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Posts posted by onewheeldave

  1. I've been walking around topless quite a bit this year. Partly cos i have very pale skin that rarely tans and I'm finding that going about my business without a shirt definitly helps with that.


    Partly cos I'm into health/good diet etc, and sun is an excellent source of vitamin D, which many studies are showing we are often deficient in (probably due to the amount of chemical sun protection we now use, and yes, I am somewhat sceptical about the skin cancer hype, especially with vitamin D deficiency being a possible cause of cancer).


    But mainly cos it just feels really good- in hot bright weather it's a natural thing to shed the shirt- just not pleasant to have a hot sweaty bit of cloth on.


    Fact is, the 2 main reasons, IMO, that people don't go topless in stunningly hot weather, is that they're either ashamed of their bodies (I'm not), or they're scared by what other people 'think' (I'm not).


    It's sad that other people feel negative/aggressive/insulted by my choice to expose my flesh to the rays of mother Sol, but, if they have a problem with it, i do see it as their problem (as opposed to mine).


    If anyone can come up with a some decent rational reasons why I should cover up, then I am of course, ready to listen.


    (I do always have a t-shirt ready for if I go in supermarkets/shops, not because I think it's an issue, but purely cos I can't be bothered with the inevitable hassle).

  2. there are a few rules to quadcopters


    first of you cant fly them within so may feet of anybody unless the people are with you


    you cant fly them out of field of view and dont h=think you are suppose to fly them within 600 metres of a public place


    You're also not allowed to fly them in public parks, only aircraft on strings are allowed. I bet that's an ancient rule that's never been updated.


    The last time I saw an aircraft on a string was in the comics in the early 80s. Someone like Walter the Softy would be flying one and Dennis the Menace would cut the string, but it would fly into his dad's head and then he'd be slippered.



    Presumably there'll be some links to these 'rules'? Just so people can check them and be assured you're not just making them up :)

  3. I watched that programme last night, Fat, Sick & Almost Dead and despite the very americanised programme making, it was quite interesting.


    I'm not one for faddy diets, I've never done slimming world or counted calories...if I want to lose a few pounds I just eat healthier foods and do more exercise...but I do love my food :D


    The fast caught my attention not only for the results it gave but it seemed like a good way to detox every now and then...but I know how these things work, you go back to eating normal food and pile all the weight back on and then some! Plus the cost of buying all that fruit and veg must soon add up!


    Has anyone tried it?


    I've seen that documentary and rate it highly.


    I've also been on a loose variant of 80-10-10 since last september. Lost 2 stone (now a lean 11 stone) which will stay off for the rest of my life, cured several health issues, feel superb and for the first time in my life have consistent energy levels.


    I get most of my daily calories from raw, unprocessed fruits, plus some veg and a few processed foods.


    I never go hungry, stuff my face with food all day, and find, with certain strategies in place, that it is very easy to stick to, and requires no willpower (in fact the thought of eating some of the processed rubbish I used to consume avidly, now just repulses me).


    Happy to provide more info if requested- I'm not going to spend time debating/arguing, but, for sincere info requests, I'll definitly go out of my way.

  4. Yes, that's it.

    The consultant was delighted with the result, but of course it was no answer to what's wrong with my heart, which is still undiagnosed. I have resting angina (which is very painful and worrying) and arrythmia.

    I'm 61 and eat a healthy diet. I enjoy salads and vegetables, drink plenty of water and apart from the occasional bacon sandwich (my only weakness) I'm pretty much vegetarian. I also have a dodgy stomach and digestive system which means I have to be careful with what and how I eat. I don't smoke, only drink occasionally but find exercise difficult due to ME and arthritis so I just walk the dog when I can. I am overweight but a lot of that is boobs (top heavy) and no amount of dieting will shift it.


    Good, a testament to the health value of plant strong diets :)


    I don't know if you supplement b12? Here's a video you may be interested in, by a qualified medical professional who promotes vegan low fat diet, commenting on recent studies indicating equal mortality rates for vegans, vegetarians and meat eaters.


    That goes against the many studies he's promoted showing that vegan/veggie eating has positive health effects and in this video he's giving his analysis of how that contradictory result has arisen, and, more important, what vegans/veggies can do to counter it.



    Basically it's about omega oils and B12.


    One other thing I'd say, myself knowing vegetarians who aren't that healthy, and vegans who quit for health reasons, is that there's a big difference between a vegan diet of unprocessed plant foods (very low fat) and one of heavily processed plant foods (tend to be high fat).


    So I'd suggest any vegan/vegetarian not getting optimal weight and health results, to look into the fat issue, as well as b12.


    Much as I've come to believe in the benefits of a raw unprocessed fruit based diet (as I've personally been on it for 6 months and experienced very good results), I do think it highly likely that a unprocessed cooked plant based diet will likely give similar results, and, be considerably easier for many to implement.


    ---------- Post added 24-06-2014 at 16:46 ----------


    Further to the above. It's clear that it's possible to be vegetarian and overweight. I believe that it's due to the fact that as vegetariainism become more common, a market in processed vegetarian foods blossumed- a pizza is high fat whether it's meat based or vegetarian.


    Similarly, now veganism is going mainstream, there are more vegan processed foods available, and, I predict, that we'll now start seeing more overweight vegans.


    I do not believe that it is possible to be overweight on a vegan/plant based diet of unprocessed plant foods, as they are naturally very low in fat. (This is not to be confused with processed low-fat foods, which I wouldn't touch with a bargepole).


    ---------- Post added 24-06-2014 at 16:49 ----------


    I am overweight but a lot of that is boobs (top heavy) and no amount of dieting will shift it.


    We should meet :)

  5. Originally Posted by Tazoe et al

    She also insisted on excessive dose of daily exercise


    Did she? What's your point?


    I'm very unlike her in that I insist on a dose of daily exercise that isn't excessive. It means as well as being optimally lean (from my diet) I also have a reasonable amount of muscle. As I've posted in another thread, it also enables me to cope with being aspergic. I feel from your post you're having a bit of a sly dig here, perhaps hinting I'm mentally ill as she was? I'm not, I'm aspergic. Maybe I misunderstood, aspergics often have difficulty understanding what people are meaning.


    ---------- Post added 23-06-2014 at 22:30 ----------


    You ignored the hyperdopaminemia. You dont think eating upto 20 bananas daily could be considered obsessive?


    My health is great, thank you for asking. My diet is balanced. My is weight is fine.


    Having tackled the Hyperkalemia and found it didn't apply to me, I kind of assumed the hyperdopaminemia may also be irrelevant- if you think otherwise, then go for it- make your point.


    What do you mean by 'balanced' in the context of diet. Glad you think your weight is fine- what is it though? (in stones or kilos).


    I'm 11 stone- when I was carrying excess fat I was 13 stone. What weight are you?

  6. Following on from your previous thread re: changing gps and with the above information in mind may i suggest you read "Hyperkalemia and hyperdopaminemia induced by an obsessive eating of banana in an anorexia nervosa adolescent." by Tazoe et al (2007)


    Given I'm an neither an obsessive eater or anorexic, I'm not sure why :)


    However, did check-




    and it was one case (can't conclude anything from one case) of a person who was ill (anorexic) who eat nothing but bananas (unlike me who consumes a variety of healthy plant based food, plus cooked carbs and very small amounts of animal produce) and drank less than 500ml of water/day (recommended levels being typically 3000ml/day).


    She got Hyperkalemia which has certain symptoms which, were I to start getting (I'm not), I would be concerned about.


    I would love to get my blood tested again, and, if I do so (unlikely as my GP refuses to do blood tests unless the patient has some symptoms) of course I will pay special attention to my blood potassium levels.


    However, as I seem to be in by far the best shape of my life, both in terms of being optimally lean and finally having consistent energy levels, I'm not that worried at the moment.


    In sharp contrast to that are the millions of people not consuming a unprocessed fruit/plant/carb based diet like mine, but instead consuming the typical processed, fat heavy standard UK diet who are suffering from diabetes, obesity, heart disease, cancer etc, but...hey ho...at least they're eating 'normal' 'food', so that's cool :)


    Incidently, how's your health, and, what do you weigh at the moment?


    ---------- Post added 23-06-2014 at 19:07 ----------


    Well, I'd rather have a more diverse diet, that involves eating a variety of tasty foods. Including meat that has been cooked!

    Enjoy your food- hope you also enjoy the consequences when you hit your fifty's, sadly, many in the west don't :(

    Christy Ruth Walton of Walmart isn't fat.

    Philip Clarke of Tesco isn't fat.

    David Taylor of Sainsbury's isn't fat.

    Ken Morrison isn't fat.


    I never said they were- I said that in the huge collection of individuals who are company CEOs, many were fat (and ill). Feel free to survey the lot of them and present the results here.


    Maybe also watch the recent documentary 'fat, sick and nearly dead' I believe the subject of that was a CEO? He was obese and very ill, until he acheived health and leanness by living off only fruit/vegetable juice for 6 months.


    ---------- Post added 23-06-2014 at 19:12 ----------



    Extensive number of tests including MRI scans and that test where they go in at the groin with a camera on a wire and push it up through the artery into the heart taking pictures. (Sorry can't remember what it's called - and it's driving me daft.)



    This is interesting. I was under the impression that pretty much all adults in the west on the standard processed food diet had some degree of arterial clogging.


    How old are you, and, how would you describe your diet? I'm always keen to check out peoples results who don't match my conceptions of nutrition.

  7. I totally agree with this.


    We are slowly becoming enslaved to the top earning 1%. They don't give a monkeys about what's in their food. They would still be secretly serving us horse meat if they could.


    It's all about the profit that these massive supermarkets can make. I can't imagine the CEO of ASDA, TESCO and Sainsbury's have a freezer full of Birds Eye products? They wouldn't touch half the crap they sell to us.

    Hmmm.... not sure about that. This can be viewed as a 'conspiracy', but I feel it's not the best way to see things.


    i.e. the CEOs are often as much a victim as anyone else- many are obese, have heart disease, diabetes etc, because they do eat the same crap as everyone else. Why wouldn't they, given it's marketed as healthy?


    People eat crap due to the failings of the orthodox medical nutrition advice system- people simply don't know what food is healthy.


    ---------- Post added 23-06-2014 at 13:17 ----------



    We also work so many hours that we've lost the time to cook fresh meals, not that we can afford fresh expensive food! And then they keep us in check with threats about keeping healthy! Cancer is the big one. It affects so many people that it pulls on millions of heart strings.

    They've got us just where they want us.


    We don't need to cook to be healthy. I've posted in detail on several threads recently of how I went from ansick, unhealthy 13 stone, to a lean 11 stone feeling better than I ever have before, by eating primarily raw unprocessed fruits .


    Over the last 6 months I've eaten between 10 and 20 bananas every day, along with other raw unprocessed fruits/vegetables, plus small quantities of cooked and processed food.


    All with zero hunger (important as I have very low willpower).


    Freelea the banana girl and her boyfriend durianrider cover the necessary strategies over their many videos-




    and it's flexible, I've not followed their method 100% and along with the 'plant strong' way of eating in America there are methods of eating which include cooked carbs (rice, pasta etc) so, as long as the strategies are in place, everyone can eat for optimal health and leaness- it just requires the research.


    ---------- Post added 23-06-2014 at 13:20 ----------


    I believe you Dave, but my own experience tends to make me cross. I have heart failure but my arteries are as clean as a whistle with no fat deposits. There's no apparent cause ('probably a virus.')


    A relative who is as thin as a lat has type 2 diabetes.




    There are always exceptions. But, a very large portion of heart disease, diabetes and cancer are a direct result of eating badly- even the medical system is aware of this, with many studies providing evidence.


    Incidently- just curious, how was it established that your arteries are clean as a whistle?

  8. I agree with this bit in particular.

    Certain cancers are now being blamed on 'lifestyle,' in other words if you get ill it's your own fault and therefore you're not worthy of expensive treatment. Even though the research into these assertions is dubious to say the least, we begin to accept it as gospel. Slowly but surely people are being turned against each other in a blame culture.

    But guess what, it turns attention away from those who are really culpable, so that's alright then.


    I'm totally against the welfare cuts.


    But certain cancers are caused by lifestyle/diet, as is the majority of heart disease, many strokes and much type II diabetes.


    A huge proportion of our serious diseases are caused by the food we eat.


    I totally disagree that it's the populations fault- there's so much misinformation about food that many victims simply do not know what they should be eating to be healthy, and, our health system is demonstrably not good at getting that info out to where it needs to be.


    One of the most empowering things people can do is to not fall into the mistaken view that cancer/heart disease/diabetes/strokes are simply things that happen with no apparent cause. Not all, but certainly a large proportion are caused by bad diet (especially processed 'foods').


    Once again- I'm totally against the welfare cuts.

  9. I have to say I'm disappointed by the lack of any visual reminders that this fantastic event is coming, apart from the odd yellow bike. Tiny French villages fight for years to be part of this, yet manage so much more in presentation.


    Why do we need 'reminders'? It's the 'tour de france', anyone interested in it knows when it's on, or can easily google it if they don't.


    More publicity=£££, and we live in times when funding is being cut for mental health services, people are being forced to leave their homes due to the 'bedroom tax' and, a whole host of other extremely destructive cuts cos apparently, we're really short of cash.


    Yet money is being thrown away for sporting events, several of which have already lost us huge amounts of cash that could have been used to actually help vulnerable people.



    So you agree then that criminals will be criminals no matter what you legalise, legalise drugs and cut off their supply of money and they will just do something else that is illegal to make money, maybe increase their prostitution activities, burgle more people, sell more weapons, turn to abductions and ransom demands, counterfeit more alcohol and tobacco, the list of illegal activities they can turn to is endless.


    Of course criminals will likely move onto to other crimes if drugs are legalised.


    Once buyers can purchase better quality cannabis (i.e. of regulated purity and without the added bulking toxins) cheaper than the impure stuff sold by the criminals, clearly the criminals will have to move on to other things.


    That's kind of the point- legalising drugs cuts drug crime.


    Bear in mind though, that 'moving into' prostitution/weapons/violence isn't straightforward- other criminals tend to have them well covered already, and don't much appreciate new competitors.

  11. That's a very naive view. Cannabis is well known as a gateway drug and once users get used to the high it gives them they inevitably get bored and move onto harder drugs such as cocaine and heroin. Once onto these seriously addictive drugs they have to steal to fund their addiction, hence in the long term crime does go up. This is why I believe all drugs should remain illegal.


    No it's not- cannabis as a gateway drug was a standard part of the old 'demonisation/disinformation' campaign, but it's not true.


    That's a very naive view. Cannabis is well known as a gateway drug and once users get used to the high it gives them they inevitably get bored and move onto harder drugs such as cocaine and heroin. Once onto these seriously addictive drugs they have to steal to fund their addiction, hence in the long term crime does go up. This is why I believe all drugs should remain illegal.


    Not true. I know a lot of cannabis users, and I don't know any that moved onto heroin, or, even tried it.

  12. First thing first,,,, You dont need to prove your innocence, They have to prove your guilt.

    prove to me you don't watch live tv ...." NO" Prove to me I do! ... Simple!


    That's the gist of it. Unless they can prove your guilt they can't do anything to you.


    Hence why, when the inspector calls, it's best to simply shut the door on them- they want you to talk to them as that 'aids in their investigations'.


    But it's their investigation and their problem- let them waste their time, but you're under no obligation to do or say anything.


    And, of course, NEVER let them into your home. Shut the door and go about your day, they are a toothless organisation and can do nothing to incriminate you unless you actively assist them by allowing access or talking to them.

  13. A word of caution for the OP...


    From the Mail: Figures released by the Ministry of Justice show that in 2010, 164,444 people were prosecuted for evading the licence fee. Of those, 142,375 were convicted and sentenced in the courts.


    I'm not saying you can or can't beat the charge. I'm just saying that most people don't beat the charge and you need to consider the risk to you personally if you end up with a criminal record. If you do decide it is worth the risk then you need to identify the arguments that you know are accepted by the courts and not rely on opinions and theory.


    Anyone got an example/link for the OP of someone who was taken to court and not convicted?

    The only people who get prosecuted are those who go along with the licensing officers requests.


    The licensing officers have no right to enter your premises and the householder is under no obligation to speak/communicate/acknowledge them whatseover.


    Simply shut the door on them and it's over and done with, you'll never end up in court.


    The ones who do are those who make the mistake of engaging with the officer/letting him in the house etc.


    The OP has messed up by letting them in and signing their documents- I have no idea of what happens in that scenario.


    But, to everyone else reading this thread- simply do not let them in, don't talk to them, and, most definitly, do not sign any of their papers- you are them effectively immume from any legal actions whatsever.

  14. How was it free ? It was subsidised by the PTE with public money.


    It was free cos every passenger who used it didn't pay a penny.


    Some bus journeys cost 50p, others could cost £7, none of those are free.


    However, some bus journeys cost 0p- no money changes hands- those are the free ones.


    If you ever get on a bus where none of the passengers are giving the driver any money, and the driver doesn't look perturbed by it- chances are it's a free bus.


    And yes, free buses are generally subsidised- fuel, unlike some buses, is not free :)

  15. Can anyone reply constructively to this post.


    Any tanning whatsoever will adversely affect tattoos of any age. New tattoos are most vulnerable and most tattooists will advise staying out of the sun for a few months.


    However, even after that, any sun will age the tattoo- many collectors of tattoos wil use high-factor UV protection cream if they expose their tattoos to the sun.


    Tattoos and tanning do not mix.

  16. that may be true but if we suspect an adult is buying alcohol for a minor that is accompanying them then we reserve the right to refuse the sale. It's simply a case of using your common sense and if I see a parent buying a bottle of wine and a spirit for example and they had a minor with them I would be less suspicious, especially if it was with other shopping. If I had a customer accompanied by a minor and they were solely buying bottles of Smirnoff ice or WKD or something that would probably raise my suspicions and I would question it. If they simply said no it wasn't for the minor I would have to refuse the sale and my manager would back me up. Sorry, I know it's a pain for people but like I said before for me its simply not worth the risk. I need my job, I don't have ten grand plus to pay the fine and I don't want a criminal record.


    If the teller has genuine reasons to suspect that an adult is buying booze for a minor (e.g. typically a youth waiting outside and asking incoming adults to buy them booze) then fair enough. Clearly in this case, that wasn't happening- simply having your child with you at the checkout is no reason for suspicion.


    And, like I said before, no teller is going to get fined purely on the grounds that alcohol going through their till eventually winds up in the hands of a minor- there has to be some kind of genuine reason to suspect that the adult is going to pass it on.

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