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Everything posted by onewheeldave

  1. I have nothing to hide and I object. As do a significant portion of the UK population, how you could seriously think otherwise is staggering.
  2. pretty much covered here- Not that it's particularly relevant to the point you were raising, which was your brother-in-law being embaressed by being pulled in by the police- like i like before, that could be avoided, for those who wish it, by simply giving a voluntary DNA sample to the police.
  3. Well there's an easy solution to anyone who has your concerns- you, your brother and anyone else who feels the same, can simply turn up at the local police station and volunteer to have a DNA sample taken and put on record. That way you can avoid the embarressment of being picked up for crimes you haven't committed. Meanwhile, those of us who do care about our civil liberties, can refrain from doing so.
  4. That's your opinion. Fortunately the law disagrees and cyclists are not legally obliged to use the cycle lanes. The road is not your lane- it's for everyone, including cyclists.
  5. I got a 'Charge Plug' a few days back. It's been an interesting transition from the road unicycle. I think the unicycles fixed gear nature has helped me adapt to the fixed gear on the bike, but the bikes a much higher gear- a bit over 70" (42t and 16t) and some of the hills which were merely tough on the uni, are brutal on the bike. It's a lot of fun riding it though- apart from the simplicity, ease of maintenance and connection to the road, I'm also enjoying the unexpected silence (no clicking gears or freewheel noise). If anyone's into meeting up for a ride, preferably S6/town area (there's at least 2 of us with fixies around the Langsett road/crookesmoor area) then post in this thread and we'll arrange it. Incidently, does anyone know if the 'critical mass' style bike ride that used to happen on occasional Fridays starting outside the train station is still going?
  6. My unicycle is a fixie Very low gear compared to most fixie-bikes though, direct drive to a 26" wheel, with slightly shorter than normal cranks (150mm), probably giving a gear in the low 30 inches. Advantage of that is that there isn't a single hill (with a road on it) that I can't get up on the uni (including Blake Street); though, obviously, top speed on the flats is a bit limited I think unicycles have got similar benefits to fixies for health, as they require the back-pressure on the pedals for descending hills etc, with the additional benefits of a good workout for the core muscles, as the riding position is totally upright and control is via the abdominal and back muscles. I did recently seriously consider getting a Marin Hamilton single speed mountain bike, with flippable hub (single speed freewheel on one side and fixed on the other)- but, instead I got a folding bike. Still find myself mainly riding the unicycle though. A good tip for anyone wanting to ride unicycles outdoors- avoid the little 20" wheel models like the plague- they're good for learning on and, good for specialised stuff like trials and unicycle hockey- but, to actually go any distance on them is an exercise in frustration.
  7. Why don't you move house? If you don't like the attitude of the residents where you live, then you move house and live in a place where late-night noise and rowdiness is acceptable?
  8. What's the problem?- if people who live in small towns that have pubs whose customers, rather than just having a drink, insist on making so much racket that the neighbours complain and get the pub shut down; and, don't like it, then they can simply move to central sheffield instead. Loads of pubs, loads of noise, no complaints. People should chill out more
  9. Most people who get tattooists are well-adjusted individuals- they do not hate their bodies- they just happen to love the look of ink in skin. Especially those who put in the time to do the considerabler amount of research necessary to get an exceptional piece (checking out the reputation of the artist, spending many hours planning what design they want, reading tattoo mags, talking to others who've got good work on them etc, etc). Far from 'hating' thier bodies, they appreciate and respect them enough to want to accentuate them with this unique art which has been a part of human culture for as long as it has existed. That's not to say that all tattoos are good looking and well-thought-out, of course- the cliched 'spider-web-on-side-of-neck' or pieces done by 'artists' obviously selected soley on the criteria of the cheapest rate, are possibly indicators that the recipients sense of resect for their body is not as high as it could be. But, there is no justification in grouping all tattooed individuals into that category, especially with the improved techniques and the incredible advances that have enabled modern tattoos to be genuine works of art. In anticipation of the inevitable 'but what will they look like when they're 70??!' Answer- They'll look much the same as any other 70 year old i.e. any observers who dislike wrinkled 70 year old skin will no doubt think they look terrible, but, presumably, they'll also not be admiring of any 70 year old without ink either? And of course, the majority of those who have the self-confidence to know what they like (tatttoos) and the will the actually get it done, don't give a toss about the opinions of those who feel the need to condemn, critisise or comment on what they've chosen to do with their own bodies. Personally, I can't understand the attitude of those who don't get inked- if I was a intolerant busy-body, I'd be wondering what it is they hate about thier skin so much that they'd not want to decorate it, or what low self-esteem they must have to be so fearful of what others might say, that they'd lack the courage to get a tattoo, etc, etc. But, I don't think like that, because, what an individual chooses to do (or not do) to their own body, is none of my business- I certainly wouldn't judge a persons self-esteem or bodily opinion on the grounds of their lack of tattoos.
  10. I've unicycled up both Conduit and Blake St. on many occasions. Conduit is a doddle compared to Blake Street
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