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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. She wants to be able to buy 20 packs of paracetamol at a time so she can overdose, obviously.
  2. Private operator in wanting to make a profit shocker.
  3. I did like that in reply to one Tweet on Saturday from someone moaning that the site was opening late, they suggested that they fill the time going to visit the bars and cafes in Hillsborough. Aye, like they give a stuff about those places the rest of the time.
  4. What's the problem? He could be stood all day at the spy hole in the door watching outside, this is no different. Saying that, if he is asking you if you picked dog mess up tell him to mind his own business.
  5. Very much open. "She" has had a shocker here. Again.
  6. How many other big music festivals in the UK are held on concrete? Genuine question. No matter what park this was held in this weekend it was always going to end up a quagmire.
  7. Do wonder what arrangement they have in regards to "putting right" the park afterwards, it would have ended up the same no matter what park it was held in this weekend tbh. Wouldn't be surprised to see a Tweet saying today has been cancelled. No rain now but 48 hours worth surely has taken a toll.
  8. You still haven't read it properly. Here, even made it easier for you love.
  9. Shouldn't give any beggar money tbh, look up the Help Us Help scheme.
  10. Try reading his post again. Properly, this time.
  11. I use the round bit at the top of a door key instead of a pound coin.
  12. Well jump in a taxi and go to Hillsborough then. Obviously you will need a ticket first.
  13. Nice try. Can't imagine an oldie like you having any interest in standing round a park all day paying a fortune to watch a load of guitar bands.
  14. And again, you live eight (?) miles away from it, why on earth are you bothered if the streets surrounding it are shut?
  15. Flew back from Prague a few years ago, Jet2, plane landed at LBA, the moment it landed (still on the runway here) about 50 Czechs got up and started getting their bags 😂
  16. Yes, and its annoys me too. Only commoners do it tbf.
  17. Sensible enough advice tbf, although as said multiple times now ringing Openreach is a non starter. Given he hasnt even considered speaking to his ISP via web chat or email, quite clearly he needs some help, pointing out the obvious isnt going to hurt.
  18. He doesnt need to, he knows everything already, obviously.
  19. Surely your car insurance are sorting you out a courtesy car in the meantime?
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