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Posts posted by onewheeldave

  1. 13 hours ago, Findlay said:

    Why do you think a cyclist must keep 1.5m away from passing cars? Are cyclists going to cause fatal injuries to the driver if the wing mirror gets clipped?


    More cyclists are turning to technology to record their journeys into work. The NHS has had a massive push to get doctors, nurses, pharmacists and all support staff cycling to work with the "Bike to work scheme"

    Selfish drivers are putting the lives of essential workers in danger by driving too close and sometimes directly at cyclists. Even parents taking children to school and setting more than a poor example.


    With the poll now finished I can see that over 25% of the responding group think that aiming a car at a cyclist should be a hate crime which is more than enough to start the next process of lobbying the local council.

    Thank you all for your responses.


    Overall most Sheffield drivers are very tolerant and patient drivers but some need to be called out as dangerous drivers. This is what it is like for our friends, neighbours, relatives and children getting about in Sheffield on occasion.



    That video is a good example for those motorists who criticise cyclists who take primary position when approaching such squeeze points- if they don't do it, there are murdurous idiots like that truck driver who will try to fit through and put the cyclists life at risk.

    Did that truch have a license plate- I couldn't make one out on the video?

  2. 23 hours ago, cuttsie said:



    On the home front it has been stated that after 2030 no petrol or diesel cars will be manufactured  and any one still driving one will be taxed out of existence  , the aim of this is to force us all to buy the new electric powered vehicles , (where does the electric come from one wonders )  , What the experts up in Glasgow do not explain is how will the ordinary citizen who drives a old banger or pre used vehicle afford these new electric cars with prices around £30.000 at todays prices ,  the mind boggles ,     what they will cost in 2030 ish , so once again its the poor people who will suffer , the ones who today struggle to keep vehicle on the road so as to work out of town etc , or live in a rural area where  a car is a must due to no reliable local transport .


    So in conclusion no change the haves will just go on as usual , and the have nots will have even less .

    But what is best- a world where the poor all have cars, that is dying due to irreversible climate destruction that will result in the certain death of most of the human population; or, a world with very few cars that only the elite can afford, with a consequent much lower level of polution and a much better chance of avoiding certain destruction?


  3. On 05/11/2021 at 20:38, ECCOnoob said:



    Regardless of whatever definition,  the point is that she cannot be using it as some pathetic excuse for her failure to answer a simple question. She was at a bloody press conference. She chose to go to this event and play politician. She reaps the rewards of her fame and notoriety by getting access to these very high-profile figures and events. She chooses to put herself front and centre. She's the one who chooses to preach to the masses and claim that she is the voice of the unheard.



    She is not, and never has used autism as an excuse. 

    She is reaping no rewards of 'celebrity' or of mingling with these 'high profile' politicians- they are desicable greedy lying individuals when seen through autistic eyes.

    She is a young person who is fully aware of the fact that we are in the middle of a mass extinction event whose horrors will likely unfold in her lifetime, and is associating with this political trash only because she thinks it is carries a very small chance of causing change that could lower the damage.

  4. On 05/11/2021 at 20:38, ECCOnoob said:

    Fine. Disorder then. Condition then. Disability then. Call it whatever you want.



    Autism isn't a disorder, condition or disability- it is a different neurotype; one associated with a tendency to honesty, straight talking and a dislike of lies, deception and social grooming.


  5. 3 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

    Let me stop you right there 

    I'm aware of the delay in responding due to the extra processing time  someone with autism may need. That didn't appear to be the case in the video. 

    If it was the case I'm happy to retract my post and admit my mistake. 

    How would it manifest in the video?

    3 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

    Horse crap. Illness is just an excuse. 



    Autism isn't an illness. The vast majority of the considerable problems most high functioning autistic people have to cope with are not a consequence of autism, but, of being autistic in a society designed by and for neurotypicals [non autistic people], who have minimal empathetic ability with any neurotype other than their own. 


  6. 16 hours ago, Pyrotequila said:


    That's kinda like what a petulant child does when they're losing an argument... walk out in a huff.

    When an event is a total farce walking out is a very legitimate response- to remain not only wastes your valuable time, but remaining present risks you being seen as considering the event to be valid.

    Strange how you don't pick up on the comments of the official such as 'we must not only walk the talk, but go beyond the talk.....'- pretty much sums the whole thing up- yet more tired, platitudinal catch-phrases to cover up the inevitable consequent lack of any meaningul action that will let the status quo continue.

    As for Gretas response to the officials 'thank you for coming', I thought it was spot on! :)

  7. 20 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

    That was rather awkward 😂

    1. she is autistic- it is well known that we often require 2 or 3 times longer to process information. 

    what you will tend to get from autistic people is higher than average levels of honesty, integrity and logical thought; what you are less likely to get is snappy answers, fake confidence and false smiles- that is what you have politicians for, and look where that has got you.


    2. she suggests more questions for the other people on the panel- that seems to be interpreted as meaning she feels she is not up to the job- in reality I suspect that she is so sick of the celebrity culture around these events that she wants the reporters to actually address questions to the panel rather than bolster the sickness of celebrity worship.

  8. On 17/10/2021 at 17:57, bluecanary said:

    Pre- booked with City App last night as we had the chance of a rare night out and wanted to be on time for a restaurant reservation.  Ten minutes after the time I had booked for, the app was still apparently "looking for a driver". Gave up and eventually got an uber after 3 attempts with the app.

    Is pre-booking not actually a thing any more? Was I naive to think that by requesting a taxi 2 hours in advance,  it might actually turn up roughly when I wanted it? If I had phoned 2 hours in advance instead,  would that have been any different? What about if I had been trying to get to the train station or to the hospital? Strikes me as being a pretty poor way of running a service!

    Pre-booking never was a thing- all that happens is that 10 minutes before the booking, your job is put on the system for available drivers to take; if there are no available drivers, it won't get taken.


    Booking 2 hrs, or 2 days, in advance would make no difference.


    For some reason, City have become considerably worse than they previously were- on days/times that previously would have had jobs taken within 5 minutues, it is now taking 20+ minutes; to the extent that I've virtually ceased using taxis as it is often quicker to walk.


    I've also spoken to drivers who say they've turned up for a job and the customer has been waiting an hour, with the driver having been sat parked up waiting for a job to appear on the system for the past hour also.

  9. 1 minute ago, Longcol said:

    Therefore nowt to do with covid stats then.


    Glad that's cleared up.

    Causal factors are very relevant to covid stats. Just because a person dies within 28 days of contracting covid, it does not necessarily follow that covid was the cause of death- there may be several causal factors eg damaged heart or other underlying condition.

    As long as the person would not have died if the non covid condition had been absent, then covid was not the  cause of death.

  10. 1 hour ago, Longcol said:

    You should have included the the rest of the quote in the blog linked to -


    "A cause influences a process. If the event isn’t related to a causal process, there can’t be a causal factor. For example, “an alteration of the ball (a mark by a pen, perhaps) is carried with it as the ball goes through the air. On the other hand, an alteration of the shadow (insofar as it is possible) will not be transmitted by the shadow as it moves along.”


    Not really an example of how deaths are recorded on a death certificate is it?


    Nor is it meant to be. It is an explanation of the concept of causal factors.

    49 minutes ago, Longcol said:

    Which is totally irrelevant to the cause of death in the case discussed.

    Hardly- the case was someone with a 'dodgy ticker' [damaged heart] and covid 

    On 12/10/2021 at 11:21, melthebell said:


    Again, you do know how covid works and what it does? its different to flu, flu is respiratory, whereas covid can affect every organ in your body including heart and brain, if you have a dodgy ticker, covid can put additional stress on it which may give you a heart attack, so you died of a heart attack, BUT if you were found to have had covid 28 days preceeding they know covid probably played a part.


  11. 3 hours ago, melthebell said:

    That's exactly why it's 28 days after testing positive. You had covid, it probably pushed your body over it's limit, you died because of covid, cause of death, covid, you may have lived a while longer without catching covid

    Not in the case discussed. There, there are 2 causal factors- a damaged heart and covid.


    https://tulip.co/blog/what-is-the-difference-between-a-causal-factor-a-root-cause/#:~:text=A causal factor can be,reduced its severity or frequency.


    "A causal factor can be defined as any “major unplanned, unintended contributor to an incident (a negative event or undesirable condition), that if eliminated would have either prevented the occurrence of the incident or reduced its severity or frequency. Also known as a critical causal factor or contributing cause.”"


    19 hours ago, Caswall said:

    And that scheme encourages cyclists to hog the middle of a lane, holding back traffic when it IS safe to overtake.   It may be a minority of cyclists who do this, but it is not a small minority.


    Cyclists are most certainly not gifted with divine wisdom which elevates their judgement beyond that of motorists.

    But they are in a much better position to judge when they are in a situation where it would put their safety at risk if the car behind attempted to squeeze past them- it is then both prescribed and appropriate to move temporarily into primary position.

  13. On 12/10/2021 at 11:21, melthebell said:


    Again, you do know how covid works and what it does? its different to flu, flu is respiratory, whereas covid can affect every organ in your body including heart and brain, if you have a dodgy ticker, covid can put additional stress on it which may give you a heart attack...

    So can flu-


    'Studies have shown that flu illness is associated with an increase in heart attacks and stroke. A 2018 study found that the risk of having a heart attack was 6 times higher within a week of a confirmed flu infection.'


    Generally any kind of illness or infection will have some detrimental effect on the body as a whole.

    On 12/10/2021 at 11:21, melthebell said:


    ....... if you have a dodgy ticker, covid can put additional stress on it which may give you a heart attack, so you died of a heart attack, BUT if you were found to have had covid 28 days preceeding they know covid probably played a part.

    In that case it would be unwise to class it as 'death by covid'- there are 2 causal factors there, one is covid, the other is heart damage. Quite possibly, in the absence of covid, the person may have lived. Equally, in the absence of heart damage, the person may well have caught covid and survived unharmed.

  14. Just now, Longcol said:

    Does it make any difference in a discussion about covid (apart from HMG wanting to show fewer covid deaths)?


    It certainly reduces deaths attributable to covid but not flu.

    It just seems strange that for flu, and pretty much any other disease, death stats attempt to log the actual deaths caused by the disease, whereas covid deaths are 'within 28 days of contracting...'.

    Personally, in terms of planning for the futrure pandemics, I would have thought that accurate death stats for the current one, would be a priority.

  15. 1 hour ago, Carbuncle said:

    The doctor signing the death certificate makes a call. As I said before that is available for covid and the death count from covid is twenty odd thousand higher counted that way.


    4 minutes ago, Longcol said:

    Because HMG brought the 28 day limit in to reduce the count of covid deaths.



    And the reason for doing this with covid and not with flu?

  16. 7 minutes ago, Carbuncle said:

    It's not a possibility. Death caused by covid cannot be made precise. Cause of death is an approximate kind of thing.

    Of course, goes without saying. However the same applies to flu, yet we have flu death stats without any of this bizarre 'Died within 28 days of contracting flu'.

  17. 7 hours ago, top4718 said:

    Just imagine in a normal winter flu season if deaths within 28 days of having it had been added to the statistics, would we have had the same hysteria we have now.


    1 hour ago, Carbuncle said:

    If you would prefer to count deaths from covid based on death certificates then the count goes up by twenty odd thousand. 'Died within 28 days of testing positive' did not create the pandemic.

    How about just counting the actual deaths that were actually caused by covid?

  18. On 09/10/2021 at 16:55, Annie Bynnol said:


    These are the Covid requirements for the last full Council meeting on October 6th at Ponds Forge

    PLEASE NOTE: Meetings of the Council have to be held as physical meetings. While ever the Council continues to apply social distancing and other public health safety measures, the meetings of the Council will be held at the Ponds Forge International Sports Centre as this venue can accommodate all 84 Members of the Council, plus officers and a limited number of members of the public within a safe indoor environment. If you would like to attend the meeting, you must register to attend by emailing committee@sheffield.gov.uk at least 2 clear days in advance of the date of the meeting. 




    They are using covid to limit the public from attending their proceedings. First bold- making it clear there is a limit to how many public can attend, while conveniently keeping the actual figure to themselves.

    Second bold- requiring potential attendees to email 2 days in advance; another hoop to jump through, and, from a council which is notorious for having services where emails are routinely ignored and phone numbers which nobody answers.


    On 09/10/2021 at 22:43, HeHasRisen said:

    So they arent stopping anyone attending then, thats another SF myth debunked.

    au contraire- established by the above :)

  19. 2 minutes ago, Delayed said:

    Please point us all in the direction of these non MSM websites that are regulated and provide alternative facts to everything that has been provided to you by the medical expert's.


    I'm happy to be proven wrong

    They are not regulated. That's kind of the point- if they were regulated they'd be presenting the usual 'official narrative'

  20. 2 hours ago, onewheeldave said:

    What they don't have is long term safety testing.


    2 hours ago, melthebell said:

    most drugs dont until theyve been used a lot?

    The safety testing for drugs far exceeds that for vaccines, and no drugs get on the market until they have been tested for long term safety.


    Pre covid, vaccines required levels of testing that were not required under the 'authorisation for emergency supply ' variations used by the US/UK and other governments because of the global pandemic.


    In particular, the usual requirements for long term safety testing were waived.


    I'm not criticising that decision whatsoever, simply pointing out that there was no long term safety testing for the covid vaccines.

  21. 1 minute ago, Annie Bynnol said:

    I went to a funeral yesterday for a relative who was a NHS worker not yet 40.

    You comments are just plain wrong and hurtful.

    There are carers and NHS staff who read these ill-informed and harmful comments of yours and some are struggling more than you realise.




    Relatives of those who died of untreated cancers have hurt feelings as well



  22. 13 minutes ago, nikki-red said:

    A number of Outpatient clinics (not all) were closed/limited.

    The rest of the wards were carrying on as normal, as full as ever. 
    I know this for definite, I work on one 🙄.

    You do know that many people missed out on cancer diagnoses and cancer treatment during that time, don't you?

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