't. 'Box ticking' and the other things on that list are the establishment/authorities way of doing things. From what I can see, STAG consists, in large part, of activists- given that some of them were recently arrested, they're clearly willing to break the law. (Although from the polices recent statement, it's clear that on that occasion, once again, it was the police/council breaking the law, not the activists). Some people are now cottoning on to the fact that it's often the authorities themselves that are commiting the immoral acts, and breaking the laws. And that 'doing things the proper way' is simply playing right into the systems hands, as it generally delays/stalls/blocks what is actually required i.e. action. In the words of Audre Lorde "The master's tools will never dismantle the master's house" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audre_Lorde
  21. Maybe they're a bit like me- not that bothered about ticking boxes, waiting for the approval of others, setting up committees, bureaucracy, delaying things for months/years while they do things the 'proper' way (i.e. approved by the authorities) and watch the world continue to slide into oblivion? Maybe, like me, they're more interested in actual results, which, in this case, would be alerting as many people as possible, that Sheffield's trees are being hacked down as we watch? If you're really concerned, why not report them to STAG, see if they care about this possible breach in protocols
  22. I've no idea if they're on STAG's website, but, as you can see, they're certainly posted many, many times on this thread, so, hopefully any confusion here can now be ended
  23. It's only misleading to those members of the wider public who aren't aware of the stated aims and go on to make an incorrect assumption. And given the number of times the stated aims have been re-stated on this thread, there's certainly no excuse for misunderstandings here. Will it help if it's posted bigger? The stated aim of the ribbons is to highlight which trees are due to be felled. Nothing more, nothing less.
  24. Wow!! I've seen some straw men on this forum, but that one takes the biscuit. Well done https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_man ---------- Post added 14-03-2017 at 10:15 ---------- For some good news to those opposing this tree carnage by the authorities- at least the police have been put on a lease- they now have to obey the actual law rather than act as a private militia force for the council. Post taken from the STAG facebook page- it goes on-
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