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  1. If any one who worked for the above steel firms is drawing a pension from them could you please let me know who is the holder and who I need to contact. I have been informed that the pension was taken over by British Steel but this has not been confirmed. Any info would be most welcome,. Many thanks
  2. Hadfields was on Vulcan Road The exit was where the roundabout is at the main road The main entrance to Hadfields was behind the Sainsbury petrol station towards Meadow hall. Tiny Rolland bought out Hadfields and Brown Bayleys. As a property developer it is not suprising that Hadfields turned into Meadow hell, Brown Baileys turned into the sports stadium and arena, BB sports ground is the airport. I do wonder is the council had fingers in this Every working day 100 buses would park on Vulcan road waiting for the 4 oclock finish, another 100 buses would come back for 5 oclock
  3. I was at Hurlfield 1968-72. I have seen a few posts in this forum some very scant so I thought I would add a few memories to help jog the brain cells of other old boys. Mr Houdmont Dep Head what a nice man but very handy with a stick, He used to take class in the corridor and god help them, mind you I bet they learned something. Enter Mr Adams the new head I don’t remember much of him Mrs Green Girls Dep Head very aloof. She had a thing about the Foyer, only time I saw her flustered was when the leaving year float condoms on the indoor fish pond and Mr White tried to hook the out with a stick Mr Carr wood work a bully and a sadist. Metal work was by a teacher that thought homework was about writing pages and pages of notes. I think it deformed my fingers Mr Eric Hartley did RE and fencing he was also the medic. I liked Eric, every year his class was turned into a toy repair shop for xmas and the local charity. Mr P Hartley English Keith Turton liked cricket Mr Greenough Geography and science. Do you remember when the prep lab blew up, I bet Myers sr does. Did the Duke of Teds a very dedicated teacher? Pedro Jennings sometimes science teacher sometimes mountaineers another good man. Mr Foot Maths. Would put all the work on a black board then spend the rest of the lesson colouring in a huge slipper. At the end of class, he would select some poor sole at random and the wack them on the a**e to see what the pattern looked like. There was a History teacher that could rip a telephone book in half as a deterrent to unrulily boys. He used to split the class in half to re-enact the battles from the civil war, Marston Moor was particularly bloody, again. Mr Pringle PE slippered everyone for any reason Mr Arthur Bromby, best PE teacher ever, had heart surgery, see the scar, murder ball in the gym on wet days. Short teacher who did music. Liked folk songs from around the world. Like… Oh my Darling; Navigating on the Eire canal, or Snip go the shears boys. Not so much taught as brainwashed Brian Standing, Big deep voice ran the youth club he was a friend to all I never saw him have a cross word with anyone There was an arts teacher with a limp, ran a fishing club. The other arts teacher who spent most of the time reading the works of Homer and Troy. He taught pottery after school. Mr Savage French and the language lab sheer torture by reel to reel, merde Ca Va! Then the girls came and brought an influx of female teachers.
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