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Posts posted by onewheeldave

  1. 22 minutes ago, Baron99 said:

    Well watching the BBC news tonight, the Austrian Govt's intention to bring in mandatory vaccinations next Feb, appears to have  had, (despite the protests in Vienna), the effect of increasing the number of Austrian citizens going for a jab. 


    Two weeks ago, they were vaccinating 1,000 people a day  That figure has now risen to 12,000 a day.

    What a great victory for democracy- bullying, threats and $4000 fines result in more people 'choosing' to get vaccinated. 


  2. 14 minutes ago, pattricia said:

    Sir, being a retired state registered nurse, I understand autism and autistic people. However this is nothing to do with my comment about nose rings. 

    When a non-autistic person says 'I understand autism' it is a dead giveaway that they don't.

    The very few neurotypicals who do have some empathy with autistics never claim to 'understand autism  and autistic people'.


  3. 32 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

    My god! It was only an observation and using your privilege to make a comment just stating your like or dislikes, which your  allowed to do, you wasn't being rude or untowards and never are,  just ignore em Pattricia,  after all its a forum, everyone is allowed an opinion, ignore the grumps. :roll:

    When you say someone's choice 'looks ridiculous' it's not 'just an observation'

    7 hours ago, pattricia said:

    Last night a new judge was on SCD in place of Craig who has Covid. She’s a well known expert on dancing but she had a white nose ring in. It looked ridiculous but each to his own I suppose ! 

    Anyway, what's the problem? If it's just a forum and everyone's allowed to comment on whatever they want, presumably it's OK for me to comment on their comments?


    As someone who is autistic and who works with autistic and vulnerable people who tend to be judged as 'odd' due to their personal adornment choices, I am a bit sensitive to it.


    It's a nose ring, it's 2021- anyone who wants to refer to a nose rings as 'ridiculous' is going to get a comment from me ['just using my privilege to make a comment'].

  4. 1 hour ago, RJRB said:

    Did anyone speak of compulsory vaccines at the start of the pandemic?


    Me for one. 

    Quite a few people also had their youtube/social media accounts closed for talking about compulsory vaccines.

    12 minutes ago, Annie Bynnol said:

    Now that your views have been rejected by hundreds of millions of people you are now re-inventing history.



    I don't think hundreds of millions of people have heard my views :lol:


    1 hour ago, Caswall said:

    Why wouldn't a universal ID containing some information on the holder be a good idea? 



    Bizarrely the very post you are quoting gives you the answer :)

    1 hour ago, onewheeldave said:

    It is easy- they could also do it for race, mental illness, homosexuals etc, etc..... oh, maybe it's not such a good idea?




  6. 3 hours ago, El Cid said:

    Easy if they really wanted to do it? The Government would need to bring in some form of ID, if they can do it for something as marginal as voting, surely they could do it for a deadly illness?

    It is easy- they could also do it for race, mental illness, homosexuals etc, etc..... oh, maybe it's not such a good idea?

    6 hours ago, onewheeldave said:

    One big problem with the poll is the term 'compulsory vaccination' because 2 seperate definitions are being used interchagebly in the debate i.e.

    1. compulsory as it it being illegal to not have the vaccine

    2. compulsory as in coerced- you don't have to have it, but, if you don't, you can't work, access education, travel, 'vaccine passorts' etc, etc

    I voted option 3 [No, compulsory mass vaccination is always wrong.] for both meanings of 'compulsory'.


    Case in point.

    20 minutes ago, Caswall said:

    Vaccination shouldn't be compulsory - by all means let the under-educated lemmings who choose to believe what somebody on Facebook says over the weight of experience and professional knowledge of the worlds' medical bodies.  Free choice for the great unwashed and all that.


    But, if they make that choice, let them suffer the consequences of losing their jobs and being denied access to public places and state resources.  They'd be doing their bit for society with a spot of social Darwinism.


  7. 22 minutes ago, makapaka said:

    1.ok but the same argument applies

    2. you implied that  just by having a government meant you were under totalitarian rule.

    3. It’s pretty obvious who we have in charge - an elected government.

    1. How can it apply to a neurotype?

    2. I certainly did not- some governments are totalitarian, some are not

    3. If currently you perceive an elected government as being in charge, then, in the event we end up in a totalitarian state, a government will be in charge, maybe elected, or, maybe unelected, or, possibly a dictator.



  8. 21 hours ago, Carbuncle said:

    Austria sounds like it may bring in compulsory vaccination for covid. I don't think the full details of what they intend are known but for the purpose of the question I suggest we assume that compulsory vaccination allows a few exceptions such as having a doctor certified medical exemption.


    For background, you might want to look at https://ourworldindata.org/childhood-vaccination-policies . The link indicates that many democratic countries, including France and Italy, mandate certain vaccinations for children. A few countries, including Germany and the US, require certain vaccinations for school entry. Meanwhile some countries, including the UK, India and China, do no more than recommend vaccination.

    One big problem with the poll is the term 'compulsory vaccination' because 2 seperate definitions are being used interchagebly in the debate i.e.

    1. compulsory as it it being illegal to not have the vaccine

    2. compulsory as in coerced- you don't have to have it, but, if you don't, you can't work, access education, travel, 'vaccine passorts' etc, etc

    I voted option 3 [No, compulsory mass vaccination is always wrong.] for both meanings of 'compulsory'.


  9. 11 hours ago, makapaka said:

    1.it is. non compliance through an illness is different to non compliance through choice.

    2. You said a government could be perceived as totalitarian.

    3. I asked you who would be in control - you’ve replied by asking me who is control - who will be in charge of the totalitarian state?

    1. Autism isn't an illness- it is a neurotype. 

    2. Of course a government can be perceived as totalitarian [whether it is or not]- what's your point?

    3. Like I've said already, I suspect that in the event of a totalitarian state, from your perspective, the same entities would be in charge who are in charge now- that's why I'm asking who/what you currently percieve as being 'in charge'. In the absence of you refusing to tell me who/what you perceive as being in chaerge currently, I can't say other than that, can I?


  10. 1 hour ago, HeHasRisen said:

    Has anyone actually told them they have the wrong timetable up, or do you think moaning on here will get it fixed quicker?

    What you call 'moaning' is actually people identifying problems with an organisations approach which I actually find to be a very positive thing. As someone who experiences serious mental health issues as a result of the appalling way these organisations do things [40 minute phone queues, being passed endlessly from one incompetant department to another, security questions so complex that it is often impossible to access ones own account etc, etc] I always find it refreshing that there are people out there who can also see just how wrong it all is.

    The more people who highlight it ['moan about it'] the better, IMHO.

  11. 5 hours ago, melthebell said:

    Come on get with the time, this week it's Dutch police firing on anti lockdown protestors

    Take your pick, there are police firing on anti-lockdown and anti-compulsory vaccine protestors in many countries and states at the moment.

    2 hours ago, makapaka said:

    That’s a lot different to wilful non-compliance.


    also - having a government does not mean you are living in a totalitarian state.


    So - you say  we are heading to a totalitarian state - who will be in control?

    1. No it's not.

    2. never said it did

    3. who do you think is in control now?


    20 minutes ago, fools said:

    Compare life now to what it was 50 years ago, a lot more tech, more restrictions/watching your every move/more rules/more hassle. Big tech sucking up and selling every bit of data they can about you. Government organisations supplying your data to big tech without your knowledge or authorisation. Ten years ago, you could drive anywhere in the country without having to look up the local rules beforehand.


    Tech should have made things simpler, instead it's used as a means of control. Those camera's on every street/vehicle/doorbell and that little smartphone you're all stroking endlessly are the enablers of a dystopian existence.


    When you can't leave your own front door or go shopping/travelling without being hassled and tracked by the state, maybe you'll finally wake up to where this is all leading.



    True. This extreme level of control and imposition of 'hoop-jumping' has been going on for some time.

    If tech [pc's, phones etc] was designed with the end user in mind, it could have made life so much easier.

    Instead, it is so riddled with proprietry software/hardware [increases profit], bugs [cheaper to produce shoddy software], built in redundancy [increase profit..... you get the idea], etc, that the significant amounts of stress produced offsets many of the potential benefits.

    Then you have a society that forces people to use the stuff [need a mobile to get the code you need to access your own bank account] to access essential services [again, if you trace abck the reasons why. it is all about profit].

    So this decline towards absolute control has been in progress some time- 9/11 and terrorism was used to accelerate it a bit. Now we have covid, and the rate has really picked up. 

  12. 20 minutes ago, RollingJ said:

    Whenever/while ever we are too stupid/lazy/w.h.y to trust technology to do everything for us, this type of problem will happen.

    True. But, unfortunately, for most people, it is being forced on them. For example, it is becoming increasingly difficult or impossible to not have a mobile phone, as it can be difficult or impossible to access your own bank account without one.


    A lot of blokes used to maintain and repair their own vehicles- now they're so crammed with electronic chips that when something goes wrong, it can only be put right by a specialist.

  13. 15 minutes ago, makapaka said:

    I doubt it really - what else do you not comply with?  Conpulsory education, tax, law? Any examples of your anarchy?

    There’s a reason your beliefs are in the minority - pretending that it’s because you have somehow developed a higher knowledge and are operating on a different level to the majority is either deluded or arrogant (or both).

    Non compliance is very common in autisitics. Non compliance with long queues for example- for much of my life I couldn't access medical provision due to that one; there are many other examples of things that I don't comply with; and non-compliance of the various hoops it is necessary to jump through to access basic services are a major reason for the the low levels of employment, education and healthcare for autistic people.


    One reason my beliefs are in a minority is because am in a minority- the majority of the population is not of the autistic neurotype.




    7 minutes ago, makapaka said:

    Who will be in power in this totalitarian state we will become?

    If we define 'power' as that which controls the populace, who would you say is currently 'in power'. I'm guessing you'll say it's a government body? If so, that that's pretty much what you will get in a totalitarian state.



  14. 11 hours ago, top4718 said:

    No that'll be the vaccine.


    Can anyone who believes this garbage actually hand on heart say that they think the Government is concerned about their health???

    They'll only happen anywhere if they are allowed to, your compliance and unquestioning of the narrative will make it happen, mark my words, you will regret it once it does.

    It is an interesting question whether we are past the point where large scale public non compliance would actually make a difference. As we know from the lockdowns- protesters in the UK were getting £10,000 fines.  We've seen the video footage of police in Australia opening fire on protesters with rubber bullets and tear gas.


    Any protest that is likely to be effective seems to be immediately suppressed by the powers that be with high levels of threats and violence.


    At the moment a majority of the public are basically OK with that, either by denial it is happening, or, by actively verbally supporting it- but, as things progress further towards totalitarianism, even if they start to object, the outcome may only be that they too are suppressed with threats and violence by the authorities.


    Of course, if everyone saw through it and ceased to comply, then it would be over, as the police would also cease to comply, but, looking at the history of totalitarian states, that is highly unlikely.

  15. 7 hours ago, makapaka said:

    You are part of the mainstream compliant public.

    Actually no, I'm very averse to compliance [compared to the majority].

    2 hours ago, butlers said:

    Upstate NY family hit by Covid: Unvaccinated father, son die days apart; vaccinated mom, son recover



    How come when those who challenge the official narrative post anecdotes they get ripped apart, but it's fine to post anecdotes that go along with the official narrative?

    1 hour ago, RJRB said:

    Thats a strange interpretation.

    Did you have comprehension lessons at Junior school.

    Another Ad Hominen attack.

  16. 1 hour ago, top4718 said:

    Austria are indicating mandatory vaccines from next year, truly evil. Its very telling that no other world leaders (despite the sheep on here telling us they're not all in it together) are condemning this barbaric proposal.

    That is where this is going- mandatory vaccines for everybody, globally, i.e. all humans. Whether by direct legislation, or by coercion [no jab, no job... no jab, no education etc].


    45 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

    I agree. Evil and barbaric. Still, I bet there are many on this thread who don't think it is evil and barbaric and they are just waiting excitedly for jab number 4. 

    Yes, no shortage of apologists here :(

    37 minutes ago, makapaka said:

    I think you’ve massively over estimated the importance of this thread and the forum to be honest.


    A few people who have developed some kind of god complex and believe only they know the “true narrative” are not letting anyone “win” anything.

    I wouldn't say this thread/forum is important. But it is a reflection of how the mainstream compliant public 'think'.


    I said right from the start of this 'epidemic' that the virus measures and lockdowns would lead to a massive erosion of civil liberties. The apologists mocked; but, here we are, looking at compulsory injections for anyone who wants to remain in society.

  17. 9 hours ago, SheffieldBricky said:

    It sounds like good stuff. It's very effective in stopping kids getting covid (even though they don't really suffer much with it anyway)


    You won't be happy at this though. Do you think kids should be immunised at birth? 😜


    It's goodbye from me to this thread. I'm losing faith in mankind.


    COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 5-11 receives final approval | AAP News | American Academy of Pediatrics

    But then you let them win. There are very few people on this thread who challenge the official narrative- the rest are ultra compliant sheep who rely mainly on ad hominem attacks and bullying; their clear aim- a thread consisting ONLY of ultra compliants who swallow the official narrative 100%.

    Simply by not saying goodbye to this thread you prevent them from acheiving that aim.


  18. 5 hours ago, HeHasRisen said:

    Get a better phone package then. Seriously how is this anyones fault but you own?

    It is the fault of the council, and all the other organisations who think it is acceptable that people can't get in touch by phone without staying on hold for well over an hour.


    It is also the fault of the army of apologists who rise up to defend these organisations abysmal contact mechanisms by blaming it on the victims.


    Just my opinion of course :)

    22 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

    And you know that involves spending money aye? Tell us where this "money" comes from: what do you cut to pay for it, and/or what % increase on taxation do you bring in?



    Prevent the council for ******* their existing funds up the wall by hiring scammers like Amey [the tree scandal, using shoddy materials so that their road repairs need re-doing a couple of years after the repair, paying obsene hourly rates to 'consultants' etc, etc, etc]??


    Just my opinion of course :)



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