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Prettytom last won the day on September 28

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  1. I fundamentally disagree with that point. If I take issue with something that someone posts, I should be able to say so. I do that frequently, to many different posters. At the moment, if I do that in response to certain posters then I get attacked in a very concerted manner and my posts get reported and deleted.. I suspect that the perpetrators would like to get me banned. They are certainly trying to silence me. None of which makes for a very interesting or instructional forum.
  2. Seriously SF, if you are going to allow a select few people to dictate what gets published on here, it won’t be long until there is nothing left. I’ve just legitimately challenged a series of dubious posts. You’ve deleted the posts and the challenge, presumably because someone 🙄 reported them. We either debate stuff as equals, or we accept that admin and subscribers call the shots. I’ll be off it it is the latter. I don’t think I’ll be the only one.
  3. There are loads of obtuse comments on this forum. Why did you single out that one for special attention?
  4. Doesn’t seem very costly to ensure proper access to health services. It will probably pay for itself several times over by improving health outcomes for refugees who are settling here.
  5. Now I see. I’m stuck in the past, not for the first time😁 https://www.gov.uk/power-of-attorney
  6. I think we mean the same thing. Whilst you do your parents, it might be an idea to do your own. Who knows what is round the corner. https://www.gov.uk/enduring-power-attorney-duties
  7. I thought that I had flu(e)😁 but I decided to do a Covid test this morning. I have Covid again, which has wrecked my weekend plans.
  8. I made my will about 20 years ago. I’ve just made an appointment to update it. I’ve just watched a young man die, with assets, but without a will. By the time anyone thought about it, he wasn’t able to make one. Not having a will has caused quite a bit of unpleasantness, which could have been avoided with some forethought. It doesn’t take long, or cost much, so please think about it. I’m also about to apply for an enduring power of attorney, for when I finally make no sense to anyone. These things need doing in advance.
  9. Nice to see a bit of grown up government happening. It is depressing to see the usual suspects on here, flogging their usual dead horses
  10. I’ve spent most of the summer in London and only drove when I had big, heavy stuff to pick up. Otherwise. Public transport was quicker and cheaper. That’s not the case here and it is time that we didn’t have to settle for a third class service. I drive to most places in Sheffield, because it is quicker and cheaper than the bus.
  11. The pedestrians have to get there though. Which calls for a mix of solutions.
  12. In which case, I hope that the council have plans for safer car parking and better public transport . The road is wide enough to accommodate a decent amount of parking. Anything else will have a detrimental effect on local businesses.
  13. Nice to see the council taking steps to sort out a serious problem. The average speed cameras are the main thing, I’m not sure that it requires much else. They are all over the place in Nottingham and the traffic there seems much calmer than in Sheffield.
  14. All the young people are probably in their spare rooms, WFH. My lovely Nether Edge street has a proper mix of people. Thats what I like about the area.
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