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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. You are aware Skipton and Todmorden are 28 miles apart by road, aren't you?
  2. Now now, let's not jump to lazy stereotypes. I bet someone some lucky heather that this would happen Anyway, off to triple-padlock my shed.
  3. I can't believe the Council paid for libraries for decades. They should have also paid for provision for people who hate reading.
  4. Pretty sure the Police routinely park on yellow lines too. And fire engines.
  5. Electric 11.5p tomorrow @The_DADDY, put yer washing off until then.
  6. Aye, councils are awash with money mate. Richest organisations in the world making obscene profits. Oh....
  7. https://www.thestar.co.uk/news/sheffield-city-council-explains-why-demolishing-hillsborough-leisure-centre-is-necessary-4234594
  8. I have no idea. How would one incident equal "dossers and scumbags hanging out" there?
  9. A box of grass seed and it will be fine....
  10. You have to send the picture to the Rothschilds and also Klaus Schwab at the WEF, they both approve it, they send it back to you via chemtrails and it appears on the forum.
  11. Its disgusting mate, it should be a branch of Cockaynes instead, or Cole Brothers. Or, just knock the building down and make a new Hole In The Road instead. Eeeee, nostalgia.
  12. Wow, bringing my dead father into it now for absolute no reason, how classy.
  13. "And again, not a word about the subject - what a brain"
  14. Well its actually £26.50 https://devonshirebaslow.com/main-menu/ From the description it sounds delicious. All the prices probably reflect the quality of produce. If you want a cheaper option, go somewhere that its cheaper.
  15. I really dont understand this outrage about a pie meal in a decent restaurant costing £16, even in places like the Beefeater in Chesterfield you are paying £13.50 for one, is an extra £2.50 really a stretch? https://www.beefeater.co.uk/en-gb/main-menu/beefeater_main_menu_band3.pdf Its £14 down the Broadfield https://www.thebroadfield.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/BF-Food-Menu-June-2023-Calories-PRINT-5.pdf Place I am going to in a few weeks whilst away charges £16.99 for their "Famous Homemade Traditional Steak Pie". None of the above are extortion to my mind.
  16. And they said, Is not this Joseph's son? And he said unto them, Ye will surely say unto me this proverb, Physician, heal thyself: whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum, do also here in thy country.
  17. OK so are you also going to claim that Wembley wont take debit and credit card payments for their multi-year tickets? https://www.clubwembley.com/membership/one-twenty How about the Irish Rugby federation? https://www.irishrugby.ie/ireland/tickets/ten-year-tickets/ Worthing Fc? https://worthingfc.com/2023/04/limited-10-year-season-tickets-on-sale-now/ Oh, and Bath FC took debit card payments for their 10 year tickets. Funny that eh? https://www.surveyhero.com/c/patron10
  18. Every thread has to turn into a tedious argument when Organgrinder gets involved, doesnt it? Arguing about a video he hasnt even watched ffs.
  19. Well the last bit isnt entirely accurate now is it? But point taken. Ive told people on here countless times how to get cheaper unit rates tbh, and I think only @The_DADDY actually bothered to take the hint.
  20. Provide the link to prove this reason then, its quite simple.
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