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Everything posted by onewheeldave

  1. I think it's because they are naturists- they tend to like doing things without clothes when it's possible. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naturism
  2. It's you who equated nakedness with some kind of weirdness- it's you who can only see voyeurism as a reason for people who value the right to be naked wanting to get together. Perhaps it would be appropriate for you to take a long hard 'look' at yourself 'Sicko turning up'? I'm sure if a 'sicko' (whatever that means) turns up, I expect the responsible adults there will deal with them? 'sicko' can turn up to any event, for example, a bingo meet, a pub crawl, or a knitting circle- that doesn't mean that bingo meets, pub crawls and knitting circles should require checked membership. I think naturists get so much prejudicial public opposition that keeps their numbers low, that the last thing they need is an obligation to run 'checked membership' at their events. The only difference between naturist events like this, and the other events I just mentioned, is an absence of clothes- enforced 'checked membership' would only further reinforce the unjustified associations with perversion that much of the misguided/confused public seem to tag onto them.
  3. When thinking about it did it not occur that, in addition to the somewhat 'pervy' 2 options you came up with, could be things like 'just prefering the feel of swimming naked', or, simply lacking the strange hang-ups some people have about the naked body? I disagree- I think you are having a go at people. I think on some level you are the type of person who does have a hangup about nakedness and who doesn't like the thought of those who don't, being allowed to get together and enjoy being naked. ---------- Post added 22-02-2013 at 22:48 ---------- And..... What's the problem? Why shouldn't anyone be able to turn up and take part. Why shouldn't under 18's (supervised) be allowed: Naturism isn't restricted only to those aged 18+
  4. Can you explain why some may think it better to swim with swimwear on than naked?
  5. I don't know their 'reasons'- I assume it's the same 'reasons' the BMA are against e-cigs and the same 'reasons' the govt are against them i.e. political lobbying and being bought off. Equally, it could just be the usual knee-jerk hysteria. It would be good if the airlines could publish their 'reasons', then we wouldn't be in the dark? Either way, given that the BMA and the govt seem perfectly happy to try to ban things for no good reason, I hardly think that airlines are going to necessarily be in a position to have a rational viewpoint on e-cigs Lastly, your constant reference to is a total strawman- not a single person here who opposes these attacks on e-cigs is forming their opinion on the basis of what sheffield forum-ers believe. They oppose attacks on e-cigs because they know that there is no good evidence to ban them, because they have personal experience of people who've benefited hugely from e-cigs (i.e. they've quit smoking cigarettes), and/or, because they feel that the attacks are politically motivated and have no rational basis.
  6. Thanks for the links. I'm confused though, from your livejournal; link it sounds like you got your item without having to pay the royal mail charge?
  7. The governments got a good track record of ignoring any advice from it's expert drug advisors that they don't (for political reasons) like, and/or sacking them. ---------- Post added 22-02-2013 at 12:40 ---------- No- I've seen the list of 'reasons' the BMA issued to attempt to justify their dislike of e-cigs: it included nonsense like 'e-cigs make cigarette smoking look appealing', which, as anyone who knows about e-cigs knows, is rubbish (the e-cigs that look like cigarettes aren't any good, and, good e-cigs look nothing liken cigatettes). In the case you quote, the appropriate thing is some form of regulation- which most ecig producers are actaully asking for and in favour of. The BMA are a disgrace, they've obviously been either bought off, or, genuinely are as inept as they appear.
  8. That's why I'm not complaining it that I was complaining about the fact that it's virtually impossible to know it advance what charges will be added on by customs and couriers- it's a shoddy system that needs sorting out. I don't see why paying customers should be paying whatever random demands those companies tag on in the meantime. If you don't mind I'm much more inclined to follow the 'use the advertised service and investigate whether there's actually any legal requirement to pay the apparently random extra charges' route
  9. Why? Because boxings fairly popular. MMA also has big names, huge audiences, celebrity supporters etc, etc. Why, cos it's also fairly popular. A lot of other, non-combat sports are popular as well. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here. (Though I'd question the implication that the presence of pro footballers in the audience is a criteria by which the value of a sport should be judged ) Look- the fact is, boxings big, and, mma's big. Both have some very positive benefits when it comes to training in them, concerning health, fitness, self defense and character building. Shall we just do an online shake of hands and leave it at that?
  10. I'm sorry, but you very much do appear to be putting mma down- otherwise why all the nonsense about boxing being the most respected sport in the world. Respected by who- you? If so, then fair enough, i can fully accept that you really respect boxing, but in no way does that make it the most respected sport in the world. Also, what's this about mma not being 'recognised'?! It's not 'recognised' by the boxing establishment, but, then again, it's not boxing, so why should it be? It's most certainly recognised by the several mma ruling bodies, such as the large and well-established UFC organisation- as are the various world titles earned by the top mma fighters. I'm totally happy if you don't have any problems with mma- that's the way it should be, but, if that's the case, could you at least, when mentioning it, leave out the little put-downs?
  11. That's not possible- the only way you're going to find out what the UK customs charge on a given item, is to order it and see what they charge It's a lottery- sometimes an item gets no charge, other times the same item gets a charge. Now the UK couriers, and, by the sounds of it 'royal'mail too, have got in on the act and charge to escort your item through customs, it's even more of a shoddy lottery. If it were possible to know exactly what charges an item from the US would incur, without several hours research on various obscure customs/courier/royal mail sites (info on which is generally far from easy to find, and, often innacurrate) then they would be no problem. ---------- Post added 21-02-2013 at 19:38 ---------- That's your opinion. Personally, I don't consider it shady. I do consider couriers holding peoples item for ransom to be shady though. Incidently- this did happen to me in the days before I stopped ordering items from the US due to being fedup with getting ripped off by the couriers/customs. After a few phone calls, I established that the courier company had no right to hold items hostage, and, that by paying the customs charge only, i could receive the item, and the couriers would have to bill me for it later on. This suggests that customers can demand to have their item delievered (as long as they're paid the customs fee) and, perhaps simply refuse to pay the courier component? Obviously, if these charges have any basis in law, the customer would be open to getting solicitors letters/court case- however, having watched what's been happening lately with private parking companies and their fake invoices/fake solicitors letters, I wonder if the courier companies threats might be equally unfounded in actual law? If someone decides to test this out, please do post the result.
  12. He's not the most respected sports person in the world- there's no such thing as the most respected sports person in the world. Plenty of people can name many mma champions- Lyoto Machida, Royce Gracie etc, etc. Rhonda Rousy is fighting this weekend- the first time a woman has fought in the UFC. Though, in other mma organisations, womens fights are well established- woman get a lot more respect in mma (and in Thai boxing) than they ever have in boxing, where, for some reason, many of the organisers clearly don't consider it a sport for women to participate in. Plenty of mma gyms in the UK, and, in Sheffield. If you include all the bjj (Brazilian Ju-jutsu) and muay thai/kickboxing gyms that mma practitioners tend to use, then you're spoilt for choice. Fighters get to the level that their skills and committment allows i.e. up to world champion, just like boxing. You are knocking it- like many in the boxing world, you're constantly sniping at mma and implying that it's inferior to boxing- in your case, you're going beyond implication and actually clearly stating it Why, I don't know- most mma practitioners have nothing but respect for boxing- the vast majority train in boxing, as, with the appropriate modifications, it's essential for fighting in the cage. It perplexes me as to why so many in the boxing establishment feel the need to put mma down
  13. You could be seen to be implying that any company that marks purchases as a 'gift' are shady? Bit of an assumption- many companies do so as they consider these charges to be a bit of a scam, they're just looking out for their customers.
  14. It's not a boxer either, is it? There isn't a the most respected sport in the world. Yes, boxing is very good for helping people turn their lives around- many top boxers in interviews state that, in their opinion, if they hadn't got into boxing, they would have ended up in jail, or dead. Then again, many mma fighters say the same thing. Both boxing and mma provide a safe outlet for people to work out, and deal with, aggression, along with disclipline and all the benefits of hard physical training. Boxing is actually well respected amongst the majority of mma practitioners- hand skills are seen as being at the top of fighting basics, along with kicking, grappling and take-down skills.
  15. ??I think you'll find that boxing is not the sport to be in right now, there are several others growing considerably faster- mma being the most obvious, with kickboxing not that far behind. Boxing training is fantastic- exceptionally testing fitness wise, and, considerably more useful for practical self defense than many give it credit for. I would never criticise boxing- I'm just pointing out that it's not the combat sport to be in, there are many others, and each person is suited to some more than others.
  16. He's not hiding from questioning- they're welcome to question him where he is now; but they don't want to do that. What he's hiding from is the fact that, if he goes to Sweden, there's a good chance he'll be extradited to the US.
  17. Here's a clip from BBC watchdog on how these 'invoices' and the following 'solicitors letters' are nothing other than scams made to look official- Here's a list of Watchdog videos from mse- http://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/showthread.php?t=3164256 just ingore the invoices and the letters
  18. http://www.lewrockwell.com/orig11/fetters1.1.1.html The real question here is why the FDA/BMA, and UK/US govts in general, wish to ban e-cigs, and, why they are willing to use invalid arguments and deception to do so.
  19. Why do you think that? Why would using a vapouriser, that looks nothing like a cigarette, encourage anyone to smoke? (Any e-cig that looks like a cigarette cannot possibly have sufficient battery power/battery life to be usable long-term, which is why people who buy them invariably either give up on vaping, or, buy a proper model, which are much bigger than cigarettes, often black and, basically, could never be mistaken for a real cigarette). If anything, seeing people vaping is only going to further make the point that smoking real cigarettes is rapidly going out of fashion.
  20. I can very much recommend Allan Carrs "easy way to give up smoking" book if you've not tried it already. Ecigs have been very effective for my friend (as previously posted), but millions (including me) have been freed from any nicotine consumption whatsoever, by reading this amazing little book.
  21. just got a reply from my friend, which I've copied and pasted below- I thinks it's pretty obvious that he's well into this stuff and some of it is a bit technical, but there's plenty of links for anyone interested to check out: There's so many tailorable options out there and different requirements but I can heartily recommend the ego variable voltage or similar devices. The ability to turn the voltage up or down a little bit for different flavours/throat hit is worth the extra few quid 10 times over. Safety cut offs, button lock. Direct dripping is the most hassle but easily the best flavour, tank systems have compromises but find the right one and you can get close. Liberty flights is my favourite place, excellent service, good prices, points system and they have really well priced, great tasting mixing stuff too. This is also a perfect battery to start with. The normal batteries use PWM sop are more efficient but the ego twist at least uses a buck boost style converter so gives plenty of power but lasts less. I get a week, you'd be hard pressed to nail it in a single day if the larger 100mah version Get a 510 connection and stick with it, most options by far. I'd grab a 5 pack of 3 ohm cartomizers with the 510 fitting by either boge or smoketech to go on that battery. Try one dual coil cartomizer too, again some hate em, I love the extra vapour and warmth, small drag gets dense vapour like a cig experience. Depends on whether you like long or short drags. The variable voltage battery and 3 ohm cartoz give you a big range to try. Don't forget to get the fast usb charger. http://www.liberty-flights.co.uk/product.asp?id=191 Lisa @ Cloud 9 has always been great for me but not the cheapest. They have a juice calculator that makes the mixing totally math free and I use it every time. Basic but really simple and easy to follow. http://www.cloud9vaping.co.uk/epages/yxve46fvrnud.sf/en_GB/?ObjectPath=/Shops/yxve46fvrnud/Categories/ELiquidCalc Read this about mixing and do it first. You do not have to mix your own but it is so much cheaper and you get the chance to tailor every little part of the experience. Some hate it, some only mix their own. Tastes and nic needs change so the ability to add a bit more or slowly ween off is unrivaled. Want more throat hit or vapour production or flavor and you can do just that, mix 5ml at a time. The same juice will taste different in different devices. http://www.totallywicked-eliquid.com/forum/mixing-discussions/mixing-101-11504/ While your head is reeling with all the options and feeling lost, ask daft questions here. He has some AWESOME review videos with fantastic up close detailed reviews too. Check the excellent discount codes for all the shops too, really great. http://www.e-cig-reviews.com/index.html Lastly, bookmark this place. I have tried over a hundred concentrates and at least as many juices and over 80 percent of them are from here whether I bought the, swapped them or tastes my bros. Apple pie mixed 50/50 with ry5 or even ry4 or ry6 with 70% vegetable glyceryne, 30% propyl glycol is my go to at 4v, very satisfying indeed. http://www.be9.net/decadentvapours/ For interest, I use the same batteries as above with the bulli repairable atomizer with ego tank (both sizes) and mix my own juice so I can tweak and control everything, even the resistance of the kanthal wire and how many turns. Outlay is not exactly cheap but my running costs are less than 5 quid a month, usually nothing. Changing a atomizer costs less than 10p rather than 3- 6 quid for a standard 510 atty. Only negative is this tank system strips a bit of flavour, I just add about 5% more. I vape less than 3ml of 8-12mg per ml of juice on a heavy day and usually less than 1/2mm, really not very much. My bro uses standard 3.7v, 510 batteries but low resistance cartomizers in a tank for large reservoir and buys juice only. He is a monster and can vape up to 30ml of juice in a long weekend but usually less. That should be good for starters but there's some youtube channels and even vape tv if they want to go deeper Leave out my name but your welcome to copy and paste the lot.
  22. I don't use them personally, but I've got a good friend who's very into them, and has used them to quit tobacco. I know he's got a lot of info and advice from some ecig forums, so I'll ask him which boards he recommends and post them on here.
  23. The e-cigs that actually look like cigarettes aren't any good- very limited battery life etc: most users will quickly move on to a more advanced model, and those tend to not look anything like real cigarettes. Using proper e-cigs that look nothing like cigarettes, will obviously not 'normalise smoking'- quite the opposite- they will make it apparent that more and more people are quitting cigarettes in droves.
  24. 3 people on this thread are bickering. I only mention it cos, usually, when you post on a thread it's a pre-cursor to it getting locked, which would be a shame, given that it's totally clear which individuals are actually responsible.
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