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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. Ah so its just plain paranoia of authority now. I see.
  2. ...and you can still use all other routes to leave the area. Aye, fully expecting some garbage like that in reply, assuming she bothers to reply.
  3. He was digging me out over a comment weeks ago where I said I dont really care that in some instances an unexempt engine in a van would be exempt if it was moved to a car. Unfair? Yes. But it doesnt impact me so I dont really give a toss.
  4. There is nothing written from any organisation seeking to bring in the concept of a 15 minute neighbourhood/city (call it what you like) that this will stop people from leaving an area. This is not opinion. It is fact. Feel free to point us in the direction of something from a local or planning authority that states this is what the aim of the concept is. Tinfoil conjecture from the likes of GB News, Manchester Truthers, Right Said Fred or Katie Hopkins does not count.
  5. I better not say anything about Soylent green or the Jewish lizards as I will get accused of making stuff up...
  6. So you are paying 25p more for 50% less. I generally find the own brand coffees to be perfectly acceptable tbh.
  7. Hi there Mike. Please quote the posts you refer to and I will ensure I reply to them. I have already told you I dont really care if older private cars will end up getting charged as I drive a nice shiny new(ish) 72 plate car and so will be unaffected. Enjoy your day
  8. Ha, its a fair point. Suppose if Biden wants to go again there is nothing anyone can do to stop him, given he is the incumbent. As for the other rabble, they should give Ron DeSantis a go, he is only in his mid 40s.
  9. You missed the word "concept", I dont believe for a minute it will be happening near me. New builds maybe, but thats likely it.
  10. Its absolutely bonkers that someone with all this hanging over him is allowed to still run for President. Would a policeman under investigation still be allowed to be on the streets, or a surgeon accused of killing someone during surgery be allowed to still operate on people? He may be innocent but he should be nowhere near politics until this is all dealt with.
  11. Maybe, in which case he isnt comparing like for like anyway. Its also £2.50 in Asda currently https://groceries.asda.com/product/regular-instant-coffee/nescafe-original-instant-coffee/35835 The Rich Roast he talks of is double the quantity for 10% less money https://groceries.asda.com/product/regular-instant-coffee/asda-rich-roast-instant-coffee/26484
  12. Where are you getting 200g of Nescafe for two quid? Its £4.50 in Asda currently and thats on a Price Lock promo https://groceries.asda.com/product/regular-instant-coffee/nescafe-original-instant-coffee/36467 Genuinely would like to know where its two quid so I can go and get some, thanks.
  13. I know someone who until 2 years ago was a perfectly normal middle aged bloke. Two years later, he is a dedicated devotee of Turtleboy, who is a mega-right wing American podcaster, even has a fleece he wears of his, stays up overnight to listen to his live Youtube videos, and is even planning on going to Boston next month without his family to meet him. He now pollutes his FB feed with bizarre right wing ramblings, mainly concerning American events that dont get mainstream coverage over here. Its bizarre.
  14. Erm, yes you did. I will quote it again, for you... ^^^^
  15. "Only moderators are allowed to take the p*ss out of people on a forum". Interesting claim.
  16. Ive spent 81 (now 82) pages debunking it all and/or taking the urine out of those spreading lies, try reading the words. Nuance isnt your strong point, clearly.
  17. This was my favourite lie of all. A scheme that hasnt even started yet, that doesnt fine people for leaving an area anyway. Absolute tripe.
  18. Because idiots keep making stuff up. Stuff like: - we will all be in communal housing - you wont be allowed to leave the area - you wont be allowed on motorways And so on. 81 pages of it. Tripe after tripe after tripe. The opening post is perhaps the most inaccurate post I have ever read on here, she soon scuttled off.
  19. Perfectly accurate in the context of Anna's post. Feel free to ask for an explanation if you dont understand it.
  20. No, I dont discriminate, if I think a male is an idiot I will happily say so. No time like the present....
  21. The job is probably the problem. Its tiny, and they likely wont see it as worth bothering with given the demand out there at the moment. Maybe try a generic handyman instead.
  22. Are you claiming that no other city has beggars and homeless people then? Thats the whole point of this thread.
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