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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. An answer to my question would be nice? Or was it just an anti-student soundbite that you hadn't really thought through?
  2. What do you think the side effects will be of getting people in full time education to pay this? All students? Even those in halls?
  3. No issue there, in the main it's a tax on stupidity. If you can't read big signs or stick to parking areas for the agreed time you deserve to be fleeced.
  4. Indeed it is. So now we are going to get a new thread for every single thought instead. Great decision 🙄
  5. Minus wholesale pricing between midnight and 5pm tomorrow means that tomorrow's Octopus Tracker electric rate in Yorkshire is, wait for it.... 7.84p 😂😂
  6. Should learn to read road signs then mate. Weeks?!?! Hand your licence back in.
  7. Well yes this upgrade won't change much. Would like to know how many fixed penalties have been issued for incorrectly formatted plates in the last year, for instance.
  8. How about a week sightseeing in Italy whilst relentlessly posting on here?
  9. Currently a fixed penalty notice. This will upgrade it. The number I see on the road though the police clearly are too busy doing other things to enforce it anyway.
  10. Minus wholesale pricing between 11am and 4pm again, last time this happened (only a fortnight ago) it went even lower on the Sunday. Gas being down 20% or so this week helps also.
  11. Still have no idea what a "tranny" is as above though. Maybe I am too young.
  12. Uxxx xxx was missed out when the new system came in, from what I have found. So maybe he means that, its an invalid plate number. See the answer to the first question here - https://dvlaregistrations.dvla.gov.uk/help/?id=STYLE_REG_FOR_SALE#style_reg
  13. No issues with the deterrents being suggested tbf, they know the plates are illegal and are clearly swapping them over for the MOT, so there isnt any ignorance here.
  14. I honestly thought plates like this were an MOT fail, is this not the case? Or do these idiots simply swap the plates over for the MOT and then put the illegal ones back on again?
  15. Down to 11.1p tomorrow. May go even lower Sunday again.
  16. It is for the cohort of people likely to use it, mind.
  17. Which is odd as when the original city centre circular was binned, people were straight on here to moan the toss. Bizarre.
  18. Nice that another of my fans wants to engage with me 😍
  19. I am debunking it as an insane idea from a (now) nobody. It's done exactly what the paper wanted though, getting people frothing at the mouth. Well done.
  20. It's a better answer than "to pay for counsellors parties", which is just an idiotic suggestion.
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