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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. Pretty sure her alter ego said she was mortgage free, she needs to make her mind up.
  2. And if you paid on a card you would be charged the actual price (18p in this example), as it is done in the Czech Republic.
  3. Not as such, as an example the Czech Republic uses the koruna and the lowest multiple coin is the 1 koruna but shops still display prices in two decimal point increments. Debit/credit card payments the exact amount is taken, cash payment they use the overall total and then round up. So a banana for 0.6 koruna and an apple for 0.3 koruna would cost you 1 koruna in total, and not 2. @Padders its a sensible suggestion to be honest.
  4. I get the impression Cuttsie didnt arrange a private/work pension and he is a bit bitter about it, 2nd time you mentioned that this week 🤣
  5. If its this, well its in its 9th year, and its always been held in midweek https://www.sheffieldgrandprix.com/ Dont recall seeing the 8 previous threads moaning the toss. Is the closure (bar Arundle Gate) a bit earlier this year then?
  6. Should he be driving a clapped out Morris Minor then? Bill Gates has donated millions (billions?) to charity, do you think he lives in a caravan?
  7. In many of the photos they are posting the ticket machines all seem to be "out of service". its as if its a planned campaign involving the station staff to turn all the machines off for 10 minutes in order to get the photo taken. Maybe I am just a cynic though.
  8. My Facebook wall of late seems to be full of promoted posts by the RMT, posting pictures of queues at ticket offices to try and prove their point people still use them. Some of the pictures look years old and most are at major stations, where they are obviously going to be used,. The village I grew up in has one train an hour in each direction and as far as I know STILL has a manned ticket office, surely thats just a waste.
  9. It's after 10pm now so a better chance now than when you posted the above 😂
  10. Some people on here want prisoners locked up 23.99 hours of the day, stop it with talk like this 😂
  11. You literally live the other side of the city nowhere near it, why do you care? 😂
  12. Of course it bloody is 🤣 they wouldnt need to relax visa rules if that pesky vote hadnt happened.
  13. Well yes, this is admitting its been a total disaster. Who woulda thunk it.
  14. Hard to remember, I was drinking quite freely in all the pubs in my village from the start of Sixth Form onwards (was just about to turn 17).
  15. Must be true if its on the front page of a quality publication like The Sun.
  16. No its opposite where All Bar One is in town, just round the corner from Leopold Square.
  17. Most of the oldies go to the Bessemer, I believe.
  18. Did you actually read my post? Do any of those parks fit all three criteria? Norfolk park certainly isnt flat in large areas.
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