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Everything posted by onewheeldave

  1. On the question of whether sanctions can be imposed for not applying for zero hours jobs, the answer is- in the past 'no', but now, 'yes'. Info wrenched from the DWP by a FOI request- "Where a claimant is awarded ‘JSA new style’ only, which refers to contribution based, Jobseeker’s Allowance which was enacted under the Welfare Reform Act 2012 and the Jobseeker’s Allowance Regulations 2013 (S.I 2013/378), there can be no mandation to any zero hours contract job (exclusive or not) and therefore there can be no sanction imposed for refusing employment, leaving voluntarily, or losing work because of misconduct. Where a claimant is awarded ‘JSA new style’ and Universal Credit, to whom the Welfare Reform Act 2012 and the Universal Credit Regulations apply claimants who refuse to accept a zero hours contract job offer, without good reason, can be subject to a sanction...." https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/413264/foi-438-2015.pdf ---------- Post added 04-03-2017 at 10:14 ---------- Another FOI request reveals that over a 5 year period, 19% of all JSA claiments weer sanctioned- that's basically 1 in 5. The DWP sends all it's appointment letters out by 2nd class Royal mail post. Many people have been sanctioned for not attending interviews they didn't know about, because the letter arrived after the appointment date. To see the reality of the modern DWP benefits system, I recommend the film 'I, Daniel Blake'.
  2. That does not say 'people prefer zero hours contracts', or anything like it. It could be that those on zero hour contracts just happen to be more care-free and happy, which you would expect, given that those who have more obligations to meet (families, mortgages etc) simply could not get by on unstable zero-hour contract, and would have to find full-time work. (or be on benefits, and therefore not included in the poll).
  3. You don't mind being murdered for your flesh as long as it's by a bolt through your head?
  4. There's no such thing as humane murder- it's as nonsensical a concept as humane rape. All food animals suffer unimaginable horror.
  5. In America alone, today, 150 million animals will be slaughtered (murdered) having lived lives of unimaginable horror, confinment, misery and abuse. 150 animals every day, totally legal, totally accepted, and largely hidden.
  6. Wow! Absolutely spot on- you have true insight, and that is very, very rare, especially on this forum. I look forward to more posts from you.
  7. Sounds good. How many PAs do you have on the register? ---------- Post added 12-03-2017 at 14:15 ---------- Having searched the register using every postcode option, it seems there are a total of 28 pa's currently (12th March 17) registered.
  8. Rooibosh AKA Redbush tea- naturally caffeine free and available from Tesco etc. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rooibos
  9. Fortunately, there will always be protesters who, when they know they are morally in the right, will be willing to break minor laws used by negligent authorities to protect organisations so focused on profit that they care nothing about the interests of Sheffield residents. My best wishes to those protesters and residents who risk wrongful imprisonment to stand up for what is right.
  10. Sanctions are barbaric and inhumane. Many have been sanctioned for not attending interviews they didn't know about because the letter with the appointment time/date arrived after the interview date. The DWP send these letters by 2nd class Royal mail post, this guarantees that a portion of those letters will arrive after the appointment date. Each of those poor people will get santioned (no benefits for 4+ weeks). Here's a link to the story of a diabetic claimant who lost their leg due to being unable to eat properly following a santion- http://salfordonline.com/31135-outrage-disabled-man-salford-benefits-sanction-camapign.html The sanction was later found to be illegal, and overturned. Obviously, his amputation couldn't be overturned. What a sad world we live in, where bureaucracy is being used to starve, maim and kill the most vulnerable in our society. I'd urge anyone who wants to know the reality of our modern 'benefits' system, to watch the recent Ken Loach film 'I, Daniel Blake'. ---------- Post added 19-02-2017 at 15:06 ---------- ...and here's a link to a video elaborating on the above tragedy- It's time that emergency legislation is brought in to make sanctioning illegal, full stop.
  11. Hi Alice. Many groups are set up and run by neurotypicals, along neurotypical principles, which, unfortunately, makes them inaccessible for many HF autistics, especially those who are struggling. Sheffields 'Adult Asperger Group' is run by people who are themselves HF autistic adults, and I've found them to be more accessible. They meet on the last Thursday of each month, and their website is here- http://sheffieldautisticsociety.org.uk/activity/adult-aspergers-group/
  12. I think the point being made is that many people with 'serious lung conditions' are not going to be capable of the kind of jobs the DWP will issue 'directions' for them to apply for (under threat of a 'sanction' [loss of benefits for several months] if they don't). The DWP assessors have a long track history of hounding the disabled to their deaths- http://blacktrianglecampaign.org/2014/10/21/uk-welfare-reform-deaths-updated-list-october-21st-2014/ I'd recommend the film 'I, Daniel Blake' to anyone who wants to see a realistic portrayal of the DWP. Not a happy film, but, it does show why so many tragedies like the many on the list above, have, are, and will likely continue to occur. Happy New Year everyone (please spare a thought for the vulnerable and disabled unfortunate enough to have to live on benefits, who will endure 2017 under constant threat of sanctions)
  13. Chairs in stores would be for that group, plus any others that would benefit from the opportunity to sit for a while, such as- the elderly, mothers with heavy shopping, disabled people who, despite being able on some days to walk 40m are not able to on that particular day, etc, etc.
  14. Additionally, most non-disabled people are going to have a friend/relative who is disabled, or perhaps sufficient sense of social responsibility to appreciate that they see the value of the odd chair for those who need it.
  15. It is a big factor that even people who can cook actual vegetables/grains, often don't, because they go for the pre-packaged processed option. Processed food is, after all, designed to be fast and easy to prepare, and, contains lots of additives to ensure it is tasty, promotes cravings and encourages excess consumption (salt, sugar, fats, oils, chemical taste enhancers etc). Many people working long hours, multiple jobs and who have families are going to tend to go for ready meals that are fast to prepare, rather than spend the time preparing and cooking potatoes/vegetables/grains etc.
  16. Concerning the drop in smoking- taxation is a factor, but I think it's important to realise the importance of the laws banning advertising smoking, plus the bans on smoking in public places.
  17. Not disagreeing, but I'll point out that if more of us avoided stores whose layout was profit orientated at the expense of genuine customer service focus, and, instead, took our money to stores whose layout is customer focused, then the customer focused stores would see their profits grow. ---------- Post added 23-12-2016 at 13:42 ---------- That's an excellent point- I've noticed that tram stops don't have seating. I wouldn't class myself as physically disabled, but, I do have planter fasciitis and often reflect on why the tram stops have no seating. How much worse for anyone who does have a serious physical issue that makes standing difficult (elderly etc).
  18. We live in a culture where bureaucracy is being used as a weapon. Use of arcane rules/bureaucracy slows down processes to the point where people simply give up, thus saving the organisation money, and encouraging it to ramp up the bureaucracy even further. ---------- Post added 20-12-2016 at 10:04 ---------- :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
  19. Any links to info on this? Any idea of when the date of felling is? Signed.
  20. Here's a list of some of the victims http://blacktrianglecampaign.org/2014/10/21/uk-welfare-reform-deaths-updated-list-october-21st-2014/ Many committed suicide after being found "capable of work", some starved to death, unable to afford food. Having just watched the recent Ken Loach film "I, Daniel Blake", I can recommend it to anyone wanting a realistic insight into the horrors and abuses of the modern benefits system. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I,_Daniel_Blake
  21. Hi. I searched on facebook for your group, but nothing came up. Also, have you got any videos of your races up on youtube?
  22. I wouldn't. My focus is on the real problem, which is that people like this, many of them ex-military, are left homeless and hopeless, with the only 'help' offered, being from services that many of the homeless can't actually access. As previously mentioned, alcohol is the only way to cope with regular sleep in the cold, so most homeless also acquire alcohol addiction. Then most of society, is unable/unwilling to face the actuality of it, and insist instead, on a tirade of bigotry/prejudice that the homeless are not victims, but willing choosers of their brutal lives. No problem can be tackled, until it is acknowledged and faced up to.
  23. Just to be clear then- you've got tattoos yourself, you've got a prejudice against calf tattoos, and, you're not stupid?
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