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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. Its like what I posted in another thread a few days ago, just tries to turn every thread into a brainnumbening (is that a word?) argument. And now he is accusing you of being sexist 🤣
  2. I dont go in Costa either, not sure why you think I do. Sometimes nip in the Greggs to get my free coffee there twice a week. Total cost = £0.00.
  3. Are we finally going to get an answer to this btw? She can do as she likes, if she wants to mention the disgraced antisemetic ex-Labour leader at every opportunity possible thats her lookout. Now can you answer the above please?
  4. Well no, thats isnt right at all. Not even half an hour since this....
  5. Looks like you missed this bit Organgrinder. Let's try again.
  6. No, she is just being selective with replies, as per.
  7. It was more laughing with your continuing obsession with the disgraced antisemitic ex-leader of the Labour Party. But crack on.
  8. Im not being silly, I pay there to avoid being charged, loads do it, nothing to do with being silly. Settle down, it wasnt a critisism.
  9. For god sake, it was clearly a tongue in cheek paraphrasing of some of the posts made on this very Forum on the subject, two of which I have since quoted verbatim. A member of this forum has stated that we wont be allowed to use motorways and we will all be housed in communal blocks. Any comment?
  10. Glad I aint the only cheapskate on here parking there to avoid the Rother Valley parking charge 😁
  11. It doesnt help that you dont understand what they are, despite having it explained to you countless times. You say you are disabled - I assume its a learning disability rather than a physical one?
  12. Dear god. Here you go @Organgrinder! Hope this quote is stupid enough for you. In this very thread! Oh, have another one... "Motorways will soon be for buses/coaches and lorries/vans transporting goods around the country; private cars won't be allowed to use them"
  13. The Little Mermaid (live action remake) - 8/10 Much much better than The Lion King and Jungle Book live action efforts, very entertaining.
  14. Point taken but to take the leap to "wE aRe AlL gOiNg To Be PeNnEd In AnD nOt AlLoWeD tO lEaVe ThE lOcAl AreA!!!" is a bit odd. Someone on this thread has posted somewhere on this forum that nobody will be allowed to use motorways and we all be forced into communal housing ffs.
  15. Probably the made-up bit where the Death Eaters and Big Pharma keep everyone in communal blocks by force, or something.
  16. Fair enough, still no idea why they let you on in the first place unless it's an empty condition and they aren't overly bothered.
  17. I have no idea how you got away with that then, they have needed people going onto it since at least June to have one https://octopus.energy/tracker-faqs/ I wouldnt be pointing this out to them!
  18. They changed the eligibility a couple of months ago, you now need one to go onto it as a newbie. To be fair you are better off having one if going on it, for example the other week I was paying 8p a unit on Sunday so saved everything until then and I will be billed for my units that day at that price, if you dont have a smart meter that just take an average of the unit price over the month and bill you accordingly.
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